Last seen "driving a 2002 or 2003 dark-colored Chevrolet Malibu . . . "...
"No, I'm not big on coal. I'm not big on coal. I understand coal. Coal is dying," he said.Yeah, it's no wonder why the United Mine Workers of America decided to endorse Strickland's opponent Sen. Rob Portman.
Ohio, Long a Bellwether, Is Fading on the Electoral Map After decades as one of America’s most reliable political bellwethers, an inevitable presidential battleground that closely mirrored the mood and makeup of the country, Ohio is suddenly fading in importance this year.
Mitt Romney to Campaign with John Kasich in Ohio Mitt Romney will campaign with John Kasich Monday at two stops in Ohio, NBC News has learned from a source familiar with the plans. Romney is not expected to endorse the Ohio governor during the campaign swing, the source said, but it will be the first time Romney has campaigned on behalf of a Republican candidate this cycle.
Sanders wins: Ohio judge rules 17-year-olds can vote on election day Sen. Bernie Sanders notched a potentially significant win on Friday evening when an Ohio judge issued an order, allowing 17-year-old voters to participate in the state's presidential primary on Tuesday.
The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Casey Mattox regarding HB 294, an Ohio measure signed into law Sunday by Gov. John Kasich that significantly restricts public funding for abortion businesses such as Planned Parenthood, making Ohio the 10th state to take action in recent months to strip taxpayer dollars from the abortion giant:
State filing deadlines would give the two Republicans until about March to launch independent or third-party campaigns, experts said. That would give a well-financed campaign enough time to gather sufficient signatures on petitions so the candidate could appear on the ballot in every state.
John Kasich Pitches Compassion at Iowa State Fair Ohio Gov. John Kasich sought to portray himself as compassionate conservative and touted his gains in the polls in New Hampshire when he visited the Iowa State Fair on Tuesday. His soapbox speech, which had to be moved indoors because of rain, contained little of the red meat typically doled out when Republican presidential candidates address Iowa crowds. Instead, his speech hit on topics ranging from aid to Africa, treating Alzheimer's disease and expanding Medicaid in Ohio.
Of the 50 states in the US, 49 of them require the State to disprove a defendant’s claim of self-defense, beyond a reasonable doubt. Ohio, on the other hand, requires that the defendant prove self-defense by a preponderance of the evidence. Why is Ohio Such...
Don't expect it, even though there is good polling news today for Romney-Ryan, as detailed at Hot Air: Welcome to October! Today must be Poll Day, as media groups try to determine the lay of the land ahead of the first debate on Wednesday. The new...
As you know, next week is a crucial vote on Referendum No. 2 in Ohio, which needs to pass in order to put the collective bargaining reform bill into effect. Polling does not look good. There also is another referendum on education reform. Thanks to a...
Unions have collected enough signatures for a statewide referendum on election day 2011 seeking to roll back Ohio's collective bargaining reform bill. As reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer: The fate of Senate Bill 5, Ohio's new collective bargaining law, will be in the hands of Ohio...
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