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March 2014

I am pleased to announce that I received the award for Blogger of the Year from the National Bloggers Club last night at the Blog Bash 2014 event held near the CPAC conference. Legal Insurrection was well represented at the event -- from left to right --...

From Joe: This sicker is on a minivan outside of Houston. The H sticker next to it is about Henry Rifles. He got it....

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco...

Why was our intelligence community caught so flat-footed about Putin's intentions in Ukraine? That's a question being asked on Capitol Hill, and in Politico. One possible answer to the query is, "No, it wasn't." That one was given by James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, and...

National Rifle Association (NRA) Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre is expected to take the stage to speak at CPAC 2014 at 2:30pm ET today, coverage begins at 2:15pm ET. Legal Insurrection reader Dmacleo sent us a note that it will be livestreaming at The Conservative...

Kicking off this morning’s roster of speakers at CPAC 2014 was Texas senator Ted Cruz. In introducing Cruz, the president and publisher of Regnery Publishing said this: “If you’ve attended CPAC in the past, you know that the speakers you’ll hear from will shock, delight, amaze, inform,...

Today marks the opening of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an annual event organized by the American Conservative Union. The conference - already underway - features a variety of panel discussions and speeches from notable lawmakers and influencers.  The current schedule includes, among others, Sen....

From Einstein: On a car in Portland Oregon no less. The times be returning, they be returning. ...

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton on Tuesday drew parallels between the aggressive actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Ukraine and those of Adolf Hitler in the 1930's. She made the comments while speaking at a private event, according to the Press-Telegram of Long Beach, California.
Putin’s desire to protect minority Russians in Ukraine is reminiscent of Hitler’s actions to protect ethnic Germans outside Germany, she [Clinton] said. Putin has been on a campaign to give Russian passports to anyone who has Russian connections, Clinton said. The Russian leader has recently done so in the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, which, Clinton said, is similar to what happened in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. Hitler resettled tens of thousands of ethnic Germans who were living in parts of Europe to Nazi Germany. Clinton made her comments at a private event benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Long Beach. “Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the 30s,” she said. “All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.”

A United Nations special envoy to Ukraine abruptly ended his mission Wednesday after a group of unidentified armed men reportedly threatened him. From the NY Times: A senior United Nations diplomat who was sent to the Crimea region of southern Ukraine to assess the Russian military takeover...

Alan Grayson's lawyers are holding a press conference in which they released an edited video with no showing the incident which led to Grayson's wife Lolita obtaining a restraining order. They say that the video exonerates Grayson, and also released an affidavit from their 18-year-old daughter. [caption id="attachment_80389" align="alignnone" width="500"](Alan Grayson lawyers at press conference, 3-5-2014) (Alan Grayson lawyers at press conference, 3-5-2014)[/caption] They showed a still image (featured image above) purporting to show Lolita throwing a punch. We will post the video and affidavit when available. (video added) They say they didn't release the audio because of concerns as to whether doing so would be legal. They claim that the full video will support Grayson even more.

The U.S. Senate has rejected the nomination of Debo Patrick Adegbile, a former NAACP official who acted as lawyer for convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, to become head of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Adegbile represented Abu-Jamal on appeal. The widow of officer Danny Faulkner along with police organizations and other groups, objected to the nomination, arguing among other things, that Adegbile became a champion of Abu-Jamal beyond being his appellate lawyer. A petition started by Faulkner's widow, Maureen, garnered widespread support and stated in part as follows:
Mr. Adegbile previously led the Legal Defense Fund at the NAACP. In that position, Mr. Adegbile chose to throw the weight and resources of his organization behind Abu-Jamal. Attorneys working under Mr. Adegbile’s supervision have stood before rallies of Abu-Jamal supporters and openly professed that it was “an extreme honor” to represent the man who put a hollow based bullet into Officer Faulkner’s brain as he lay on the ground wounded, unarmed, and defenseless. While Mr. Adegbile may be a well-qualified and competent litigator, through his words, his decisions, and his actions he has clearly and repeatedly demonstrated that he is not the best person to fill this position. Clearly there are others with similar qualifications that would be better choices. The thought that Mr. Adegbile would be rewarded, in part, for the work he did for Officer Faulkner’s killer is revolting. Please set aside any partisan feelings you have and do the right thing when you vote on Mr. Adegbile’s confirmation. Please vote “no.”
In early February, Faulkner's widow was interviewed about the nomination: In a key procedural vote today, the nomination failed to advance, by a vote of 52-47 against, with 7 Democrats voting No: