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Susan Rice calls Trump’s statement on Iranian aggression “BS”

Susan Rice calls Trump’s statement on Iranian aggression “BS”

AIPAC: Trump’s “Important speech today accurately outlined the history and continued dangers of Iran’s aggression”

Former Obama patsy and two-time winner of Obama’s musical chairs approach to Executive branch appointments Susan Rice has deigned to share her insightful opinion of President Trump’s Iran speech in which he outlined Iranian aggression and announced that he was sending the bad Iran deal back to Congress.

The former National Security Adviser and former U. S. ambassador to the UN called Trump’s statement “BS.”

AIPAC tweeted:

Rice responded:

Here is AIPAC’s statement on Trump’s Iran speech:

Watch Trump’s full speech on Iran:


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BS??? She must have been watching a Youtube video again!

Wow, she really has no shame.

Trump is right, but the only important thing about the Iran deal, the money, is already gone.