Alan Grayson entitled to same presumption of innocence as George Zimmerman
Let’s not rush to judgment that Grayson is a wife-beater, because we’re, um, uh, better than that.

Alan Grayson’s wife, Lolita, has accused Grayson of physical battery, and obtained a protective order.
The Orlando Sentinel reports:
A judge has granted a temporary protective injunction against U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson after his wife filed paperwork accusing the Orlando congressman of shoving and injuring her during an incident this past weekend.
Lolita Grayson’s petition for the injunction, dated Monday, says her husband pushed her against a door, causing her to fall to the ground, during a confrontation Saturday at their home on Oak Park Road near Windermere….
Asked about the incident, Orange County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Angelo Nieves said in a written response that the agency “is currently conducting a Domestic Violence investigation which is open and active at this point.”A heavily redacted Sheriff’s Office document released Tuesday identified Lolita Grayson as the victim in the incident and listed the offense under investigation as domestic-violence battery.
Grayson was not arrested in the incident and is not currently facing any criminal charges.
According to the petition, Lolita Grayson was preparing to take the couple’s two youngest children to a play date when Alan Grayson “showed up, unannounced” and asked to speak with her inside.
After she refused, retrieved his mail and asked him to leave, Alan Grayson “then deliberately and with force pushed [Lolita Grayson] very hard against the front door, causing [her] to fall to the ground as a result,” the petition states.
She told her husband not to touch her, then pushed him in the face and kneed him in the stomach “in order to protect and defend herself” before calling 911, her petition says.
As she was talking to the operator, Alan Grayson told his wife, in the presence of their children, that she “would receive nothing” in their divorce and would be left “in the gutter,” the petition states.
Photos filed by Lolita Grayson’s attorneys with the petition show large bruises to her left leg and left shoulder.
Her complaint alleges that “from time to time” in the past, her husband “has battered [her] and the parties’ minor children,” though she has not previously sought an injunction against him.
While Grayson has not been charged criminally yet, neither was George Zimmerman initially.
Zimmerman cooperated with police to the fullest, gave multiple interviews and reenactments, and otherwise conducted himself as a man who did not believe he was guilty.
Regardless, Grayson is entitled to the same presumption of innocence as Zimmerman.
Even if Grayson has called a female lobbyist a whore, compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan, regularly attacked political opponents in the most vicious terms, and even accused Republicans of wanting people to die quickly.
No, we will give Grayson the presumption of innocence, even though he, well, you know:
Update 3-5-2014 — Remember this from Grayson’s 2012 campaign:

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Gosh Dad….. grumble, grumble, grumble.
Ah, schadenfreude. 😉
As a matter of law, he is certainly entitled to the presumption of innocence. As a matter of politics, he has clearly been identified as a soldier in the War On Women. Hell, if Mitt Romney is supposed to be a General, Grayson is at least a Lt. Colonel.
Well, I heard from some guy (same source as Harry Reid’s) that Grayson hits his wife all the time. Once, he played jai alai with her in the living room. Not against, but with.
So, it must be true.
Nah. Let’s jump in with both feet and start libeling him like libtards.
We never get to have any fun.
Years ago I read somewhere how the ancient Chinese would prepare, and then perform, the needed candidates for the office of court eunuch. It wasn’t enough that mere castration occurred – that is a simple process. No, rather other pieces of anatomy also needed to be removed without hindering the persons ability to urinate. The Chinese culture seemed very cosmopolitan compared to the more barbaric cultures where they just “crushed” the candidates stones and hoped for the best! OUCH!
Now we’re talking fun!
#AlanGraysonExcuses Domestic violence is not a problem, it’s a solution..
Does FL law mandate a ‘must-arrest’ on DV cases, where somebody goes and it’s the officer’s decision whether to press, not the vic’s?
This is a tragic consequence of the performance stress we place on our world class assholes. Being a competitive asshole, especially as a democrat, takes time, dedication, training and commitment.
If Grayson wants to compete at the Harry Reid level he needs to concentrate his efforts and learn to deal with stressful situations in a truly asshole fashion. While this incident is a start, it will not move him up a division unless there was a weapon involved, especially an automatic assault revolver loaded with real bullets.
You’re right, Grayson is not yet playing at Harry’s level. In order to ‘elevate’ his game, he’ll need to add ‘Pederast’ to his resume, and start libeling presidential candidates on the floor of the senate without repercussion.
In an odd way we have to be thankful for a-holes like Grayson. The Dems can never completely take over as long as people like him are in office.
Lolita? Really?
Question: What did Alan Grayson say to his wife when she had two black eyes?
Answer: Bitch, I done told you twice!!
Are you sure? I thought that was what Putin said to Obama.
Alan… you punk. May G_d have mercy on your soul.
Lets have a televised show trial. #GraysonTrial
True. Though it sucks sometimes actually respecting the rule of law, considering what the “other side” does all the time.
And Grayson isn’t black, so…..
Within 24-hours he will blame one or more of the following: (1.) Ambien; (2.) PTSD from working with Tea Party Republicans in Congress; (3.) Booze; (4.) Prescription drugs, to which his addiction will be described using Rush Limbaugh as an example at least 43 times in his mea culpa speech; (5.) His stress from constant worry about the effects of rising sea levels on Florida.
Any bets?
6) All of the above.
I am more than happy to give Grayson the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think he really is a wife-beater, or a child-beater, or even that he beats terminally-ill household pets, and I’m going to make it a special point to tell as many people I know that he’s not a wife beater. Walking down the street, I will approach strangers and tell them, “By the way, Alan Grayson is not really a wife beater. There’s still some doubt.” I will take out a billboard ad that says “Alan Grayson is not a wife beater.”
After all, he deserves to be given…as much benefit of the doubt as he has given for years.
Oh, I wish you could hear me laughing!
William Jefferson Clinton’s misogynist activities actually increased his appeal among Democrats (especially women). Ted Kennedy murdered a young woman, and almost became President.
Don’t be surprised if Grayson has a similar surge in popularity.
I find it strange how the morally corrupt seem to congregate together. It’s similar to a big city and how the wino’s all seem to know on what corner to gather late at night.
The presumption of innocence is for the courts. I look at the way he’s behaved and conclude he’s just the type.
I don’t care if he’s sending 5,000 orphans to medical school, an asshole is still and asshole.
To be sure, we’d be stuck with the bill for his charity! After all, he’s a Demo(n)crat.
He’ll get the David Gregory treatment from the DA’s office and the Bill Clinton treatment from the DNC and MSM.
1) Interesting – he wasn’t arrested or charged!? Because, I can just about guarantee you that if this was you or me …..
2) Where are all the feminists with their ever-ready “white male privilege” shtick?
3) Gee Grayson, how’s it feel to be on the receiving end of an accusation?
I visit Daily Kos on a regular basis and this is one of the moments where someone raises a point… but they’re not greeted with open arms,
What I enjoy about reading on Daily Kos is not what they publish.. it’s what they don’t talk about. And they don’t talk about very much except what warms their hearts.. in spite of their “Reality Based Community” creed.
And knowing DailyKos… if that story was about a Republican it would already have 800 “recs” and many comments about the “War on Woman”. As it stands now it has 16 recommendations from DK users.
Alan Grayson is allowed the presumption of innocence/benefit of the doubt IN A COURT OF LAW, and nowhere else if people do not wish to give it to him.
I for one will not. He has not extended the same courtesy in the past and has been such an *ss over the years he does nto deserve it.
Despite attempts by enemies of GZ to point him as a person with strong ties to law enforcement with a his father being a retired magistrate from another state. A tie so tenuous, as to strain credulity.
Here ios a polician who has associates in his home town that have intimate influence on law makers. It makes sense that people scrutinize the facts and judge whether undue influence was brought on the police.
Also, for a year and a half, while George Zimmerman was being “presumed innocent” his movements were severely curtailed and he was forced to wear a monitoring device. HAs something like that happened to Grayson?
If this means that he will never, ever be elected for any office again, then that is enough.
Great HL!
Let’s not go crazy here. We need Grayson to stay in office at least till November. This guy is a shining example of the quality of Democrat/liberal politicians, plus you just know he’ll always be a source for great campaign ads. I figure him for at least 2-3 more scandalettes between now and the midterms.