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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

What is happening now to President Trump was predictable. The plans were laid in plain sight, including the use of whistleblowers to disrupt the administration. It is instructive to look back and realize that there was plenty of advance warning of the various attempts to set up grounds for the impeachment of President Trump. The basic approach was clearly described, and it is difficult to avoid the notion that this was planned from the start.

Mark Levin was on a roll Sunday when faced with a claim from Fox & Friends co-host Ed Henry about Trump supposedly asking Ukraine to "dig up dirt" on Joe Biden. In a video that is quickly going viral, Henry badgers Levin about whether or not he's "okay with the president asking another president to dig up dirt on a candidate."  Levin disputed that such a request was made and called the framing of the question "not honest."

The Ukraine scandal food fight is about to get a whole lot more interesting. Tuesday, Trump announced via Twitter that he would release the "complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine." In this particular conversation, Trump has been accused of pressuring Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Biden, whose son's company received favorable business dealings with Ukrainians while Biden was in office.

The New Film from the Director of The Last Jedi Knives Out, the newest film by writer/director Rian Johnson, premiered this past weekend at the Toronto International Film Festival and the first reactions and reviews have been spreading out all over Twitter. Unfortunately for movie fans, the movie appears to be a riff on contemporary politics that threatens to stratify viewers.

The House Judiciary Committee Democrats voted this morning on "the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry" to impeach President Donald Trump. While it does not mean an inquiry has officially started, it means the Democrats have finally defined the inquiry. Chairman Jerry Nadler has not given up on this subject despite pushback from Democrats in the House from moderate districts.