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Author: Mike LaChance

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Mike LaChance

Mike LaChance has been covering higher education and politics for Legal Insurrection since 2012. He has also written for American Lookout, Townhall, and Twitchy.

Since 2008 he has contributed work to the Daily Caller, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Center for Security Policy, the Washington Free Beacon, and Ricochet.

Mike is a Generation X, New England lifer who describes his political views as conservative and libertarian.

You can find him on Twitter @MikeLaChance33

Ken Bone is the red sweater wearing man who became an internet sensation after asking a question at the second presidential debate in 2016. He was eventually demonized by the left for having the wrong view of the Trayvon Martin shooting during an "ask me anything" session on Reddit. Now Bone is in the news again. He claims that his son was suspended from school for attending a shooting range with him during non-school hours.