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July 2018

A 72-year-old Miami man has been arrested and charged with attempted murder and attempted arson after police received a tip.  During a subsequent search, they found a storage room containing "28 containers with gasoline, sulfur powder, and potassium nitrate." Walter Stolper was facing eviction from his condo and had reportedly stated that he wanted to "kill all the Jews" in the building.  Police found "Nazi reading material and a Swastika" in Stolper's condo.

It appears that the recent and entirely unexpected defeat of Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), the number 4 Democrat in the House, at the hands of newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a far-left progressive who organized for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during his presidential run, has sent shock waves through the country that have finally hit California.

We have covered numerous examples of Palestinian terrorists blowing themselves up during what are called "work accidents." In some of the cases it's clear that it was a self-inflicted martyrdom, in others it's suspicious that perhaps the Israelis had a hand:

We've been covering self-serving glory hound and CNN media personality Jim Acosta's blatantly partisan embrace of the anti-Trump #Resistance   Acosta is what happens when regressive leftist "journalists" become so enraptured with themselves that they forget all about the basic tenets of journalism and embrace reality tv status as a sort of birthright.

Democrats and leftists continue to demagogue illegal alien "family separation" as if it is something that just started under President Trump.  They've gone so far as to call for #AbolishICE, despite strong public and Congressional support for the agency. Now their situation becomes even more dicey as their hysterical narrative is threatened. Border control agents report that increasing numbers of children are being used by illegal aliens as a "commodity" to avoid long-term detention.  The children are not arriving with their own parents, but are being claimed as such to Border Control.

President Donald Trump's week-long Europe visit not only provoked a 'day of rage' from leftist demonstrators in London, it also triggered mainstream German media and liberal politicians, with the former German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel even accusing the U.S. President of striving for a 'regime change' in Germany.