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Resisting Reality Week at Legal Insurrection

Resisting Reality Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

When it comes to denying reality after an election, Hillary is making Al Gore look like an amateur.

Trump forges ahead.

Democrats own her.

Compare and contrast.

Good question.

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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As anyone who has held a high level security clearance, including myself, knows, the security lapses as the result of her server were severe. Anyone else would have been working on a plea bargain to stay out of prison. I have no doubt that she truly believes it was a “nothingburger” which by itself demonstrates her lack of judgement.

Corny Ongoing Validations For Election Floundering Explained

The sociopathic, scummy old crow doesn’t believe a word of it: it’s the ‘big lie’ for consumption by narcissists who can’t admit how stupid they’ve been in supporting this corrupt jerk.

If clinton is not indicted before she drops dead (which could not be too soon), the idea that there is a corrupt two-tier justice system in this country will be solidified as a fact.

Att Gen. Sessions: your reaction?

Resists she much.

And yet she persists.