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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Since their successful independence referendum, Catalonia has been under pressure, including reported violence against and arrests of pro-independence Catalans.  With no support from the EU or the U. S., Catalonia stands alone as the Spanish Prime Minister announced that he will be removing Catalan government officials and imposing direct rule. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced that he is invoking Article 155 of the constitution to “restore the rule of law, coexistence and the economic recovery and to ensure that elections could be held in normal circumstances."  Direct rule will reportedly be in place next weekend.

Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder gave the appearance of partisan hackery and outright corruption since early in his tenure at the Department of Justice.  According to Holder, we are a "nation of cowards" for not focusing on race and racial "justice," and we need to "brainwash" Americans to hate and fear guns.

Kirkuk, Iraq has become a centerpiece in the Iraqi government's rejection of the overwhelmingly successful Kurdish Independence Referendum. Monday, Iraq took control of Kirkuk, which has been under Kurdish control since they took it from ISIS in 2014 as Iraqi forces fled.  It is surprising that the Kurds did not stand and fight for the hard-won Kirkuk, but it's not yet clear this was the case as there have been reports of gunfire and "clashes" in the city.  The resistance by Kurdish forces appears to have been somewhat minimal. The BBC reports:
The Iraqi military moved into Kirkuk three weeks after the Kurdistan Region held a controversial independence referendum.

Two truck bombs detonated in Somalia's capital Mogadishu on Saturday, killing at least 230 people and wounding hundreds more.  Reports indicate that the Somali government believes al-Qaida-linked al-Shabab is responsible. The United States has condemned the attack, calling it "cowardly," and has vowed to continue to fight the "scourge of terrorism." The BBC reports:
A massive bomb attack in a busy area of the Somali capital Mogadishu on Saturday is now known to have killed at least 230 people, police say. Hundreds more were wounded when a lorry packed with explosives detonated near the entrance of a hotel. It is the deadliest terror attack in Somalia since the Islamist al-Shabab group launched its insurgency in 2007.

The Biloxi school district has pulled Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird from its 8th grade syllabi because it contains the "N-word." This kind of thing drives me straight up the wall.  What on earth makes the left think that hiding, banning, and otherwise destroying our nation's history and culture will achieve anything positive or good?  Not only do we need to know where we came from to know how far we've come as a nation, but we also need an historical and literary reference for some of the left's politically-correct mandates. Black rappers, athletes, comedians, politicians, pundits, et al. are the only ones who can use the "N-word" because they are "reclaiming it" and "taking back its power."  That's all well and good, but we're raising a couple of generations who will have no idea from what they are reclaiming the word or what its power once was and why it needed to be taken back in the first place.

The leftstream media is trolling the White House bigly over Ivana Trump's joke about being the "first lady." Having first decided there was something fishy about First Lady Melania Trump's decision to let her and the president's youngest son finish his school year in New York before moving to the White House, then created a flurry of accusations that Melania secretly hates her husband and won't hold his hand, they've now landed on an imagined insult to her from Trump's first wife, Ivana. The headlines: CBS News: Ivana Trump's "first lady" comment causes stir with first lady Melania Trump Slate:  Melania Trump Blasts Ivana Trump After She Calls Herself “First Lady”

Mark Penn, Democrat strategist and former pollster for Bill Clinton during his presidency, is reviled by today's regressive Democrats.  Happily, his truth bombs land amongst his leftist audience with a fizzle amid looks of scathing disdain. Penn's latest attempt to speak truth to the left's waning political power addresses why, as co-director of the Harvard-Harris Poll, he believes that the left is still getting everything wrong, particularly when it comes to polls and President Trump.

Florida has seen an influx of Puerto Ricans since 2000, and in the wake of Hurricane Maria, many more Puerto Ricans are fleeing their devastated homes and moving to Florida. It's not clear how many of these newly-arrived Puerto Ricans will stay, but as many as 100,000 could impact not only the state's politics but national elections. Writing two years, Pew reported that Florida's Puerto Rican population increased 110% since 2000.

The Washington Free Beacon broke the story revealing the donors of the anti-Trump "resistance." The donation list is revealing on a number of levels.  It shows the extensive, spider-web interconnectivity of a network of leftist radicals and organizations, and it shows how they ensnare major corporations into financially supporting their radical, anti-American aims. The list includes the usual suspects like George Soros and some suspects new to the political activist realm, namely, the NFL players' union who were happy to join Soros in his latest astroturf efforts, manufacturing the appearance of wide-spread anti-Trump "resistance."

Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie tackles gender reassignment surgery in his latest book, The Golden HouseSatanic Verses earned Rushdie a fatwa from Iran's Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini, and while the left isn't calling for Rushdie to be murdered for his latest heresy, they are decidedly unhappy with the Golden House. In this novel, Rushdie reportedly tackles the left's reckless push for younger and younger children to undergo sex change treatments, even surgery.  He does not approve. Rushdie, it should be noted, was not only anti-Trump during last year's presidential election but a proud #ImWithHer fanatic.

James Woods is one of only a handful of outspoken conservative actors in a Hollywood filled with Harvey Weinsteins, Ashley Judds, Debra Messings, and Mark Ruffalos.  So when his realtor announced, mistakenly as it turns out, that he was retiring from Hollywood, the news spread like wildfire. In an article entitled, "James Woods says he is retiring from acting and selling one of four Rhode Island homes after claiming no one wants to hire him because of his 'conservative political views'," the Daily Mail reported: