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Author: Kemberlee Kaye

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Kemberlee Kaye

Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection, where she has worked since 2014 and is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She also serves as the Managing Editor for, a research project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

She has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and US Senate re-election campaigns, among others. 

Kemberlee, her daughter, and her son live a lovely taco-filled life in their native Texas.

You can reach her anytime via email at kk @

Today's edition of Why local governments can be the absolute worst takes place in my home breaks. If you haven't had your coffee yet, this story is enough to get your blood pumping. Two churches nestled in what used to be one of Houston's roughest neighborhoods are fighting back against the city. The Latter Day Deliverance Revival Center was established in the fifth ward in 1965 by Bishop Roy Lee Kossie. A few years later, Pastor Quinton Smith began pastoring at the Christian Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, also in the fifth ward. Both churches have grown and have had a positive impact on their community in each year since their establishment. Building a youth ministry center, a church-run food bank, and creating outreach programs for gang members, drug addicts, and alcoholics, the churches continue their work to transform the fifth ward. “When we moved in to this area, it was considered the highest crime rate area in the city of Houston. People shot first and asked questions later. But we loved these people. We loved this community. We knew this was exactly where we needed to be,” said Kossie.

Under Democratic Mayor de Blasio's tutelage, a crime wave has settled over Manhattan's iconic green space. Beleaguered by muggers and other hoodlums, Central Parks is no longer the safe haven in the middle of Manhattan that it once was. With no substantive ideas or plans to curb the sudden onset of violence, Central Park's degeneration seems be an indefinite, yet completely preventable misfortune. The New York Post has chronicled the increase of criminal activity in NYC's beloved park where muggings have doubled from this time last year.
Though felony assaults are down in the park this year, misdemeanor assaults are up. There were 15 misdemeanor assaults between Jan. 1 and July 26 of this year, as opposed to 11 for the same period last year. And narcotics arrests in the park have more than doubled this year. There were 23 drug busts between Jan. 1 and July 26 of this year, as opposed to 10 for the same period last year. Still, the number of criminal summonses has taken a nose dive, Perhaps pointing to more lax enforcement if such quality of life offenses as loitering, disorderly conduct, or public drinking and urinating. Between Jan. 1 and July 26, parks cops wrote 2,100 summonses. But during the same months of last year, they wrote 3,026 summonses.

As promised by the Center for Medical Progress, each undercover Planned Parenthood video released is more damning than the last. The latest and most horrifying video yet, the fifth installment shows Planned Parenthood officials in Houston selling fully intact aborted babies. Be forewarned, the following footage is incredibly graphic and disturbing. Proceed accordingly.

Ever wondered how to make bacon without a frying pan or oven? Well wonder no more. Ted Cruz demonstrates how easy it is to cook bacon with a machine gun. "Few things I enjoy more than on weekends, cooking breakfast with the family," said Cruz. "Of course in Texas, we cook bacon a little differently than most folks."

Less than two weeks ago, Uber won a battle against New York City's cab cartels and anti-consumer choice advocates like Mayor DeBlasio. Under the guise of monitoring traffic flow, DeBlasio attempted to pass legislation that would've limited the number of Uber vehicles allowed in the city. Failing to whip the requisite number of votes to pass the measure, DeBlasio and the cab cartels were defeated and Uber reigned victorious. That victory was short-lived. NYC's elected officials and the cities cab cartels are once again trying to stifle the ride-share economy. This time, DeBlasio and crew are targeting Uber's pricing. The New York Post reports:
Administration officials are studying how to curb the price of a fare Uber can charge during peak hours, prevent livery drivers from dropping non-Uber customers for Uber rides, and help taxis develop their own app to make hailing a cab easier, say sources familiar with City Hall.

While most toddlers celebrate turning two with animated character-themed parties, some are more interested in personal injury lawyers. "Planning out Grayson’s second birthday party, Ms. Dobra chose a different theme, one that reflected her little boy’s most passionate interest: New Orleans personal injury lawyer Morris Bart," writes the Wall Street Journal. According to the WSJ:
Mr. Bart is a familiar face in Louisiana thanks to his ubiquitous TV ads and a firm motto that would make Saul Goodman proud: “One Call, That’s All!” Maybe it has to do with the flashing lights and music featured in the spots, but Grayson can’t stop watching his ads, said Ms. Dobra, a nurse from Prairieville, La. “He’s always been very drawn to Morris Bart commercials,” she told Law Blog. “He used to watch ABC and color videos, and he used to love those. But now he wants to watch Morris Bart commercials.” When they’re not on TV, he watches them on YouTube.
Inside Edition explains:

Though it's seemingly impossible to discuss the tragic tale of Cecil the lion without invoking a comparison war, there is an entire part of this story that those with their hair ablaze forgot to consider -- what do Zimbabwean's think? It appears I'm not the only one pondering the African perspective. While Americans are calling for the extradition of the dentist who killed Cecil the lion and the hashtag #lionlivematter was trending on social media, Zimbabwe had one question -- what lion?

File this under: Things that would be hilarious if they weren't real life and cross-reference under Not The Onion. As if Hillary Clinton using a personal email account and home brewed server while serving as Secretary of State weren't inept enough, Clinton's private attorney is running around with a thumb drive full of classified info. You read that correctly -- a thumb drive. flashbam Mind you, Clinton has sworn time, and time again that no classified information was transmitted via her personal email account. Which, as we've noted repeatedly begs the question -- how the hell did she do her job?! In any case, the Inspector General debunked the whole "I did not send classified information from my email account" claim. And now we learn that her attorney has a pocket-full of classified info.

Though it's no longer leading the headlines, EmailGate is still alive and well. Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account and private servers during her tenure as Secretary of State was bound to be problematic. When use of a private email account initially surfaced, Clinton repeatedly insisted no classified information was sent from her personal email account. Late last week, the Inspector General debunked Clinton's claims saying classified information had in fact been transmitted through the former Secretary's private email.
The inspector general for the intelligence community has informed members of Congress that some material Hillary Clinton emailed from her private server contained classified information, but it was not identified that way. Because it was not identified, it is unclear whether Clinton realized she was potentially compromising classified information. The IG reviewed a "limited sampling" of her emails and among those 40 reviewed found that "four contained classified [intelligence community] information," wrote the IG Charles McCullough in a letter to Congress. McCullough noted that "none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings" but that some "should have been handled as classified, appropriately marked, and transmitted via a secure network." The four emails in question "were classified when they were sent and are classified now," spokeswoman Andrea Williams told CNN. McCullough said that State Department Freedom of Information Act officials told the intelligence community IG that "there are potentially hundreds of classified emails within the approximately 30,000 provided by former Secretary Clinton."

You might need the Kleenex for this one. An eight-year-old boy is the first pediatric recipient of a double hand transplant. When he was only two-years-old, a life threatening infection lead to the amputation of both hands and feet. He also received a kidney transplant from his mother.

Somewhat overshadowed by the Center for Medical Progress' horrifying expose on Planned Parenthood's baby part harvesting operations are an important series of videos released by Live Action earlier this month. Live Action has long used undercover videos to expose Planned Parenthood. Beginning in early July, Live Action unfurled a four video series looking at Planned Parenthood's role in sex education. According to Life Site:
Planned Parenthood “counselors” teach minors in the name of “sex-ed”: sexual bondage and sadomasochism, and steering them to sex stores to “get educated.” In the latest video, a Colorado counselor told the Live Action investigator (posing as a minor) that “sexual exploration is normal” – and went so far as to suggest defecating and urinating on men as an option.

You know what I always ask myself when considering my stance on any hot-button piece of legislation, particularly matters of national security? Gee, I wonder what Hollywood thinks. Except I don't do that because I have a brain. One that I enjoy using. But there must exist people who demand Hollywood's expertise on matters of national importance or videos like this one wouldn't exist. Utilizing one of the most annoying video formats in existence, various celebrities work together to complete a sentence. Like this one:
"I love playing frisbee with my sons. I love the sound of the waves on the Pacific at sunrise. I love curling up with a good book. I love to see my grandkids smile. But if Congress sabotages the nuclear deal with Iran, we could be denied the very moments that make our lives worth living."

Following the release of the second Planned Parenthood undercover video last week, Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina joined Jake Tapper on The Lead. Tapper asked Fiorina to define her position on Governor Walker’s recent bill that prohibits abortions after twenty weeks and makes no exclusions for instances of rape and incest. Rather than taking the let's connect Fiorina to what the left believes is an extremist pro-life position bait, Fiorina directed attention to a bill bouncing around the Senate floor, “let’s talk about the legislation that’s sitting on the Senate floor right now which does allow for those exceptions,” she responded.

Tuesday, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a third undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood's participation in baby part harvesting. The first in a series, the third video is entitled, Human Capital - Episode 1: Planned Parenthood's Black Market in Baby Parts. The “Human Capital” documentary web series, "integrates expert interviews, eyewitness accounts, and real-life undercover interactions to tell the story of Planned Parenthood’s commercial exploitation of aborted fetal tissue," says the CMP. The video begins with an interview of Holly O'Donnell, a phlebotomist and former procurement tech for a company called StemExpress. According to O'Donnell, StemExpress partners with Planned Parenthood to harvest baby parts for scientific research and pays Planned Parenthood to use their facilities. "I thought I was going to be drawing blood, not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses," said O'Donnell. Unlike the two previous undercover videos, this one goes into a Planned Parenthood clinic. The CMP exposed Planned Parenthood's role baby part harvesting, a fact corroborated by the organization's President Cecil Richards on national news. Now the CMP is shifting focus in an effort to show how Planned Parenthood profits from selling dismembered baby parts. Be forewarned, the contents of this video are graphic and incredibly difficult to watch:

With pressure to defund tax-payer supported Planned Parenthood mounting daily, the organization's president is riding the interview circuit. Filmed by a small organization called Citizens for Medical Progress (CMP), two separate undercover videos show a Planned Parenthood Doctor and a Planned Parenthood official casually chatting about the harvesting and sale of baby parts. CMP has said they have thousands of hours of footage, and is promising ten to twelve more videos yet to be released. In an alarmingly fair interview with former Clinton aid and Clinton Foundation donor, George Stephanopoulos, Planned Parenthood President Cecil Richards discussed she believed were the worst parts of undercover videos.

Amidst the Confederate battle flag hoopla, the KKK and the New Black Panther Party held dueling protests at South Carolina's capitol. From the chaos, a hero emerged. A hero bearing a sousaphone. Following KKK members to their rally, this might be the best example of real life trolling on the Internet:

Thursday evening I joined Red State's Leon Wolf and his panel of lovely gentlemen for the weekly vcast of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Friends. Over wine and cocktails, we discussed the Sandra Bland incident, Planned Parenthood's baby part harvesting, and 2016. We began by discussing Sandra Bland and the circumstances that ultimately lead to her death. Are the police responsible? Were there other mitigating factors? What kind of power have we given the police when an improper lane change leads to arrest? Should we be having a broader discussion about mental health? These are some of the questions we tackled. I maintain that equally as important as the police power angle, is the mental health discussion that seems to be getting far less attention.

Speaking in South Carolina Thursday, Hillary dropped an atomic gaffe. Of all the idiocy that's seeped out of Hillary Clinton's mouth, this just might take the cake as the dumbest thing she's said so far. Ruby Cramer, the Buzzfeed political reporter on the Hillary beat captured the moment on social media: