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July 2019

Just when you thought you've heard all the crazy.  The perpetually outraged, feverishly joyless progressive left is never happy.  America is always in crisis, people are always in crisis, the whole world is always in crisis.  And plastic straws! Imagine my surprise, then, when I saw the following headline at progressive outlet Mother Jones:  "Racial Resentment Is Down Since 2016." That's great, I thought!  We want that, don't we?  All of us:  left, right, center?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has attacked U.S. President Donald Trump and sided with the "attacked" congresswomen in his ongoing spat with the four progressive lawmakers. "I firmly distance myself from it and feel solidarity toward the attacked women," Merkel said at a press conference on Friday, referring to President's remarks.

The $25 million damages judgment plus the over $6.5 million attorney's fees and expenses award, puts Oberlin College almost $32 million in debt to Gibson's Bakery and its owners. Post-judgment interest in Ohio is 5%, which if my math is correct, on $32 million equals $1.6 million a year just in interest, or $4,384 per day. So that $32 million is going to keep growing as the inevitable appeal winds its way through the courts.

When it comes to the well-documented anti-Semitism of Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) has been unafraid to push back against their actions and question their claims. For instance, Zeldin, who is Jewish, gave a blistering floor speech in March in which he slammed the sham "anti-hate" resolution passed by House Democrats in response to repeated instances involving Omar's use of anti-Semitic tropes. He said, in part:

As Republicans, normal Americans, and even some moderate Democrats are lambasted as "unAmerican" at best and "racist, white supremacist Nazis" at worst for arguing that open borders is a really bad idea, a new survey conducted by The Washington Post and Mexico’s Reforma newspaper finds that the majority of Mexicans want illegal aliens in Mexico deported back to their home countries.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is not popular.  She's not popular in swing states, in her own state, nor even in her own district.  The illusion of popularity she has comes from her Twitter following and a currently enamored leftstream media.  But that kind of reputation is tenuous at best because that's the kind of faux popularity that can go as quickly as it comes (ask Wendy Davis and Sandra Fluke. And "Beto.").