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Emails of four top National Republican Congressional Committee aides were hacked, according to a Politico report published Tuesday. For several months, the NRCC email accounts of these four top aides was surveilled. The data breach was discovered by an NRCC vendor in April who immediately alerted the cybersecurity team. The FBI was also informed of the hack, reports Politico.

You hear it everywhere right now: the Republican Party is united as never before. Mitch McConnell was pretty witty about it: “I want to thank the mob because they’ve done the one thing we were having trouble doing, which was energizing the base.”

Yesterday New Hampshire had a primary, and Eddie Edwards won the GOP nomination for the US House of Representatives from the state's 1st Congressional District:
Eddie Edwards, who was endorsed by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, defeated six Republican opponents in the 1st Congressional District, which covers the eastern half of the state. A Navy veteran who also served as enforcement chief for the state liquor commission, Edwards is the second African-American to be nominated to a U.S. House seat in New Hampshire.

Republican Troy Balderson has a 50.2% lead in Ohio's 12th District special election over Democrat Danny O'Connor, who has 49.3% of the vote, to take over for Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi. The Republicans have held this seat for decades, but the Democrats saw an opportunity to give life to their supposed "blue wave" and poured an insane amount of money and attention into flipping this seat. Despite the vote count, both sides have claimed victory on this one. Yes, even the Democrats. They got so close, but does it matter? Should the Republicans be worried that it took a slim margin to win a historically Republican seat?

An Iowahawk tweet is frequently posted at Instapundit, which notes that the press decides which stories to cover . . . with a pillow, until they stop moving. As the dust settles from the 2018 primary season and we head into the general election phase, I thought it might be fun to highlight a few items being smothered by our media related to their treasured progressive narratives.

The splashy headlines in the MSM all talk about how the House Freedom Caucus killed the farm bill in the House today since those members demanded the lawmakers vote on immigration legislation first. But it's a good thing this bill died because of the non-sexy components the MSM won't touch. The lawmakers filled the bill with so much pork that it'd shock anyone that agriculture was the main subject.

Leftist billionaire Tom Steyer has made no secret of his desire to see President Trump impeached, and he has been putting his billions where his mouth is. His latest ad-buy via his Next Gen PAC goes beyond attacking Trump and demonizes every left-leaning, centrist, and right-leaning American who votes Republican in this country.  Given Democrats' massive, humiliating losses at every level of government, that's a lot of people. The "Mother's Day" ad warns that the GOP is turning kids into misogynist, thieving, Trump-supporting bullies who march for white supremacy.

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) has represented Colorado's 5th district for six years, but it looks like that may come to an end. The Colorado Supreme Court kicked him off the GOP primary ballot after the justices "ruled that a petition gatherer working for Lamborn's campaign did not live in the state at the time." That made the signatures invalid and placed Lamborn "below the threshold for ballot access."