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Author: Leslie Eastman

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Leslie Eastman

I am an Environmental Health and Safety Professional, as well as a science/technical writer for a variety of news and professional publications. I have been a citizen activist since 2009, and am one of the co-founders of the San Diego-based group, Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition.

Recently, I have been reflecting on the power of choice. As a citizen activist, I work to ensure that Americans make fully informed voting choices.  This attitude carries over to my selection of post topics. For example, when one disgraceful businesswoman attempts to persuade college students to...

A California state senator has cooked-up a bill that combines: New York City's nanny-state "Big Gulp" bans.  Small businesses fees to pay for excessive compliance requirements. Distribution of power to unelected bureaucrats to enforce the vaguely worded legislation. Talk about recipe for failure! Steven Frank's California has the details on...

One of the October highlights in San Diego is the MCAS Miramar Air Show. My husband and son have a father/son day at the event, as they are both aviation enthusiasts.  My boy especially adores the Blue Angels, and loves to see them practice in the...

My son just earned his Space Exploration Merit Badge in Boy Scouts. So, we were very interested to learn about plans to rope-an-asteroid for closer study: The plan would speed up by four years the existing mission to land astronauts on an asteroid by bringing the space...

Susan A. Patton, a  Princeton University alumna who was among the 200 'pioneer' women enrolled in the Ivy League school in 1973, penned a fascinating letter to the editor of the Daily Princetonian addressed to the "daughters I never had." Here’s what nobody is telling you:...

I have a confession to make:  I am a woman who is vexed by today's feminists. For example, just because Margaret Thatcher wasn't a "social justice warrior" as one of the most influential Western leaders during one of the most formative times in the modern era,...

Cyprus has been given more flaming hoops to jump through for its economic bailout. BBC News Business is reporting that Cypriots will be asked to make further financial sacrifices: The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is contributing 1bn euros, says they are "challenging" and will require "great...

An important premise of "The American Dream" is that a college education guarantees a successful career. However, that dream is slipping away -- unless being a coffee shop barista is the job goal.  Ben Casselman of the Wall Street Journal takes a look at a recent...

I have an update on a legal hearing involving UCLA’s Dr. James Enstrom, whose brave whistleblowing actions involving the school's Department of Environmental Health Sciences cost him his job. William Creeley, the Director of Legal and Public Advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education...

It looks like the first day of banking in Cyprus after a post-bailout shut-down went swimmingly: The president of Cyprus said on Friday the risk of bankruptcy had been contained and the country had no intention of leaving the euro, in a speech laden with criticism...

Earlier this week, I noted that the banks in Cyprus will be opening Thursday, once the regular people had time to embrace the levy and understand all the awesome goodness in the new bailout plan. Shockingly, the Cypriots are still not down with the political solution...

I was reviewing World War I history with my son yesterday. The global-scale conflict started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, on June 28, 1914.  This event set in motion a series of diplomatic incidents that led inexorably to the...

Cyprus has certainly shaken up the world. Our Congress is now addressing concerns over the European Union demands that a percentage of Cypriot deposits be seized before it bails-out the banks on the Mediterranean island.  There are reports that Cyprus still may seize bank accounts, but...

Last week, we took a look at 2 graphic debunking recent climate change hysteria. Recently, even more evidence was presented by British scientist David Whitehouse, the Science Editor of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. Despite the organization's name, Whitehouse's group held firm that their data indicate...

They can sit in the dark for Earth Hour, we'll spend the hour celebrating the modern world, starting 8:30 p.m. local time everywhere...

One of the iconic "proofs" of man-made global warming is the infamous "hockey stick" graph". [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="448"] "Hockey Stick" graph.[/caption] Skeptics questioned the statistics and data used to generate the graph.  So, as Powerline's John Hinderaker noted, "a group of climate alarmists headed by Shaun Marcott,...

UCLA's Dr. James Enstrom is one of my personal heroes of the "Tea Party" movement. The importance of his work on behalf of Californians cannot be understated. The Environmental Health Sciences professor has been fighting the false science behind some of our state's most onerous regulations for...