Howard Schultz, Next Target of Democrats’ Angry Mob Machine
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Howard Schultz, Next Target of Democrats’ Angry Mob Machine

Howard Schultz, Next Target of Democrats’ Angry Mob Machine

Are Democrats and their operatives “ginning up the feral mobs to intimidate/harass [Schultz] at his events”?

Billionaire and former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has stirred up Democrat wrath by contemplating an independent 2020 run for president.  They and their #NeverTrump allies are ten kinds of not happy.

Apparently, the left’s latest attempts to dissuade Schultz from doing so will include tactics they’ve used repeatedly against Republicans: angry mobs confronting him anywhere and everywhere.

The left’s weaponizing of angry mobs against their perceived “enemies” is encouraged not only by assorted SJW activist groups and their financiers but by prominent Democrat politicians like Maxine Waters.

We’ve extensively covered this leftie “tactic” as it’s played out against prominent Republicans, right-leaning media figures, and Trump supporters.

Now it seems, this angry mob machine is being geared up to attack the left’s latest enemy: Howard Schultz.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette explains the Democrats’ ire toward Schultz.

Liberal ire, fury and passionate intensity (which the worst are often full of) toward a man who is himself a liberal, and who seems entirely decent and utterly mild mannered, makes one think: Maybe Mr. Schultz is worth a look.

. . . .  Mr. Schultz is a longtime supporter of liberal Democrats. He believes in global warming, NATO and gay rights. But he also believes the nation’s debt is out of control, and that abolishing insurance companies is a bad idea. (He took on Sen. Kamala Harris on this point last week.) He’s a capitalist who wants to keep Obamacare but make it better.

And he thinks both parties practice destructive, toxic politics — to the detriment of good government and sound public policy.

And that brings us to the rub and the reason for all the hating on him: Mr. Schultz wants to run as an independent centrist.

He’s going to seek the presidency outside of the parties and the primaries — like Ross Perot.

And this possibility, for it is only that so far — Mr. Schultz would have to spend hundreds of millions to make himself known to the country and to get on the ballot in 50 states and he is still terribly native and somewhat ill-informed about the size and difficulty of the undertaking — has brought the Democratic Party and its allies in the media out with pitchforks and torches and much gnashing of teeth.

Schultz recently kicked off a book tour in his (and Starbucks’) hometown of Seattle, and he was greeted by angry lefties who are urging him not to run as an independent.

The Detroit News reports:

“Grande ego. Venti mistake”: That was the message protesters had for former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz as he returned to his hometown of Seattle after announcing that he’s mulling an independent run for president.

Several dozen protesters gathered outside a downtown theater before Schultz appeared to promote his new book Thursday night. They included Democrats who fret his candidacy would hand President Donald Trump another term, and green-and-gold-bedecked basketball fans who haven’t forgiven him for selling the Seattle SuperSonics to a group that moved the team to Oklahoma City more than a decade ago.

“The way he dealt with the Sonics shows a huge fault in his character,” said Farheen Siddiqui, 26, who wore a team jersey to the protest. “He acted like a child who was not getting his way.”

. . . . The protesters outside his talk Thursday chanted: “Pick a party.” Some carried signs decorated like Starbucks cups that read “Compost your campaign” and “Grande ego. Venti mistake” – a reference to the Italian names for drink sizes at the coffee chain.

Watch the report:

For his part—and as of January 30th—Schultz seems to be taking the sputtering outrage from the left in stride.

It will be interesting to see how he responds if (when?) angry leftie mobs begin harassing him at restaurants and at home.


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Covfefe returns to the headlines…

What has Bob Creamer been up to? He should be on the list (and in jail).

He is the husband of Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. O’keefe exposed his rent a mob in 2016:

Howard, you are reaping what you have sown. You are the Ben & Jerry’s of coffee. (That is no compliment.)

Don’t you feel like a fool?

JusticeDelivered | February 3, 2019 at 4:49 pm

I see this as a win-win, if he runs we get Trump, if Dems keep it up they will cause Schulz to shift even more politically, and maybe he will completely abandon liberalism.

Look at George Zimmerman, he was a Dem, now he is not.

In fact, Democrats are alienating and turning Dems into independents or other parties.

Angry progressives want purity and have no tolerance for anyone who falls short. The typical SJW can’t conceive or tolerate diversity no matter how loudly they shout down those point this out.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 3, 2019 at 6:03 pm

Where do we go to encourage Howard to run and maybe even to donate a little?

    Heh. He hasn’t announced yet, so whatever domain he has for his potential campaign is not live. I guess you could tweet your support for him to @HowardSchultz. He also has a website to promote his new book: It has a “contact us” link and a rather intriguing “Get Involved” link that includes “volunteering” and “applying for a job” (campaign prep for sure). It seems that it is him on Twitter, though, so that may be a more direct route.

Was that “buy-pass” sign meant for Hillarity? At this point, other than the loss of $$ by those boycotting the brick and mortar store’s restroom/shooting gallery policy, he really hasn’t spent a cent on a campaign. It is the fearful democrats who have pushes his name and recognition into the limelight. Their overeaction is a sign to him that he has some traction.

BTW, anyone watching “Counterpart” (best show on TV at the moment) will really love the “No, Howard No!” sign in context with today’s ep.

JK Simmons should get the emmy for Howard Prime and best-supporting for Howard Alpha.

Remember, the objective of the Left is power. Nothing will stop them from that, not the truth, not your freedom, not your property. They’ll take it all, and if they have to do it over your dead body, that’s a bonus for them, because it will intimidate others into giving in to them without a fight.

Who the hell do those assholes think they are? It’s not up to them to decide who gets to run for President. Maybe if they’d made something of their lives, they could run.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Sanddog. | February 3, 2019 at 10:28 pm

    Some people have the gumption to build things, others only aspire to tear them down.

    I learned that in kindergarten. They had a large number of 2×4 building blocks. I spent some time building something, another kid rushed in and knocked it down. I rebuilt it, and he knocked it down again. Frustrated, rebuilt it again, stood there with one of those 2x4s, and nailed him with it on the third knockdown attempt.

    There is a funny book about learning important life lessons early. It seems to me that that experience was a warning about being a creator long before I became one in a meaningful way. There are far more naysayers than visionaries.

The USA version of Mao’s Cultural Revolution is on display.

I wouldn’t vote for this guy based on what little he’s said so far but he does seem to be an old school Democrat and not one of the loony lefties who’ve infested and taken over the Democrat party.

I hope he runs and I hope he gets the full treatment and outrage from the left. I hope they run him through a field of chainsaws and land mines.

Not because I hate him or want to see him suffer but because in doing so they will open the eyes not of current Trump supporters but all the people out there who don’t really pay attention to politics but call themselves Democrats. Those people will have the wool ripped from their eyes and they will no longer be able to deny what their party has turned into.

Subotai Bahadur | February 3, 2019 at 11:10 pm

Mobs to enforce political submission. You have to realize that the Left is turning to force. If Schultz does not stand down, do not be surprised if something untoward happens to him. Or to Deplorable supporters of Trump, if not Trump himself. We are rapidly moving beyond political means, or rather to the ultimate decider of political affairs.

Subotai Bahadur

The leftist’s rage will soon move on from the Governor, as they fear Ruth is just about shovel ready, and total concentration will be needed for the new nominee and the Republicans:-)

Run, Howard, run!

I hope he survives in the contest for quite a while. The more infighting the better, and it will certainly be educational for Schultz (and anyone else who’s watching).