GOP Senators Outraged By Schiff’s Reference to “Head on a pike” Story: ‘Every one of us knows it is not true’
Sen. Barrasso: “No Republican senator has been told that. What he has proven to all of us is, he is capable of falsehoods and will tell it to the country. And would tell it to us when we are sitting in the Senate chamber.”

In his closing statements, House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff (D-CA) went too far in citing a CBS News-run rumor that President Trump threatened to put the heads of GOP senators who voted for removal on a pike. This was never, according to numerous Republican senators, said.
Senate Republicans — including potential swing-voters — expressed outrage Friday after lead House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff, D-Calif., referred in his closing remarks at President Trump’s Senate impeachment trial to a report that GOP members were told they’d face dire consequences if they voted to convict the president.
“CBS News reported last night that a Trump confidant said that key senators were warned, ‘Vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.’ I don’t know if that’s true,” Schiff said, while trying to persuade his Senate colleagues to vote with “moral courage” rather than in their political self-interest.
Several senators went on record objecting to Schiff’s comment.
“I thought he was doing fine with [talking about] moral courage until he got to the ‘head on a pike.’ That’s where he lost me,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who has said she might be open to calling witnesses in the trial, told reporters. “He’s a good orator. … It was just unnecessary.”
After listening silently for most of the trial so far, several Republicans reportedly shook their heads and could be heard saying, “That’s not true,” after Schiff made the remark.
“I hope it’s not true,” Schiff responded before continuing.
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, considered another key Republican vote, agreed with Murkowski.
“Not only have I never heard the ‘head on the pike’ line but also I know of no Republican senator who has been threatened in any way by anyone in the administration,” she told reporters.
Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said, “No Republican senator has been told that. What he has proven to all of us is, he is capable of falsehoods and will tell it to the country. And would tell it to us when we are sitting in the Senate chamber. When every one of us knows it is not true.”
Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., who has also said he would be open to witnesses, told reporters it’s “completely, totally false.”
“None of us have been told that,” he said. “That’s insulting and demeaning to everyone to say that we somehow live in fear and that the president has threatened all of us.″
Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, called the story “baloney.” She said she was listening to Schiff, “until he got to the part where he just completely made a bunch of bullcrap up.”

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Projection. It is Dem heads who are on likes. Dem leaders are the ones threatening Democrats if they don’t vote for the Team.
Schiff is forecasting the end of his own evil tails?
Pin the tail… tale on the Donkey? Surely, he has jumped the Ass.
That said, yarns. Balls of yarns spun with empathetic appeal.
Yes, all the DEMS have jumped the shark.
Americans have had more than enough “Schiff on a Shingle.”
Jumped the Ass is so much more true to character. Did you know that Spartans would regular jump the ass (i.e. sodomy) of their young boys and girls in order to cow and control them?
Isn’t that what the Leftists and Bullies of the world still do to this very day?
Said elsewhere that he was projecting. In his own mind, he is a saint and martyr for the cause of the feels. He wants his own head on a pike in metaphor but is jealous because there’s not enough girth in the neck area to support it.
It’s fake outrage, which is as bad on the right as it is on the left.
The rule ought to be that you can say anything you want.
Stand up for that, not some lame hypocrisy charge. Hypocrisy charges are the stuff of teenaged rebellious girls.
What disturbs me is that they said UP UNTIL THAT POINT he was doing fine.
No he wasn’t you RINO hacks.
He presented NO evidence and has NO crime.
This is a joke and Schiff is a fucking liar. If you didn’t realize that before this point there’s zero hope for you or the TOP.
Stop trying to play this fairness bullshit and pretending this is legitimate.
You WANT it to be legitimate so you can pretend that everything is fine.
Democrats are counting on it and playing you for chumps. They are COUNTING on you giving their tantrum legitimacy to campaign on.
If you don’t think they’re already cutting ads with a few seconds of you saying Schiff was doing fine then you’re delusional.
Call a spade a fucking spade and call Schiff a liar and a joke.
The little slime was incensed when he was called out on his lie. like a 5-year-old would be.
Tucker Destroys Schiff
I wish one of the Senators had thrown a tomato at him.
This is an incredible blunder.
Schiff’s goal is to give enough semi-plausible cover—specifically, the slight possibility that there’s an actual crime buried somewhere in the charges—for the most useless of the Repub senators to have an excuse to assist the Dem attempt to tie up the Senate for the rest of the year with irrelevant witnesses peddling rank speculation and Feinstein-magnitude fabrications. That’s why traitors like Murkowsky pretend that Schiff was actually onto something with that fluffy “moral courage” garbage; they’re looking for some tiny excuse to pretend that the Dems might conceivably be on to something real.
Then he told them the one thing that they—and nobody else—know is absolute bullshit. Not even Murkowski or Collins can continue to pretend that Schiff is anything but a shit-shoveller of the rankest sort. All that crap about moral courage, Constitutional duty, nobody-is-above-the-law, etc go down the toilet when a guy like the newly-revealed Schiff peddles it.
It’s odd because he didn’t have to be so heavy-handed. Murkowsky et al were eager to swallow almost any rancid bait he’d toss their way. But he overdid it.
D’oh! One “L” in “shoveler.”
So, these so called Senators who sat there through numerous lies by Schiff, heck I counted about 18 lies within the 30 minutes I could take listening to him, but that was to use their words, FINE?!? WTF? Honestly, how the heck can anyone be so totally clueless that they believed the utter lies and garbage pushed by Schiff throughout his whole time talking, yet object to the one line Head on a pike?
Are these people brain dead? Are they this clueless to all that has been going on in this impeachment fraud that they think this psychopath has any credibility whatsoever?
No wonder the left gets away with all the crimes they want to, when our vaunted Congress Critters think Schiff was doing “fine”.
I am so disgusted with Congress, they should all lose their jobs. Burn it down. Start all over with sane people who have a modicum of intelligence, for this country needs people with at least half a brain cell left working if we are to survive. These idiots scare the hell out of me.
Schiff Is Terrified Of Video Allegedly In Custody Of The FBI:
Lindsay Graham congratulates adam schiff. LITERALLY:
Interesting article.
“…… this is NOT what has Schiff “schiffing” his pants….”
Schiff’s Close Friend, NBC Emmy Award Winning Correspondent Charged With Pedophilia
In today’s over-policed climate, anyone can be CHARGED with ANYTHING. It’s called lawfare. Let’s see how far the charges go.
That looks nothing like Graham lol
Did they find Epstein Island tapes????????
Oh my!
Shades of Chicago and Man’s Country circa December 2007…..
Rep. Adam Schiff and sex offender that drugged and killed men
Pervert Ed Buck Arrested In Los Angeles: Here Are The Democrats He’s Donated To
Laura Loomer is a certifiable nutcase. So is anyone who takes her or anything she says seriously.
Me thinks they do protest too much.
I would lay money that a threat was made, but not specifically a ‘pike’ reference.
Because that is how the Orange One rolls…
If the heads are rotating rotisserie style, are they turnpikes?
Truth or falsehood. It doesn’t matter. Many millions of voters will believe it.
Truth or falsehood. It doesn’t matter. Many millions of voters will believe it.
Schiff put his own head on a spike.
Unforced errors.
I don’t know if that’s true,” Schiff said
Humorously that happens to be the same exact comment I made when I told a friend I heard that schiff was a child molester.
What a coincidence.
He called up violent images, but there is a grain of truth in it. The voters would not take kindly to those turning their backs to our president. A grain of truth is a step in the right direction for schifty schiff.
tom swift, I largely agree but I don’t think it was a blunder.
The Dems know they have no hope of removing Trump via impeachment. I think they are starting to realize they might get an epic beatdown in November. Their strategy now is to whip up their base to hopefully hold the House but especially try to peel off enough marginal Trump supporters to win control of the Senate. They have decided to 1) try to scare Republican senators in purple states with being tied to Trump and 2) generate sound bites for attack adds. I think the RINO senators see the game for what it is which is why they are outraged. The same reason the Bernie Bros got mad at CNN. Those tactics aren’t supposed to ve used in THEM.
*supposed to be used against THEM*