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Gloria Allred has a news conference with a "4th Accuser" scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Here's Cain's staff response (the link in the tweet is to Cain's Iowa fund):  ...

Is it worth taking a look at Jon Huntsman, who I long ago dismissed as a media creation and someone who filled space at the debates, with an "if I wanted to vote for Mitt Romney I'd vote for Mitt Romney" attitude? What got me thinking about...

From an op-ed in The Washington Times by Wesley Pruden, Herman Cain and innuendos: This was once a serious country with serious newspapers, back in the day when they were edited by serious editors and a man had the right to confront an accuser before she...

by the behavior of numerous "conservatives" and "libertarians" on Twitter dancing on Herman Cain's (presumed) political grave. Let's sum up the "facts" as they are known right now.  Mostly unnamed people accused Herman Cain of unspecified conduct which some people who will not specify the people or...

From Walter Russell Mead referencing cancellation of his own speech, and taking it all in good humor: I was scheduled to give a talk at the Hannah Arendt conference here at Bard this evening on the problems of the green movement in dealing with the connections...

Yes, this is the point, isn't it?  It's not just about big liberal government, it's about big government. By way of example, it's why I am against centralize federal tort reform; just because you like the result doesn't mean you have to empower the federal government...

Another day, another failed Obama attempt to dominate Twitter with a campaign-inspired hastag (see, #attackwatch). This time the hastag is #WeCantWait as in "we can't wait" for Republicans to approve whatever half-baked scheme Obama wants to push through Congress to prove that he is the "jobs...

Not long ago The Washington Post was digging up rocks from 30 years ago to find dirt about Rick Perry. Now WaPo is digging up immigration papers from 50 years ago about Marco Rubio's parents, Marco Rubio’s compelling family story embellishes facts, documents show.  The gist of WaPo's dramatic...

You know the trick, Obama's an expert at it.  Create a straw man argument by presenting extreme choices, in order to make one of the choices seem like the only reasonable choice.  It's also called being a "shorter," in internet parlance. Nicholas Kristof of The NY Times is...

Scrolling through The Daily News' live blog of the Occupy Wall Street protest in Times Square yesterday, this photo and caption jumped out at me: Student loan debt a hot topic among Times Sq. crowd. "Student loans screwed up my credit!" one protester screamed while Shakina Nayfack,...

Looking at all the non-Romney candidates last night, I kept thinking, "Miss her yet?"  (Note:  If someone could do the graphic, I'd love to post it.) Particularly after this question and answer: TUMULTY: Congressman Gingrich -- Speaker Gingrich, Medicare is going broke.  Consider the fact that half of...