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August 2020

Other than some of the key speeches, I skipped most of the live coverage of the Democrat National Convention. When I tried to watch, it was unbearable, like watching a never-ending public service announcement from the Ad Council. So I missed the live coverage of "Michael from Rhode Island" presented by the DNC as a "longstanding Republican for a long time" who is voting for Biden.

Obama's 2020 DNC speech was almost the opposite of the 2004 DNC speech that propelled him onto the national stage. If you watched this week, you heard very little about hope and the things that bring Americans together. Instead, this was a dark speech that was heavier on Obama's dislike of Trump than why you should vote for Joe Biden. MSNBC's Rachel Maddow loved the speech, naturally, but it also scared her.

But I thought everyone would calm down when the federal agents left the federal courthouse in Portland! The latest riot in Portland proves it has everything to do with mayhem and nothing about black lives, systematic racism, or police brutality. Rioters attacked the Multnomah Building, which has offices for the local sheriff, but mostly "houses offices for county departments that provide social services that have no connection to the police."

After allowing weeks of 'anti-racism' protests in line with the U.S. Black Lives Matter movement, German government is considering a ban on traditional carnival festivities. Country's "Health Minister Jens Spahn wants to cancel the carnival season for 2020-21 in light of the coronavirus pandemic," German newspaper Südwest Presse reported Tuesday.