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Best and Worst Tweets of the Year, preferably ones featured at LI (use Twitter tag to search) but open to other suggestions. Best and Worst Bumper Sticker Photos of the Year, limited to those featured at LI (use Bumper Stickers tag to search). Post in comments by...

The debate is scheduled for 4 p.m. Eastern.  [Added, full debate video embedded at bottom of post, it's 1 hour and 20 minutes long] WMUR in New Hampshire, CNN, and Huntsman's website are supposed to have the livestream.  If I can get an embed code, I will.  There...

Quick take:  Everyone performed well, but if Romney's task was to take on and knock down Newt, he didn't do it.  Romney was offered up the opportunity a number of times, and only tried once and it was weak.  It was not as cringe-worthy as...

We knew Teddy Roosevelt.  Teddy Roosevelt was a friend of ours.  And you, former Senator, are no Teddy Roosevelt.  Or something like that. ...

Q.  Who was the last person to actually cut government? As pointed out at C4P: Rush is correct. Newt was indeed the last person to substantially cut Government and execute reform. However; what folks seem to confuse that with is the idea that Newt actually “cut” budgets. That...

I posted yesterday the spot on article by Byron York, The insider-outsider divide over Newt Gingrich, which delves into the great divide between Washington Republican political players (politicians and media) who have their noses out of joint over Newt because he was mean to them in...

Wolf Blitzer started the night by confirming that Wolf really was his first name. In the introductory statements, Mitt Romney confirmed that Mitt was his first name. Except that it's not, it's Willard. Which leads to the Tweet of the Night from @AshleyRParker:  ...

Here was my assessment: End Game – no clear winner. Cain exceeded expectations but only because expectations were low.  Perry redeemed himself but I doubt it will change perceptions.  Newt and Romney were both good, Newt scored his usual slap at the moderator and it...

That's the suggestion made by some readers in response to my post about Rick Perry's brain freeze in last night's debate.  It's also a theme followed up by commenter OwenJ in an e-mail to me, which reads: Some time ago, responding to the response from some...

Full report on CNBC debate here.  The only part that will be remembered is Rick Perry's freeze on stage.  He was having a reasonable debate until that point.  I feel sorry for him.  One freeze on stage should not end a campaign, but the reaction...

I've enjoyed watching various candidates on Brett Baier's Center Seat. It's a place for the panel to question the candidates pretty vigorously. But one candidate will not appear. It's inexplicable. And now confirmed:  Added: Baier still is trying, this time for a one-on-one. If Romney is...

Gloria Allred has a news conference with a "4th Accuser" scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Here's Cain's staff response (the link in the tweet is to Cain's Iowa fund):  ...

Is it worth taking a look at Jon Huntsman, who I long ago dismissed as a media creation and someone who filled space at the debates, with an "if I wanted to vote for Mitt Romney I'd vote for Mitt Romney" attitude? What got me thinking about...