No Federal Solution Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.
We got quite a stunning admission from Joe Biden this week.
This is the correct response.
This was also noteworthy.
Beyond parody.
Such hypocrisy.
- AOC Escapes NY To DeSantisland
- AOC Defends Her Covid Hypocrisy With Impeccable Logic: “Republicans are mad they can’t date me”
Let’s go Brandon!
- Thriving ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Store Chain Expanding in New England
- “Let’s Go Brandon” Dad Now Under Siege
Who would want the job?
The right thing to do.
They better be keeping a close eye on her.
Greatest hits.
- Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Died
- Dancing On The Grave: Prof. Claims Madden Video Game “Glamorized Violence and Dehumanized Black Athletes”
Oh great.
This is just wrong.
Good riddance.
World news.
- Iran Missile Drill Simulates Strike on Israeli Nuclear Reactor
- China Unveils Artificial Intelligence ‘Prosecutor’ That Can Identify Dissent Against Regime, And Suggest Sentences
- Israel Said To Hit Main Syrian Port, Destroying Iranian Weapons Shipment Bound For Hezbollah
Branco cartoons!
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to the full extent allowed by law.
What do mean “No Federal Solution Week”? I can’t go a week without the government solving my problems for me. I can’t even have my first cup of coffee in the morning without turning on the tv to see what Fauci says I can or can’t do today. I could defund police before I would defund Fauci.
Biden taps out.
I love Joe Biden.
He epitomizes everything wrong with the Ds.
I love Joe Biden.
He is evidence #1 to answer “are politicians hypocritical, lying, corrupt, ineffective POS?”
The rinos have helped fuck joe biden* appoint more judges in his first year than Donald Trump.
Until the States fight back it won’t matter. The Feds, it is now clear, are the Deep State. A corrupt bureaucracy of lazy, incompetent, evil, non-caring body of government employees with the disposition of ankle biters. But who enjoy unlimited graft.