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Author: Kemberlee Kaye

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Kemberlee Kaye

Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection, where she has worked since 2014 and is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She also serves as the Managing Editor for, a research project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

She has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and US Senate re-election campaigns, among others. 

Kemberlee, her daughter, and her son live a lovely taco-filled life in their native Texas.

You can reach her anytime via email at kk @

It's been a long times since I did a Baby Walt update post. Over a year, in fact. For a few reasons. One -- that he's doing so well. And two, it's hard. Hard to venture back into two years ago when my little man made a dramatic arrival, turned blue, and was whisked away in a helicopter to another hospital where he wasn't expected to make it through the night.

This is really something else. Far be it from the Biden administration to accept any responsibility for sky-high grocery prices, instead, they're blaming Big Meat. In a question regarding inflated price of everything, Press Sec Psaki blamed, "the greed of meat conglomerates." Really.

We'll be in San Diego next month and would love the opportunity to put screen names to faces. Coincidentally, our last in-person reader reception was in Los Angeles before the world shut down and life was flipped inside out. We're excited to get out and about and look forward to seeing some of y'all there.

In February, the Legal Insurrection Foundation launched We began by cataloguing instances of diversity and equity training, critical race training, and other such curriculum, events, and happenings on close to 150 college campuses. Immediately upon its introduction to the public, the site exploded. Not literally, but the site garnered 1 million page views overnight and our inboxes were flooded.

From the Department of I CAN'T ROLL MY EYES HARD ENOUGH comes Rep. Cori Bush, renown fringist, referring to mothers (that would be women who birth children) as "birthing people." Birthing people. BIRTHING PEOPLE.