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June 2016

The victim-blaming narrative that says that Israel’s so-called “occupation” of the West Bank is responsible for Palestinian violence has been getting a lot of air time since the murder of four by a terrorist in Tel Aviv earlier this month. It has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Politico, and has even been parroted by the mayor of Tel Aviv himself. This narrative ignores decades of history, and has no more truth to it than the vile claim that LGBT people deserved the Orlando attack. Israel’s military presence in the disputed territories of the West Bank is the result of Arab violence against Israel, and not the cause of it.

The Marine Corps discovered officials misidentified Harold Shultz, a private first class from Detroit, MI, in the famous Iwo Jima picture. The investigation also found that John Bradley, a Navy hospital corpsman, did not raise the flag. Bradley's son "wrote a best-selling book about his father’s role in the flag-raising that was made into a movie directed by Clint Eastwood." Schultz always knew he was in the picture, but never spoke about in public.

The reaction to the British vote to leave the EU focuses heavily on the money. It will cost Britain jobs. The Pound is getting pounded. The EU will extract a price as bureaucratic retribution. Britain shot itself in the economy. The departure allegedly will destroy young people, female workers, the arts, science, universities and students, just about everything else British, and even .... Massachusetts! The pre-vote analysis summed up the issues broadly as follows: "Remain" voters focused on the economy, while "Leave" voters focused on immigration, sovereignty, loss of control to the EU bureaucracy.

I was doing some stuff around the site earlier this week when I stumbled upon my LI blogging stats --stats that revealed I was dangerously close to the 1,000 blog post marker. 1,000 blog posts. I know I've blogged a fair amount in the last (almost) two years I've been working at this great site, but if asked, I never would've guessed I was anywhere close to 1,000 blog posts. Because this is the magic 1,000th post, seems fitting I treat it like the milestone it is. I'll spare everyone a lengthy piece full of shallow profundities, but will instead share a few facts and things I've learned along the golden LI way.

So last night the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Of course, everyone has an opinion. When I say everyone I mean everyone. This is by far the best reaction. Of course, I'm biased since I'm American. Second best tweet:

All this alarmism surrounding firearms in America lately is getting out of control. I figure it’s time to offer a unique take on the issue–one that puts American gun rights and their continued need into perspective. From the amateurish House sit-in to the full-on assault on AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, your assumptions about Democrats pursuing full disarmanent under the guise of “gun control” are correct. They mean it. As a Virginia gun owner and concealed handgun permit (CHP) holder myself, I hope my perspective get can you to think differently about firearms if you have doubts.

Several chapters back in the Hillary EmailGate Saga, we learned that she deleted half of her emails because they were "personal" in nature. How the woman was able to do her job when every other email was personal and not work-related is an entirely different matter, but explains a fair amount. Yesterday, Mary blogged about security features disabled by the State Department so that Hillary could receive emails to her personal email account. Now, it looks like Hilary failed to turn over a key work-related email.

Bill Whittle's new Firewall video is pretty intense. In four minutes of commentary, he offers the straight dope to Obama and other Democrats who refuse to recognize the threat of radical Islam while trying to blame guns. Whittle's message is largely a response to the terror attack in Orlando and he addresses it with unvarnished and sometimes harsh truths. Here's a partial transcript via Frontpage Mag:
Bill Whittle's Firewall: Guns, Islam And Orlando 49 people are dead in Orlando, in the worst mass shooting in the nation’s history. Barack Obama's initial public statement concerning this latest unspeakable horror can be summed up in a few sentences: First: Islam? What’s that?

Maine's First Lady has joined the working class ranks. Recently, she picked up a summer job waiting tables to supplement the household income. "People expect something different of you because of who I'm married to," Maine's First Lady Ann LePage told local news. Governor LePage makes $70,000 per year in exchange for his stewardship of Maine, making it the lowest paid governorship in the country. The average two-person family income in Maine is about $17,000 more annually than the governor's salary. First Lady LePage is saving her summer earnings to buy a car.

While Democratic members of Congress built a pillow fort on the floor of the House to oppose gun rights, the Republicans continued their work on behalf of the American people.
At about 1 am on Thursday, while drowned out by cries of "Shame! Shame! Shame!" from Democrats and partially blocked from C-SPAN’s cameras by protest signs, Ryan held some procedural votes on when the House would reconvene to vote on emergency funding to address the Zika virus. The votes were held at 2:30 am, and the Zika bill passed.
The need for a robust response to Zika is becoming more evident each day, as reports of more outbreaks in this country continue to mount.

The United Kingdom has voted to stay or leave the European Union. They closed the polls and people have started counting the votes. The results remained close, but the Leave campaign is inching closer and closer to reality. This is the best #Brexit tweet so far:

Emails received by Judicial Watch on Wednesday show that problems with Hillary Clinton's email server caused the State Department to disable security features. Kenneth LaVolpe, a senior technical official, told his IT employees in a December 2010 email that the security issues "should trump all other activities." But emails dated 2011 and 2012 show that problems continued.

The Democratic Party is apparently taking cues from progressive campus protesters now. In a move reminiscent of a safe space at Mizzou, congressional proponents of gun control staged a sit-in on the House floor yesterday. The irony is that these aging, 1960's obsessed hipsters disguised as elected officials were actually protesting civil rights. Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist explains:
Democrats Shut Down Congress With Anti-Civil Rights Sit-In. Good! Democratic members of Congress on Wednesday staged a sit-in on the floor of the House to oppose gun rights.

With all the zeal of a Joey-come-lately, gun-control convert Joe Scarborough clashed on today's Morning Joe with Second Amendment defender Tom Cole, Republican congressman from Oklahoma. When Scarborough lectured Cole about terrorists "who want to kill people in your district," Cole shot back "Joe, I know something about terrorism. I lived through an incident in Oklahoma City." And when Scarborough patronizingly instructed Cole to "read the Constitution," Cole retorted "I think I've read the Constitution as often as you have." Mike Barnicle waited until after the interview to take a cheap shot at Cole, claiming that he is "handcuffed to the top leadership of the NRA at the expense of ordinary people."

Just a quick post here to add some additional insight into the acquittal of Office Caesar Goodson, first from an experienced trial attorney in Baltimore, then from two of the Baltimore Sun reporters who have most intensively covered these "Freddie Gray" trials, and finally an editorial from the Baltimore Sun editorial board urging Mosby to reconsider these "Freddie Gray" trials.

Baltimore Criminal Defense Attorney Warren Brown

In a much-anticipated decision, the Supreme Court issued a tied decision Thursday in United States v. Texas, which dealt with the constitutionality of the executive orders President Barack Obama issued regarding parents who were illegal immigrants but whose children were citizens or legal residents (commonly known as DAPA).