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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

In April, former Senators Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Donnelly (D-IN) launched the One Country Project. They developed this project as an effort to help Democrats win back the Senate and White House in 2020.  The focus of the project is on rural America and its "forgotten" voters who turned out in droves for President Trump in 2016. They are now sounding the alarm and warning Democrats that winning the Senate in 2020 is an uphill battle.  And they're not wrong.

President Trump is yet again being called a "racist" by the leftstream media, Democrats, and some Republicans.  It all started when Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) gained the president's attention with comments about our Southern border and border agents. Trump responded, quite reasonably it seemed to me, that Cummings should look at his own district, of which Baltimore is part.

Election security is no joke, and it should not be politicized and used as a weapon against political opponents.  And yet.  House Democrats on Thursday sent two "election security" bills to the Senate that they knew Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would not take up and then screamed that McConnell doesn't care about election security.

It doesn't get much more seedy and cynical than this.  The Democrat Super PAC Priorities USA is pouring millions into key battleground states to create political ads that look and sound like local news. The goal is to convince voters in the selected states—Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Wisconsin—that the Trump economy is not working for them.  By cleverly focusing on the economy and avoiding the "politics of the aggrieved," the PAC hopes to make headway in Trump country.

MSNBC host Donny Deutsch went on an astounding rant in which he shattered whatever remaining mirage of unbiased, nonpartisan objectivity the leftstream media clung to in hopes of winning over skeptical viewers. Deutsch said that "we" (presumably Democrats and their media lapdogs) are "at war" and should do "whatever we have to do" to put "him [Trump] in jail."

One of President Donald Trump's campaign promises was to roll back Obama-era regulations and to lift a variety of restrictions put in place by the mammoth bureaucracy that is our federal government. He stated in the lead-up to the 2016 election that he intended to eliminate two regulations for every new one.  To date, the Trump administration is far exceeding that goal, eliminating 13 regulations for every new one.

Democrat presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson gave a debate performance for the ages with her loopy, New Agey ramblings. Apparently, it worked on Granite State Democrat primary voters because she is ahead of Sen. Cory Booker (NJ), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), and Robert "Beto" O'Rourke (TX) in New Hampshire polls. Her campaign website contains a seemingly endless wishlist of progressive/socialist/communist agenda items.  She's pro-"gun safety," pro-amnesty (including citizenship), pro-automatic voter registration (with 16 as the new voting age), pro-Green New Deal, and pro-Medicare for All.

Georgia State Rep. Erica Thomas (D) claims to have been "verbally assaulted" by a white man at a Publix and told to "go back where you came from." Apparently, Thomas was in the 10 Items or Less lane, and Eric Sparkes didn't like that and commented to her about it. Thomas went on Facebook and filmed a tearful tirade about how she was berated, called names, and told to go back where she came from. She also says that he told her to "go back to your country."

Just when you thought you've heard all the crazy.  The perpetually outraged, feverishly joyless progressive left is never happy.  America is always in crisis, people are always in crisis, the whole world is always in crisis.  And plastic straws! Imagine my surprise, then, when I saw the following headline at progressive outlet Mother Jones:  "Racial Resentment Is Down Since 2016." That's great, I thought!  We want that, don't we?  All of us:  left, right, center?

As Republicans, normal Americans, and even some moderate Democrats are lambasted as "unAmerican" at best and "racist, white supremacist Nazis" at worst for arguing that open borders is a really bad idea, a new survey conducted by The Washington Post and Mexico’s Reforma newspaper finds that the majority of Mexicans want illegal aliens in Mexico deported back to their home countries.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is not popular.  She's not popular in swing states, in her own state, nor even in her own district.  The illusion of popularity she has comes from her Twitter following and a currently enamored leftstream media.  But that kind of reputation is tenuous at best because that's the kind of faux popularity that can go as quickly as it comes (ask Wendy Davis and Sandra Fluke. And "Beto.").

The Trump administration's decision to crack down on sanctuary policies by withholding funding resulted in Los Angeles being denied a $3 million grant, a move that prompted the city to sue the DOJ. On Friday, the Trump administration scored a huge win when the 9th Circuit overturned a nationwide injunction barring the DOJ from prioritizing taxpayer monies to cities and states that cooperate with federal immigration officials.