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September 2017

As the GOP-led Congress fails to fulfill its seven-year, oft-repeated pledge to repeal ObamaCare and fails to support meaningful immigration reform that includes securing our border (building the wall), right-leaning voters who put them in power are becoming more and more restless, frustrated, and angry. Luther Strange's primary drubbing in Alabama suggests that the Trump phenomena is looking less and less like a cult of personality and more and more like a Tea Party-inspired insurrection. When then-presidential candidate Trump said that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters, many pundits and politicians marveled at his hubris while others rankled at the all-too-apparent truth of his statement. Trump supporters stuck with him through the Inside Edition tape release and the Trump University fiasco.  His opponents on both the left and the right were puzzled beyond measure, and for good reason.  These and any number of other problematic issues in Trump's background would have derailed any politician.

When it comes to unhinged behavior from rabid leftists, I'm rarely surprised.  Poop on a police car?  Ick, but it figures.  Set up "rape tents" at the kumbaya Occupy camps?  Sad, but it figures.  Aging has-been pop singer claiming she dreams of blowing up the White House?  Disgraceful, but it figures.  Antifa thugs attack random people accusing them of being Nazis?  Horrifying, but it figures.  You get the picture.  Leftist outrages are many and varied; hardly anything they say or do surprises, much less shocks, me. But I was surprised to see the video of a California college student taking the MAGA hat off of a fellow student's head, marching over to Student Life to "report" him, and then launching into one of the most irrational rants I've ever heard.  Frankly, it  shocked me.  But mostly, it saddened me.

Earlier this month, Mary blogged about Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett claiming that he was racially profiled and victimized by Las Vegas police.  Bennett, an early supporter of former 49er Colin Kaepernick's anti-American protests, further claimed that one of the officers threatened to "blow [his] head off." Police responded to reports of gunfire in a casino, appropriately entered the casino with guns drawn, ordered those present to get down, and saw Bennett fleeing the scene. Additional police body cam footage, along with various security camera footage, has been released and shows that Bennett defied police orders and ran from the casino.  We do not hear whether or not Bennett was threatened with having his head "blown off," however, because that officer's body cam was not on.  This officer may be disciplined for the lapse.

Senate Republicans released its 2018 budget, which includes terms to allow the lawmakers to push through tax reform through budget reconciliation. This would protect them from a Democratic Filibuster. The plan gives tax writers until November 13 to submit tax reform plans.

"Jim Treacher," born Sean Medlock, has ended his blogging at The Daily Caller. It is, for me, a turning of a blogosphere page. I don't know if Sean was a first mover in the early days of the blogosphere, but he was there when I started in 2008. When he moved to the Daily Caller in 2010, it seemed to portend a new age when bloggers actually would get paid to blog. A radical notion, which has worked out only to varying degrees. Sean has a really sharp and biting wit, and was relentless, as we once found out in our comment section.

Friday, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price tendered his resignation. Recent revelations that Price had been traveling the country via chartered plane and the resultant media stink led to Price's resignation.

I couldn't help but chuckle reading the latest Wall Street Journal report detailing Canada's lack of charity to incoming immigrants. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the progressive hero of the hour when a newly inaugurated Trump issued his first travel executive order, attempting to temporarily curb immigration from known state sponsors of terror.

Palestinian Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of a Hamas leader, lashed out at the Palestinian Authority earlier this week during a session of the UN Human Rights Council. The UN HRC is pathologically anti-Israel. Some of the worst human rights violators in the world run the show, and turn almost everything into an anti-Israel hatefest. Yousef appeared on behalf of UN Watch, a non-governmental watchdog group that monitors anti-Israel bias at the UN. UN Watch writes:

The left rejoiced when President Barack Obama decided to normalize relations with the Cuban regime, reopened our embassy, and allowed travel to the island. But most of that has come to a screeching halt after mysterious attacks on our diplomats, which have caused serious health problems. The State Department has decided to recall all non-essential personnel from the embassy and urged Americans not to travel to Cuba.