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Taxes Tag

The debt in question wasn't incurred by the woman, it was another member of her family and it was the result of an overpayment. The blame lays with the Social Security administration. Marc Fisher of the Washington Post reported this week...

This all was predicted. Obamacare subsidies decrease the incentive to work harder because as one's income increases, the subsidies vanish. It's what we call the implicit marginal rate which takes into account not only tax marginal rates, but also loss of government benefits. In the key 30-50,000 range, the implicit marginal rate has exceeded 100% even before Obamacare (see Featured Image above) -- meaning that it is economically irrational to earn an extra dollar because you will lose more than one dollar through taxes and loss of benefits. Obamacare makes that problem even worse because of the high cost of Obamacare health insurance which depends on subsidies to render it even somewhat "affordable." Lose those subsidies and the cost of mandatory health insurance becomes onerous. The CBO is predicting a loss of 1-2% of employee hours because workers choose not to lose the subsidies, as reported by Reuters (h/t Bryan Preston)(full report embedded at bottom of post):
A historically high number of people will be locked out of the workforce by 2021, according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday. President Barack Obama's signature health-care law will contribute to this phenomenon, the CBO said, citing new estimates that the Affordable Care Act will cause a larger than-expected reduction in working hours—eliminating the equivalent of about 2.3 million workers in 2021 versus a previous estimate of an 800,000 decline. "CBO estimates that the ACA will reduce the total number of hours worked, on net, by about 1.5 to 2 percent during the period from 2017 to 2024, almost entirely because workers will choose to supply less labor—given the new taxes and other incentives they will face and the financial benefits some will receive," said the report.
The CBO Report states (in Appendix C):

Not in Maryland where it's just starting Former senate candidate, Dan Bongino, discussed the "rain tax" on Fox and Friends. One of our blessings in Maryland is that the legislature is only in session for three months. It limits the amount of damage our legislators can do....

In late February, the Washington Post ran an editorial Solution Politics in Virginia that began: IN VIRGINIA, A REPUBLICAN governor and a GOP-dominated legislature have joined forces with Democrats to enact the first long-term increase in transportation funding since the Reagan administration — and the state’s...

Just flashed across the screens was that the final vote on the tax portion of so-called Plan B had been cancelled tonight because John Boehner did not have enough votes. What a mess. You don't go there unless you are certain you can get there. Plan C, The...

It is very frustrating to watch John Boehner and House Republicans twist themselves into contortions in a futile attempt to appease Obama. Plan B failed before it was swallowed because Obama believes that he can shift the blame to Republicans based on the arbitrary deadline for...

Locked in trillion dollar tax revenue increase. Promises, promises on spending cuts. According to the frequently wrong but always wonkish-proclaiming Ezra Klein, this is where the Boehner-Obama negotiations are heading: Boehner offered to let tax rates rise for income over $1 million. The White House wanted to let tax...

I am going to keep repeating The Christmas Strategy until someone in Republican circles listens: I say call his bluff. If a deal which tackles deficits from both revenue and spending can be reached this month, great. If not, pass a 90 day extension of current tax...

From DrewM at Ace of Spades HQ, What Does Let It Burn Mean? (h/t Hot Air), : As one of the first, if not the first, people to say Let It Burn, I’m clearly thrilled with the growing chorus of voices joining the movement. Like any movement,...

Peter Ferrara at Forbes, Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts, examines the propaganda perpetrated for a decade by the media and Democrats about the Bush tax cuts: Because so many major media institutions, like the New York Times and the Washington Post, have...

The danger of overplaying one's strong hand....

Taxes are going up you ungrateful kulaks. Top Marginal Tax Rate Will Exceed 50% in California, New York, and Hawaii in 2013 (h/t Instapundit): This paper compares state-by-state estimates of the top marginal effective tax rates (METRs) on wages, interest, dividends, capital gains, and business income for tax year...

What does this solve? Via ABC News: Republicans are seriously considering a Doomsday Plan if fiscal cliff talks collapse entirely. It’s quite simple: House Republicans would allow a vote on extending the Bush middle class tax cuts (the bill passed in August by the Senate) and...

Depending on who you ask, and at what moment in time, the "fiscal cliff" either is End Times, or not. Obama is in campaign mode, as usual, that bizarre never-never-land where negotiating means running to rallies. Given Obama's permanent campaign, and the lack of seriousness in his...