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Political Showdowns Week at Legal Insurrection

Political Showdowns Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

The political contests in both parties are coming down to the wire.

It’s happening on the left…

It’s happening on the right…

Meanwhile, the world is spinning out of control.

The world of higher education is still crazy.

Hollywood, too.

Thank goodness for Branco cartoons.


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JimMtnViewCaUSA | May 1, 2016 at 12:28 pm

Yes, yay Branco!

Col. West’s website notes the first IN poll that includes knowledge of the Carly pick and the Bobby Knight endorsement.

“Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has a 15-point lead over his closest rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, just days ahead of the Indiana primary.

Trump has the support of 49 percent of likely Republican primary voters, compared to Cruz’s 34 percent, in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released Sunday morning.”

Strong Cruz supporter here. In fact, eight of our family attended a Cruz event last night. Ted is great: Wonderful sense of humor, excellent on issues, including California-specific issues.
However, what may be an overwhelming reality, that could sweep aside all other considerations in this election, is the illegal immigrant tragedy intentionally being inflicted on our once-great country by the left, especially obama.
The videos of the outrage in Germany today almost match the outrageous conduct of the rioters at the Republican Burlingame event. That outrage may create a tidal wave of support for Trump, without any analysis of what Trump really has said he will do about that issue.
Reasonable nationalism is something that huge numbers of Americans desire, including me and our family.
Especially with obama doing all he can to destroy America by bringing in as many more savages as he can during his remaining months in office, which will in major part coincide with the primaries and then the general election, this issue likely will trump everything else, all to Trump’s advantage.

JimMtnViewCaUSA | May 1, 2016 at 10:37 pm

LI’s own NeoNeoCon notes that the GOPe actually did vote repeal O’Care though they did not defund it.