Third Time’s a Charm Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.
Joe Biden finally won a primary race and it only took him three presidential runs to do it.
- Biden in South Carolina: ‘I’m a Democratic Candidate for the United States Senate’
- South Carolina Democratic Primary – BIDEN WINS
- Even Winning South Carolina Might Not Save Joe Biden
Bernie is still leading.
- Bernie: Total price of my promises is unknown, but Medicare for All alone is $30 trillion
- Is Bernie Sanders About to Eat Elizabeth Warren’s Lunch in Massachusetts?
And that’s bothering some people.
- Fidel Castro Fanboy Bernie Faces Democrat Backlash In Florida
- Two Florida Residents Sue to Keep Bernie off Democratic Primary Ballot Because He’s Not A Democrat
- Democrat Superdelegates Signal Willingness to Block Bernie Sanders at Convention
How to win friends and influence people.
- Ninth Circuit Upholds Trump Admin Rule Stripping Funding for Abortions
- Appeals Court upholds Trump withholding Justice Department grants from sanctuary cities
- Trump Vindicated Again: Appeals Court Rules House Can’t Enforce Subpoena To Don McGahn
Trump is handling this well and they can’t stand it.
- Democrats (and media) react to Trump’s Coronavirus response
- Trump Appoints Pence to Head Up Coronavirus Response
- Media Hoaxes: No, Trump Did Not Call Coronavirus a Hoax, and No, Fauci Was Not “Muzzled”
World news.
- Austrian Parliament Declares BDS Movement as Antisemitic
- Massive Migrant Wave Hits Europe As Turkey Opens Border
- Greek Islanders Clash With Police Over Forced Migrant Settlement
Branco cartoons!
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Winning SC is a nice ego stroke for Biden, but let’s wait and see what happens on Super Tuesday. He’s gonna get murdered
I can’t decide if the murder will take place by the hands of Bernie or Bloomberg.
Bloomberg sees himself at The Savior but his Big Ego keeps tripping him up and voters who thought he might be a good nominee are waking up and seeing his only goal is to buy his way in.
I’ll tell you, even strident Bloomberg fans I know feel his three minute ad scheduled to run tonight is sheer stupidity. And audacity. If I were Trump I’d schedule a press conference tonight in that same hour!
Well navy mustang he’s actually running for North South Carolina SENATOR anyway
I can’t help but think Joe really has some kind of dementia. All the mistakes, all the crazy talk about running for the senate, nominating a female for the senate, those are more than just a slip of the tongue. I am astounded at the support he received in SC… People here have voted for senility over socialism… wow.
And it’s “Advanced.”
Last month some commenters were saying his managers were keeping him pumped up with drugs…..
This just in: “Biden: ‘Thank you North Carolina for my big primary win!'”
One of the very few times you’ll ever see the word “WINNER” anywhere near a picture of Biden.