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During Town Hall, Trump Explains Why He Won’t Turn The Other Cheek on His Critics

During Town Hall, Trump Explains Why He Won’t Turn The Other Cheek on His Critics

“But when they hit us, we have to hit back. I feel that,” Trump told the audience. “You can’t turn your cheek.”

Thursday night, President Trump participated in a town hall event on Fox News where a wide range of topics were discussed, including the administration’s coronavirus response and on the possibility of Joe Biden becoming the Democratic presidential nominee.

But one question that came up prompted Trump to give an answer that is perhaps most illustrative of how he appears to understand a big reason why he was elected in 2016, and why he’s going to keep on responding to his critics on his terms.

The person who asked the question was Robert Bresnahan, who is the CEO of Kuharch Construction. Bresnahan explained that he was a longtime supporter of Trump’s and thanked Trump for “everything you have done” for the country.

But then Bresnahan pivoted to asking if there was a way Trump’s message could be delivered without “the controversial rhetoric”, in order to “reunite” America at a time when it seems like the country is divided. Here’s how Trump responded (transcribed):

“Well, I have to tell you, I think – I appreciate the question. I think the country is far more united than people think. And ultimately what’s uniting the country is success. And we’re having more success than we’ve ever had. We got hit with the virus really three weeks ago, if you think about it, I guess. That’s when we first started really to see some possible effects. But even despite that, the country, we are having the greatest year. We had – last year was the greatest year we’ve ever had economically. And I think the way we unite is really through success.

But when they hit us, we have to hit back. I feel that. I mean, there’s two ways of doing it. Turning your cheek, but I wouldn’t be sitting up here if I turned my cheek. If I said, okay, let them just keep hitting at me, and I won’t do it, they’re not interviewing me right now. They’re interviewing somebody else. Maybe they won’t even be doing that, because if they don’t get ratings, they don’t interview anybody. That, I’ve learned.

But you know what? You can’t turn your cheek. I mean, we get hit. [Audience applause] Thank you. We get hit so hard. And we have a media that is, I say, to a large extent, it’s a part of the Democrat Party. It really is. It’s terrible. It’s unfair.

I call it fake news. I’ve used that, and people are using that, I guess, all over the world right now, and that’s the way it is. We have to fight back. If we don’t fight back, you won’t be a fan of mine very long. But I appreciate the question. Thank you.”


In addition to letting his supporters know that he has no intention of backing down against his political opponents when they come after him, Trump sent another message during the town hall.

It was conducted in Scranton, Pa., which is Joe Biden’s hometown. Trump won the state in 2016, and if history is any indicator, he’s going to aggressively pursue votes in that state and other battleground states around the country again in 2020.

He’s already visited states this year that he didn’t win in 2016, including New Hampshire and Nevada – and he made it a point to visit both those states as well as South Carolina and Iowa on the eves of their respective Democratic primaries and caucuses.

That Trump has a willingness to go straight into liberal lion’s dens and after key Democratic voting blocs that in previous presidential election cycles seemed untouchable to the Republican party is one thing both critics and supporters alike will agree is smart political strategy.

But when it comes to his “controversial rhetoric”, Trump made one thing clear to friends and foes alike last night: You can take it or leave it.


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The little zhe bitches on the left need to be fucked up big time!

2smartforlibs | March 6, 2020 at 5:11 pm

Bush 41 and 43 let it go and look what it got them.

As one pundit said, Trump will walk two blocks to find the dog that barked at him the wrong way so he could kick it.

VaGentleman | March 6, 2020 at 5:23 pm

Abe Lincoln said of Gen Grant: I can’t spare this man; he fights.

Christians are often taught or interpret scripture’s instruction to “turn the other cheek” in such a way as to make them a perpetual victim to an abuser. I heard it explained another way that makes more sense to me … culturally, the kind of slap you’re to turn your cheek to is a wicked “backhanded slap … the first slap is forehanded – i.e., if the person facing you slapped your left cheek with their right hand, the slap you’re turning your cheek to is the back hand where they’d strike your right cheek with the back of their right hand … IF you turn your right cheek to the person who slapped you, it makes striking it more difficult – a defensive move.

I’m also mindful of an old western – where some ornery cowpoke was being abusive to a believer. After being struck, the cowpoke reminded the believer he was to “turn the other cheek” and the man said “that’s true – but after that the Bible doesn’t say a word – so you better not slap me again” …

That said, just how many times is Trump expected to do nothing to the people who have made a career out of slapping him? I’m glad he fights back. And they’re lucky thus far he’s only done so with words.

Those of us on the right tried to be nice, by electing gentlemen who just wanted to get along with everyone, and the left/press ate them alive. So then the right tried the grassroots route with the tea party, and were abused by their government and betrayed by many of whom they elected. So then we went with a fighter. With his tweets, he’s able to counter the media narrative and get his message out. And if he fails, the next step will be much, much less enjoyable.

Those of us on the right tried to be nice, by electing gentlemen who just wanted to get along with everyone, and the left/press ate them alive. So then the right tried the grassroots route with the tea party, and were abused by their government and betrayed by many of whom they elected. So then we went with a fighter. With his tweets, he’s able to counter the media narrative and get his message out. And if he fails, the next step will be much, much less enjoyable.

In the early days of PDJT’s 2016 campaign, he said many things that shocked the msm. The msm bought into the belief he was un-electable, so they cheered him on, hoping for a hillary VS Donald J. Trump match-up. They though hillary was going to chew him up. The left’s inability to be honest about PDJT’s success stems from the fact they would have to admit to and see their own failures. They would have to admit their policies and ideas are utter garbage. I don’t think they are anywhere ready for this self reflection. Maybe sometime after November 3.

    “self reflection”????

    Don’t hold your breath, my friend. The job of the hacks infesting the media is left/swamp/islamic propaganda. PERIOD.

    It’s akin to asking sociopathic criminals to have “self reflection”.

President Trump understands game theory. The only winning strategy is to respond in kind. If the other player is co-operative, co-operate. If the other player strikes, strike back.

The meek shall inherit the earth — in 3×6 plots.

    Wrathchilde in reply to Valerie. | March 7, 2020 at 4:30 am

    It’s funny how many people can “game” Game-theory, and be all nice and cuddly. Things change a bit when your life is on the line, though.

    drednicolson in reply to Valerie. | March 7, 2020 at 6:55 am

    A caveat. Game theory pre-assumes several things–

    That the Game is defined by and only by its rules.
    That all Players follow the rules perfectly.
    That the result of the Game is zero sum, ie. what happens in the Game stays there.

    –which have no resemblance to real life.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Valerie. | March 7, 2020 at 1:36 pm

    3X6 Plots?


    LA’s new housing for the homeless.

JusticeDelivered | March 6, 2020 at 10:09 pm

I greatly appreciate forthrightness in people. I also appreciate spunk, and Trump has spunk. I love seeing him tie up those suffering from the Little Person Syndrome (Like Rags) in knots. In party I appreciate these skills because my business dealing involved dealing with, and kicking the crap out of similar people.

I like trump’s style, especially his leading all the small minded people around by their nose, one tweet at a time.

Bush rose above it and turned the other cheek and they destroyed him.

I have never liked Trump’s style, but I have to admit that it’s grown on me. F’em.

PDJT is from Queens, New York, circa 1950 to 1980.

That says it all.

‘How can I turn the other cheek? It’s black and bruised and torn’

“O My God”

You need to have a pretty big pair to take on all these people who are constantly on you and against you. Our President has the fire necessary to take them on and I love him even more for it. I’m proud to say he was my protest vote back in the primaries in 2016 and I’m proud to say I also voted for him instead of the witch who ran against him. FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!!

This was so obvious from the early days of 2016. Yet, all those Republican contenders could not figure it out – nor could Hillary – nor could the equally dumb media. If you took a whack at DJT, he was going to hit you back and harder. Four years later and they still have not learned.

The Bride got me a copy of “The Art Of The Deal” for Christmas. It was written several decades ago but the man it describes has changed little since then. When a business deal that interested him cooled, he left it alone but rarely abandoned it. When one was hot, he vigorously pressed ahead. If a deal showed no sign of being profitable, he dropped it. If he made a mistake, he admitted it. This is the Donald Trump we see now.