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Oregon Tag

On Saturday, independent journalist and Quillette editor Andy Ngo was brutally attacked by an antifa-fascist mob in Portland, Oregon.  Since then, reaction has been mixed, with leftists actually expressing delight over Ngo being assaulted in broad daylight on a crowded city street and conservatives expressing outrage and demanding that people be held accountable.

Melissa and Aaron Klein, the Christian owners of a bakery in Oregon called "Sweet Cakes by Melissa" were thrown into a legal and media maelstrom several years ago when they declined to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. They were ultimately ordered to pay over $100,000 to the couple and closed the bakery as a result.

The number of states with measles cases continue to expand during this historic outbreak. The cases climbed past 760 this week.
The number of confirmed U.S. measles cases this year has climbed to 764, more than double the number a year ago and the highest total in 25 years, federal health officials announced Monday. Sixty additional cases were reported last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Most of those were in New York City and its suburbs.

Independent journalist and Quillette editor Andy Ngo, whose work you may recall from Mary's post in which she shares Ngo's documentation of hate crime hoaxes perpetrated by the left, has published an article about "the suspicious rise of gay hate crimes in Portland." The article provides a detailed and seemingly well-documented review of the shocking rise in alleged hate crimes in Portland, Oregon.  Ngo notes some troubling issues like the fact that few of these hate crimes can be found in police reports and that there is some sort of vigilante LGBT group forming online to combat the supposed anti-LGBT hate crime spree.