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September 2017

Germany's right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD)  is set to become the third largest party in this month's parliamentary election, the latest polls suggest. The anti-mass immigration party is polling around 12 percent in most polls. Chancellor Angela Merkel, still ahead of the competition, is widely tipped to form the next government. But her current junior coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), is tanking in polls with less than a week to go before the election.

It has been a short while since we checked in on how the Prosecutors In Search of a Crime, aka Mueller Special Prosecutor, was doing. A 17th attorney was added, inching Team Mueller closer to the size of the entire U.S. Attorney's Office for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Tonight CNN dropped a bombshell. Of course, CNN bombshell's have been duds in the past, so take that into account.

Last weekend I traveled to Roslyn, NY, on Long Island, for my 40th high school reunion. No high school experience is perfect, but Roslyn and Roslyn High School in the 1970s were great places to grow up. I've mentioned Roslyn in passing before, in my post when Richie Havens died, how I saw him at the small music venue in Old Roslyn Village that attracted top talent, My Father’s Place.

I saw no less than forty different takes lambasting former White House Press Secretary's Sunday Night Emmy cameo. The award show, its attendees, and the media covering this self-aggrandizing party, which is now drenched in left-leaning politics, was shocked, SHOCKED! that Spicer would show his face in such a venue, let alone be somewhat funny. Given the headlines, I assumed Spicer had a fairly lengthy sketch and said some relatively harsh things to have drawn the ire he received. And then I watched the clip. Spicer wheeled out a likeness of the White House Press podium and uttered one line. Just one.

Failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared on NPR's Fresh Air to plug her memoir What Happened. She told host Terry Gross that would not rule out questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 presidential election if more proof comes out that Russia did meddle in the election. Former FBI James Comey also comes up in the conversation and yes, Hillary pointed the finger at him...again.

In July, major national credit-reporting company Equifax was hit by a cyberattack that exposed personal information of about 143 million U.S. consumers. Three executives at the company sold shares that totaled $1.8 million only a few days after the company learned of the breach. However, Equifax didn't reveal details about the breach until September 7. Now the Department of Justice (DOJ) has reportedly opened an investigation to find out if those executives violated insider trading laws.

Just last week, Bernie Sanders rolled out his Medicare for All bill. Sanders and the bill's advocates railed against the current healthcare system as ineffectual, forgetting (or hoping the public has forgotten) that it's the product of Democrat ideas and votes. In Sanders' fantasy world, single-payer system is the only cure for what ails the American healthcare system. Most of his Democratic Senate colleagues agree. They were wrong about Obamacare and what it would fix and they're wrong single-payer.

President Donald Trump and U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley spoke today at a UN special forum called "Reforming the United Nations, Security, and Development" to kick off a week of meetings. In his remarks, Trump urged the UN to reform, make results its top focus, and reduce its bureaucracy.