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Democrat Infrastructure Implosion Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrat Infrastructure Implosion Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Joe Biden’s legislative agenda is falling apart before our eyes. It’s a real shame, isn’t it?

They want all the money.

Biden is a disaster.

The border crisis is going to get worse.

He totally earned this.

Do Democrats really think Kamala can save them?

The only people being held accountable are those with no power.

You don’t say.

How pathetic.

What could go wrong?

She sounds normal.

Totally worth watching.

World news.

Branco cartoon!


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Comanche Voter | October 3, 2021 at 12:55 pm

Sometimes what you see is what you get. Nancy looks like the demented dingbat that she is in that photo.