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Tucker Carlson Tag

Mike Isaacson is a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, a part of the City University of New York. He is openly pro-Antifa violence and has been suspended following a series of tweets in which he joked about police deaths.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) SPLC has repeatedly listed a great many mainstream, right-leaning, and/or conservative groups and persons as "hate groups."  So indiscriminate are they in their listings that they have been forced to retract "hate group" claims when called upon to provide evidence or to defend its categorization. The SPLC has been making news lately in relation to its being touted as an "authority" on "hate groups."  SPLC lists are being used not only by unbalanced people who believe the lists and then go on a rampage but as a means of internet censorship and even massive, unscrupulous fundraising in the wake of Charlottesville. In a 2007 interview, a former SPLC spokesman proudly boasted that the goal of SPLC, its "aim in life," is to "destroy these groups, completely destroy them."

James Devine—the Dem strategist who tweeted #HuntRepublicanCongressmen in the hours following the shooting of Republican Congressman Steve Scalise—was a guest on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show last night. Devine's rambling and confused argument ultimately led Tucker to tell Devine that he is an "unbalanced person." But listen carefully to what Devine said, and you'll detect what amounts to his justification of the Scalise shooting. He first quotes Sen. Rand Paul [whom Devine twice calls "Paul Rand"] to the effect that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to permit people to "shoot at a tyrannical government."

Despite claiming to want to end racism, members of the Black Lives Matter movement held a Memorial Day event which was open only to black people. Amber Randall reported at the Daily Caller:
Black Lives Matter Throws ‘Exclusively Black’ Memorial Day Weekend Party The New York City chapter of Black Lives Matter hosted an “exclusively black” party over Memorial Day weekend.

On Wednesday night, Virgil Bernero, the mayor of sanctuary city Lansing, Michigan, told Tucker Carlson that if his police force were to enforce immigration laws, it would be seen as an "occupying force." An incredulous Tucker responded, "people come into your country illegally, your job is to enforce the laws as a police officer, and you somehow feel guilty because you're an occupying force?" Bernero then played the white privilege card,  "it's easy for white men like us . . . who enjoy what we enjoy . . . " Tucker could take no more: "I was taking you seriously at the beginning, but this is just buffoonish."

Having shown her true colors in calling Tucker Carlson a "bow-tying white boy" in 2012 and running unsuccessfully for DNC chair because, as she told Tucker in January, “we don’t need white people leading the Democratic party right now,” Jehmu Green again tangled with Tucker last night. This time the subject was Planned Parenthood, and Green did not do well.  To put it mildly.  Not only was she incredibly rude, shouting over Tucker, but she also kept trotting out the same tired leftist lines we've heard for decades and know to be untrue and illogical.

The last time we checked in with Bill Nye, "The Science Guy", he was indicating that jail might be an appropriate place for climate change skeptics in an interview referencing the targeting of Exxon Mobil:
..Was it appropriate to jail people from the cigarette industry who insisted that this addictive product was not addictive, and so on?” “In these cases, for me, as a taxpayer and voter, the introduction of this extreme doubt about climate change is affecting my quality of life as a public citizen,” Mr. Nye said. “So I can see where people are very concerned about this, and they’re pursuing criminal investigations as well as engaging in discussions like this.”

Wednesday, President Trump withdrew President Obama's transgender bathroom mandates. Though the Obama administration claimed the mandates were simply guidance, failure to comply could've resulted in the loss of federal funding. Needless to say, the LGBTQ community was up in arms, leading long-time Democratic advisor Zac Petkansas to call the Trump White House "monsters."

During his rally in Florida this weekend, Trump brought up the problems some countries in Europe and elsewhere are having with refugees. He singled out Sweden and the left, including many people in media, jumped on it. It turns out, Trump was basing his claims on a segment from the Tucker Carlson show in which filmmaker Ami Horowitz described a documentary project on the subject. Ami returned to the show last night and after Tucker replayed the clip, Horowitz backed up his project with numbers directly from the Swedish government. From FOX News:
Ami Horowitz defends Sweden refugee claims from backlash over Trump remark Filmmaker Ami Horowitz defended his investigation of refugees in Sweden Monday night amid a blacklash after President Donald Trump cited his work during a campaign speech over the weekend.

The internal strife within the Democrat party is palpable.  The two warring sides are the moderate centrists who still believe in things like free speech, capitalism, and love for America and the radical progressive left who do not. In perhaps the most bizarre interview Tucker's conducted as yet on his new show, he spars with a graduate student over the student's claim that college Republicans should be kicked off the NYU campus for inviting Gavin McInnes to speak and (apparently) thus forcing the progressives on campus to become violent.

Tucker Carlson had on a guest last night who proudly took credit for helping to organize the mob that shut down Milo Yiannopoulos at Berkeley. Yvette Felarca is part of a left wing group called By Any Means Necessary, and she advocates the use of violence to stop fascism. Oh and by the way, she's a middle school teacher. Isn't that great? Here's some background on the segment from the FOX News Insider:
Berkeley Protest Organizer Proud of Shutting Down 'Fascist' Milo Felarca, who helped organize the protests at UC-Berkeley two weeks ago, is calling for similar protests at universities across the country when there are guest speakers she believes are "fascists."

Tucker Carlson said true things on TV recently that triggered the far left. Carlson had the audacity to point out the left's hierarchy of victimhood on college campuses. He was talking to guest Scott Greer, author of the book "No Campus for White Men." Carlson pointed to the case of Nicholas Christakis who left his position as master of Sillman College at Yale after being verbally assaulted on campus by social justice warriors.

A group of academics has published an article in the socialist publication Jacobin in which they advocate for a "federal job guarantee."  This proposal entails a guaranteed minimal income of $23,000 per year and "rising to a mean of $32,500" to people who do not have jobs.  This money would come, of course, from tax payers who do have jobs, most of whom can ill-afford the tax burden this "spread the wealth" scheme entails. This idea has been batted around by socialists (and communists) for decades and is again rearing its ugly head.