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Terrorism Tag

At least one shooter murdered 49 people and seriously injured 20 more at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Authorities arrested four people (one has since been released) and charged one man with murder. From Sky News:
The Christchurch terror attack suspect calls himself Brenton Tarrant in social media posts. He is believed to have written the 74-page manifesto which explained who he was and the reason for his actions.

Remember the outcry over Rolling Stone magazine's appalling July 2013 cover feature on Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? Apparently it didn't faze them, because they're out with another cover and feature story series that glamorizes two freshmen Congresswomen whose actions and/or associations with powerful anti-Semitic figures should be concerning to everyone.

Britain is set to join the United States in banning the Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah. The United Kingdom’s home office is expected to make a formal announcement barring the Shi'a Islamist outfit from the country later this week, Reuters news agency reported Monday. The UK had outlawed the military wing of the Hezbollah in 2008, allowing its 'political' wing to operate in the country.

India vowed revenge against Pakistan after a suicide attack killed 44 Indian soldiers in the Muslim-majority region of Kashmir on Friday. The Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed, or the Army of Mohammed, claimed responsibility for the car bombing. The Indian media called it the worst attack on armed forces in recent decades.

German authorities have banned the Iranian airline Mahan Air from operating in the country amid fears of espionage and terrorism.  Iran's second largest airline has been linked to regime's Islamic Revolutionary Guard, a U.S.-designated terrorist group. The German Federal Aviation Office, equivalent of the U.S. FAA, has barred the airline from landing in the country with intimidate effect, German news outlets reported Monday.

Federal authorities arrested Hashar Jallal Taheb, 21, from Cumming, GA, after he allegedly plotted to attack the White House. From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Hasher Jallal Taheb, 21, of Cumming, was taken into custody in Gwinnett County while allegedly trying to exchange his vehicle for explosives. He later appeared in court in downtown Atlanta in the case brought by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. Authorities said Taheb was acting alone and they made no accusation that he had ties to any terrorist group. He was arrested after a tip from a resident who said the young man had been radicalized.

A US official told CNN today that an airstrike probably killed al-Qaeda terrorist Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi, the mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. The attack killed 17 sailors and injured 39 others. Many believe the terrorist attack "foreshadowed the attack on the US less than one year later on September 11, 2001."

On December 21, 1988—30 years ago today—Pan Am Flight 103 dropped from the night sky killing 270 people, including all 259 of its passengers and crew and 11 people on the ground in the small town of Lockerbie, Scotland, which lies 120km southwest of Glasgow. It was the deadliest terror attack ever on UK soil.

Federal authorities arrested and charged an Ohio man for planning an ISIS-inspired attack on a synagogue. The man allegedly told undercover agents that the attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue inspired him to the same thing. The Department of Justice stated:
Damon M. Joseph, 21, of Holland, Ohio, was charged today in federal court with one count of attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization, for allegedly planning an attack on a synagogue in the Toledo, Ohio area. Joseph was arrested Friday evening after he took possession of two semi-automatic rifles.