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Failure of the Media Week at Legal Insurrection

Failure of the Media Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

At a time when the American people need information, the media keeps proving they can’t let go of their Trump Derangement Syndrome, even in a crisis.

Some people are calling them out.

They have no shame.

Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are not helping.

Biden is also proving he is not cut out for this.

Trump is on this every day.


This is a disaster for Democrats.

This is a disaster for everyone.

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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Another utterly tone-deaf “New World Order” story from the Bush Family International Crime Syndicate:

Are these the mask that China is re-gifting to us? What planet do these people live on? Unbelievable.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Pasadena Phil. | April 6, 2020 at 8:11 pm

    Everything they’ve sending out in medical supplies have been found to be defective.

    All is going according to plan St. Mao……….

Maddow proves that “inte!ligence” can have no value at all when it comes to reality. Being a Rhodes ..ah..scholar makes an investment in Cracker Jack far more reasonable when it comes to what you get out of it.

We can ignore the media guild, if only we could ignore the legal guild without peril. Sigh.

Rachel Madcow is the most underwatched person on television. How is she in every political news headline?

Stop it, already!