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August 2020

When a guillotine was placed in front of Amazon boss Jeff Bezos's house, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) approved of the display: "We are completely frightened by, completely impressed by and completely in support of wherever this is headed. #Solidarity." But did the union use the royal we? Some CTU members went off on Twitter.

Democrats, their media cohorts, and their leftist supporters are in full panic mode as they realize they made a wild miscalculation regarding the rampant, months-long rioting, looting, vandalism, arson, assault, and murder that Democrat state and city leaders nurtured, down-played, and often ignored.

Longtime Tennessee Democrat state representative John DeBerry, Jr. gave an impassioned speech earlier this month on the floor of the Tennessee Senate. DeBerry, who recalls marching with his father and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., shared his experiences with peaceful Civil Rights-era protests and expressed his outrage that today's violent riots are being hailed as a continuation of those carried out in the 60's.

Yesterday, a band of Portland-area supporters of President Donald Trump organized a car/truck caravan to drive through the area to express their support for the President. Antifa and BLM counter-protesters harassed the group, and one of the Trump supporters was shot and killed in the resulting conflict.

The war of terror against Israel could be entering a new phase as Gaza-based terrorist groups prepare for a joint campaign against the Jewish state, news reports from the region suggest. "The military wings of terror organizations in the Gaza Strip are preparing for a long-term joint campaign against Israel," the Times of Israel reported citing pro-Hezbollah Lebenase newspaper Al-Akhbar