Tucker Carlson Slams Bill Kristol for ‘Rationalizing Slavery’ Twitter Smear
“I never would’ve imagined he would write something that nasty about an enemy or even an old friend”
Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard has become one of the loudest voices of the Never-Trump right. As a result, he has taken to attacking fellow conservatives he perceives as being too Trump-friendly.
Two nights ago, Tucker Carlson – who used to work for Kristol – did a segment about the removal of Confederate statues. Kristol took to Twitter and smeared Carlson by suggesting he was rationalizing slavery:
They started by rationalizing Trump. They ended by rationalizing slavery. https://t.co/1BYhLF9YQY
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) August 16, 2017
Last night, Tucker responded. Via the FOX News Insider:
‘Like a Slot Machine Junkie’: Tucker Rips Bill Kristol For Saying He ‘Rationalized Slavery’
Tucker Carlson fired back at former Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, who appeared to accuse the host of “rationalizing slavery” in his monologue the previous night.
Carlson recounted how he said the outrage against Confederate monuments is not all about slavery, but also about “discrediting the Founders” and their “beliefs enshrined in law.”
That way, Carlson said, the left can dismiss First and Second Amendment Rights as the product of slaveholders.
Kristol tweeted that Carlson “started by rationalizing Trump, then ended by rationalizing slavery.”
Carlson called the accusation “outrageous” and said Kristol later libeled him in a tweet about anti-Semitism.
“Next Luther, Voltaire and Marx were anti-Jewish, so why is it a big deal that the marchers were chanting ‘Jews will not replace us’,” Kristol tweeted.
Carlson said he worked for and admired Kristol for several years as a thoughtful, educated man-about-Washington.
“I never would’ve imagined he would write something that nasty about an enemy or even an old friend,” he said.
Here’s the video:
Featured image via YouTube.
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Bill Kristol and other establishment ilk have turned off myself and I believe a great number of the likely GOP voters. The numbers that were there to vote down the line with Trump at the top of the ticket and won in 2016 will not be there for midterms and 2020 unless the swamp is drained and the worthless GOP incumbents that cannot get their act together or are replaced.
If Kristol et alia keeps this up it will assure the continuation of two scoops followed by two terms.
Theres the problem…20 years ago there was thinking involve. Today, not so much.
My suggestion is that Krystol visit arithmetic land conduct a body count of black people murdered in progressive major cities where there are no confederate statues or street names, highways, parks or schools and compare that to places that have the aforementioned. Then there is the phenomena of black people leaving the progressive safe places free from statues, names and flags to where these historical relics are located My guess is that Bill isn’t interested in reality as that requires effort. Nor does he seem interested in what threatens black people in 2017
I’ve said all along NeverTrumpers are not conservatives and they need to be purged. At best they’re rank adolescent virtue-signalers. That’s at best. I’m looking at you, raghead.
How are you going to “purge” people who love #realism, troll?
Take the floor.
What was that about ad homs again hypocrite?
You’ve had plenty of time to look up “ad hominem”. You persist in your stupid.
Let’s see what kind of hypocrite you are: was Minimillion trolling me or not?
Just a simple yes or no, please. Troll.
C’mon, Capt. AntiFa. Tell us about “purging” people who don’t suck T-rump.
“purge” is a rather foolish word to use, purge from what?
We’ve now entered a strange period where Democrats are accepting that they are a far left, marxist inspired radical left party; the majority of office holding Republicans are identifying as members of a Center-Left party, and conservatives have no party. The center left thinks it can compromise with the far left and run the country; it will be interesting to see how that plays out.
I am curious if you think Trump was wrong to say that both sides were at fault for the chaos in N.C. Rubio, McCain, and Romney have all now come out and said that Antifa should be held blameless, and the MSM are saying that Antifa is just like our soldiers who stormed the beaches on D-Day.
“I am curious if you think Trump was wrong to say that both sides were at fault for the chaos in N.C. Rubio, McCain, and Romney have all now come out and said that Antifa should be held blameless…”
I don’t think anyone said that. But I’ll explore that claim.
I think T-rump was STUPID to leave the remarks prepared for him by adults. The press conference was a hot mess.
I think the resolution to this whole conflict is simple law enforcement. It isn’t even a hard issue to deal with.
There are idiots who have made the comparison to AntiFa and the US army, but they are NOT “the MSM”. They are individuals.
Both ABC and NBC have reported on the violence of the AntiFa.
Or am I mistaken…???
From what LI has on the their remarks … I would have to saw Romney completely ignores the Left’s radical activists on this one. Rubio and McCain are in full virtual signalling mode.
The Left, it appears, views their protesters as of “pure intent” that are unfortunately infiltrated (every time) by radical folk totally unrelated to the demonstrators.
We have Leftist “sympathizers” that have the same flag and persona of the German Communists of the early 30’s, we have the Dem associated “movements” with “direct action”… and brushed over.
Number wise…. which is the bigger threat… Nazi influenced thugs for the Left’s direct action movements?
“I would have to saw Romney completely ignores the Left’s radical activists on this one. Rubio and McCain are in full virtual signalling mode.”
That’s an opinion and a valid one. Not necessarily a correct one. Reasonable people could disagree.
Did anyone “… come out and said that Antifa should be held blameless…”
No. That was simply false. Should all these guys have said without condition that the AntiFA are dangerous thugs? Yes, I believe they should.
“The Left, it appears, views their protesters as of “pure intent” that are unfortunately infiltrated (every time) by radical folk totally unrelated to the demonstrators.”
And that’s what happens commonly. The Black Bloc, as I’ve been saying for years, is evil, dangerous, organized and highly mobile.
There aim and most useful tactic is to foment violence in pursuit of anarchy. They will use anyone to that end.
“‘Rubio, McCain, and Romney have all now come out and said that Antifa should be held blameless…’
I don’t think anyone said that. But I’ll explore that claim.”
You are correct. Romney, for instance, never said antifa should be held blameless. No, Romney said antifa is praiseworthy.
“‘No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes,’ Romney tweeted Tuesday.”
What we have is one set of totalitarians using mob violence to instigate a rewrite of our history. They are black racists/nationalists, the Hamas-linked MB front-groub CAIR, and anarcho-Marxists and assorted other terrorists.
Having instigated this rewrite, they are now exploiting any resistance to it with the guilt-by-association tactic that the only people who could oppose tearing down Confederate monuments must be Nazis and white supremacists.
I understand why leftists like Dana Milbank are aiding and abetting this effort. He writes in the WaPo that there can be no debate. There are only Nazis on one side and the rest of us on the other. What I can’t understand is why Republicans are stupid enough to help leftists whitewash there violent enforcers as some morally superior force to the Nazis. Which Romney unequivocally does with his “morally different universes” statement.
The people who tore down that statue in Durham were members of the WWP. The Workers of the World Party broke off from the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in 1959 because they were infuriated by the fact the SWP didn’t defend Mao’s soul-crushing brand of communism without any reservation whatsoever and the SWP was critical of the USSR’s invasion of Hungary.
In other words, the WWP didn’t believe the SWP was sufficiently Stalinist and totalitarian. Now is the time to condemn them, but Romney is praising them and Rubio and McCain are giving them a pass.
I am firmly opposed to tearing down or otherwise removing those confederate monuments. The communists and black nationalists and their mouthpieces in the press would therefore label me a Nazi. But why therefore should the people who Romney praises and Rubio and McCain insist we remain silent about go unexamined? If I am supposedly defined by my “allies,” really groups who are exploiting the situation, why aren’t the people who think the statues should be torn down defined by their “allies?”
Actually, that was tongue in cheek. I would never resort tot he cheap tactic that’s being used against me. I am clear-eyed about Nazis and white supremacists and even Trump. And just because they happen to be on my side of the swamp occasionally doesn’t mean I am on their side. I have my own reasons.
Those statues need to remain standing for three reasons.
1. The only reason those statues are there is because this country is the only country that fought a civil war to end slavery. They lost.
2. It was a bloody civil war, given our population it was the bloodiest war in our history. In order to create and maintain a civil society we have to make certain compromises. The losing side had to admit defeat and swear loyalty to the Union. In return they got to commemorate their dead and to some extent their cause. We didn’t ban Confederate symbols, and I’m sure the Jews of Dachau didn’t mind being liberated by the U.S. Seventh Army’s 45th Infantry Division, some of their tanks flying the Confederate flag or had the had the Confederate flag painted on their hulls. Maybe they should have refused to be liberated by such out-and-out foul racists.
3. The “sons of the Confederacy” have romanticized their cause in the “War of Northern Aggression.” They insist it wasn’t about slavery but about fighting for states’ rights in the face of a tyrannical central government. If you want to prove them right, insist as Dana Milbank does and Romney, Rubio, McCain et al at least tacitly admit that there can be no debate or discussion and tear down their monuments. If you want to prove them wrong, leave them up.
“You are correct. Romney, for instance, never said antifa should be held blameless. No, Romney said antifa is praiseworthy.”
I can remember when you were sane. He said no such thing.
“the other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes”
Rags, since when is opposing racism and bigotry not praiseworthy?
I quoted Romney’s tweet verbatim. It you want to convince me or anyone else that Romney has condemned the leftist violence of the anarcho-Marxist totalitarians then provide a quote.
Otherwise my quote stands. Romney is delusional enough to think that antifa is among the praiseworthy anti-bigotry opposition to the Nazis.
This is no different than torturing T-rump’s words into an embrace of bigotry.
BOTH Romney and T-rump said there were good people on both sides of this, which is simply true. He was clearly putting the peaceful people there to protest the Alt-Right against the bigots. As I said above, he was remiss in not condemning the AntiFa. But you are the delusional one here, not Romney.
BTW, where did you get that Romney is delusional at all? Always seemed pretty grounded to me. Wish more people had listened to him on foreign affairs and immigration.
“Rags, since when is opposing racism and bigotry not praiseworthy?”
Since when did you think that even worthy of asking? Appallingly stupid bad-faith question.
Is it really your thesis that AntiFA was there to “protest”? Because that’s not what they do. The Black Bloc is ALWAYS wherever they are for one purpose, and that’s to promote anarchy. Do you contest that?
“I quoted Romney’s tweet verbatim.”
And then you went nuts.
Well, then. You hold the antidote. Provide the Romney quote(s) that mitigate the one I provided. And I won’t be nuts anymore.
No. It wouldn’t. And yes, since you irrationally persist in this, you’ll still be delusional.
So, I’ve called Rags out and he admits he has nothing. Romney’s statement about the praiseworthiness of antifa is just as bad as it appears. And while Rags insists it isn’t he has nothing to back up his protestation.
Of course, Rags has to come up with lame excuses to hide his lack of evidence. It’s my fault, apparently, why he can’t give it up.
Does anybody buy this? Rags thinks everyone is just this stupid.
Lighten up Francis, no one is “purging” you. Now get your things and get out of the car.
More stupid trolling. You poor haters cannot resist. It’s just sad.
Could be playing with his grand kids but is instead obsessively tracking likes and retweets like a soul glued to a slot machine in reno
That’s a little harsh. I mean, T-rump’s had this obsession for years and years.
“Rationalize slavery.”
What a strange statement; I wonder what it means.
It can’t mean that slavery has no rational basis. That’s why the Peculiar Institution in the ex-English colonies existed—because at the time it made sense.
The English needed workers for their plantations in the Caribbean, workers who wouldn’t die like flies in the tropical climate. The very rational idea was that people already accustomed to such a climate would be able to withstand those very mysterious (to sixteenth-century Europeans) tropical diseases. So they obtained them in the tropical zone in Africa. Very rational. In those days one couldn’t hire workers from an agency, as one could with Asian coolies a few centuries later, so they tapped into the native slave industry and bought them. All also very rational.
Nowadays we consider ownership of a person anathema, and won’t tolerate any form of overt slavery. But that’s more fashion than ationality.
That way, Carlson said, the left can dismiss First and Second Amendment Rights as the product of slaveholders.
Interesting. A bit of deviltry I hadn’t considered.
Oh, that’s currently in vogue among the enemies of the Bill Of Rights.
It’s evil nonsense, of course.
When was the last time Kristol got something right? His predictions should be used as stand up comedy. I’m still waiting for his candidate of stature to beat Trump, because the guy he picked, a Morman, couldn’t win a state of Mormons.
When was the last time in the last six months you read Kristol? I mean besides this exchange?
For the record (again) I think…and said at the time…that I thought Kristol’s idea WRT to pushing an alternative to Der Donald was loopy. I understood the motive, however.
Little Billy Kristol has gone from being a silly man to being a vicious leftwing thug.
DJT has a history of decades as a civil rights icon. In his inaugural address, he pledged to pay attention to the needs of black families and our cities. His condemnation of the violence in Charlottesville was quick and unambiguous. His further statements in the press conference that was supposed to be about infrastructure were straightforward and did not excuse anybody.
Meanwhile, we have found out that the governor lied about his alleged basis for declaring a state of emergency, the site was not properly prepared, the streets were not closed as planned, the police did not behave as we know they can to prevent violence.
The organizer of the event has connections to OWS and CNN.
The vice-mayor is a rabid racist.
The press has been lying about ANTIFA and their violent behavior, and also lying about what DJT said..
So, what are we missing from the news, this week?
“The organizer of the event has connections to OWS and CNN.”
THAT appears to be FAKE NEWS.
So Trump is a civil rights icon? Is that because he said blacks are bad employees not to be trusted with accounting duties or because he ordered black casino employees off the floor when he was present.
Indeed the Vice Mayor of Charlottesville, Wes Belamy, tweeted: I DONT LIKE WHIT PEOPLE SO I HATE WHITE SNOW!!!! FML!!!!
You can Google it but FML stands for “F— My Life.”
The alt-right White Supremacist nutcases also are quick to point out that Mayor Michael Signer of Charlottesville is a Democrat and is Jewish! And Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a Clinton apparatchik.
Kristol is simply a leftist. Like most nevertrumpers that give aid and comfort to the enemy.
Rationalizing slavery. You mean like declaring someone is subhuman so you can justify cutting them up into tiny pieces to be vacuumed up? Or do you mean declaring someone subhuman so you can exterminate them into near extinction and steal their land?
Bill Krystal is being incredibly moronic. Slavery was normal in its day. Just as abortion is today. It’s idiotic to judge the past by the standards of the past.
Bill is not stupid. So I think he is feeling guilt over something to such a degree that he needed to snag some virtue points and righteously lecture that slavery was evil.
But I’m thinking Bill will be sleeping on the couch for a couple of weeks.
“It’s idiotic to judge the past by the standards of the past.”
And where did you get your telepathic psychology degree? That was real impressive…and actual ad hominem.
Who even reads the Weekly Sub Standard anymore?
ProgPierre. That’s it. A reach of 1.
It’s insane to judge the past by 21st century mores.
It’s one reason why while I despise the ideology of Islam and its purported prophet Muhammad (there’s no evidence he existed at all, at least not as the prophet of Islam) I don’t get uptight about his marriage to Aisha. There are reasons why a ninth century (note I don’t say seventh century) Arabian warlord would have married a nine year old girl. Just as there are reasons why a European monarch would have married a twelve year old girl.
But what made sense in the ninth or twelfth century doesn’t remain valid today.
On the flip side, those anachronists who think they can judge historical figures by today’s standards will in turn be judged harshly by future historians who will laugh at such hubris.
True, but that’s not what Rags disputed, now is it?
See, this is interesting…
At this writing, 8 people have up-thumber the Little Red Guard Minimillion’s call for “purging” me. There are actually people here who approve of the lil’ Maoist.
About half that number have down-thumbed his evil, thuggish impulse.
But nobody has taken him to task. That’s a little scary.
Also noteworthy is that I’ve made comments here that are “the sky is blue” innocuous, and the haters have down-thumbed those, too.
It just goes to show that down-thumbing me is a total waste of animus, but that’s all there is behind it.
I’d say you should get a life, but this is the one you’ve chosen.
Because it obviously doesn’t bother you. Yay here we go again.
But sure, it really isn’t idiotic to judge the past by today’s standards. Just look at that Jefferson fellow – not a word about animal rights. What a douche. I hear he has a monument, let’s go burn it down.
“It’s idiotic to judge the past by the standards of the past.”
IS what you said. Read you own crap. I understand you misstated what you meant. I just made note of your error.