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The news comes as no surprise to the citizens of America. "Dad" is out golfing again today. This got me thinking. If the First Family is akin to America's Mom and Dad, then Dad has become an absent father. When he's not golfing, he is out partying to raise political donations. Mom stays at home raising the girls and -- to her credit -- staying focused on her passion to help the rest of us eat more healthy. But Dad, oh Dad, where have you gone? Dad? Dad? The Telegraph in Britain has picked up on our nation's absent father as well.

You would think a state with such dire financial problems couldn't even consider spending such a large sum of tax dollars on something that's usually built with private money. Luckily, the Illinois House has backed off the idea for the moment. USA Today reported...
Illinois shelving $100M gift to Obama library A plan to offer $100 million in tax dollars to lure Barack Obama's presidential library to Illinois is on the shelf, with lawmakers prepared to wrap up their spring session without advancing the idea. Democrats in the president's home state pushed the proposal to compete against rival bids from Hawaii and New York. But it faced opposition from Republicans wary of an expensive and precedent-setting gift — with no immediately identified funding source — for a mostly private endeavor when the state faces serious financial difficulties. Not all Democrats were on board either, and the Illinois House adjourned Friday without calling for any final votes on the measure.

Fact-checker Glenn Kessler at the WaPo says that Obama's gone and lied again:
In addressing a dinner of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Los Angeles, President Obama made a rather striking claim — that Senate Republicans have filibustered “500 pieces of legislation that would help the middle class.”... ...[W]hen you go through the numbers, there have just been 133 successful filibusters — meaning a final vote could not take place — since 2007. But, even if you accept the way Senate Democrats like to frame the issue, the president is still wrong. He referred to “legislation” — and most of these cloture motions concerned judicial and executive branch nominations. In the 113th Congress, for instance, 83 of the 136 cloture motions so far have concerned nominations, not legislation. Even then, while Obama referred to “500 pieces of legislation,” the same bill can be subject to as many as three cloture motions, further inflating the numbers...So far in the 113th Congress, 36 pieces of legislation were subject to a cloture motion — and 12 were actually filibustered... Obama’s count also includes at least a half-dozen instances when Republicans were blocked by Democrats through use of the filibuster.
But that's not all, although it would be enough to earn as many Pinocchios as the WaPo allows. In what Kessler refers to as "the biggest oddity":

Democrats in politics and media are still beating a constant drum about the GOP's supposed war on women. I wonder if any of the Democrats making the rounds on the Sunday news shows this week will be asked to comment on Gurbaksh Chahal, the California high-tech mogul who likes to give Democrats large amounts of money when he isn't busy beating up his girlfriend. The Washington Free Beacon reported...
Major Obama Donor Avoids Jail Time After Brutally Beating Girlfriend A high-dollar Obama donor who was caught on video brutally beating his girlfriend got off with 25 hours of community service last week after he pled guilty to domestic battery charges. CCTV footage caught Gurbaksh Chahal, the CEO of San Francisco tech startup RadiumOne, kicking his girlfriend 117 times, including blows to the head, and trying to smother her with a pillow during a vicious 30-minute assault. He faced 45 felony charges until the footage was deemed inadmissible. As a result, Chahal has managed to avoid jail time, the Daily Mail reported on Thursday. According to police reports, Chahal also threated to kill his girlfriend several times...

The Obama administration's relationship with the media is hardly and adversarial one. In fact, at times it has seemed more like a partnership and there's a logical explanation for that. A surprisingly high number of people have moved back and forth from the media to the...

If there's one person in America who wants people to stop talking about Obamacare, it's Obama. In recent appearances, the president has gone out of his way to declare that the debate is over and the law is here to stay. Obama is obviously trying to cement that notion in the minds of Americans so they'll be less receptive to changes should the Republicans win the senate in 2014. What Obama doesn't seem to know or be willing to acknowledge is that the debate is continuing in spite of his wishes. George E. Condon Jr. recently wrote in National Journal...
The Debate Over Obamacare Is Hardly Over President Obama opened his press conference Thursday with a bold proclamation that "the repeal debate is and should be over." But his declaration of victory in the long-running war over his health care overhaul did not last long. Only five questions later, he was forced to offer a softer, almost wistful acknowledgement of the reality that there are many more battles to wage and the debate could go on for years.

In a recent article at the Wall Street Journal, columnist Daniel Henninger posed this question: Why Can't the Left Govern? Surveying the fall in support for the governments of Barack Obama, New York City's progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio and France's Socialist President François Hollande, a diagnosis...

David Gregory spoke with Dan Pfeiffer on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, where he pressed the White House Senior Adviser on Obama's recent low approval rating among Democrats. Pfeiffer didn't address much about the polls very directly, but said that the shutdown and problems with had some impact for everyone in Washington, including the president. "Here’s what the president is going to do," Pfeiffer said. "He is going to lay out the terms of the debate in this election as a choice between Democrats who support an agenda of opportunity for all, for Republicans for an agenda of opportunity for a few. And let’s not forget, this president wrote the book on running and winning modern campaigns. So we’re going to take all of our resources and help Democrats up and down the ballot." And then Gregory asked Pfeiffer, "Right, but do they want your help? Is the president more of a liability than he is an asset at this stage for Democrats?" Pfeiffer responded, "We are going to set the terms of the debate, we’re going to provide our organizational ability to help them if the president’s going to raise money, we want to help them in every way we can." Gregory continued to press and asked again, "Liability or asset?" "The president will be an asset in every way possible and help these candidates," Pfeiffer said. Full video below (the Obama approval rating exchange starts at 1:58). Here's a writeup of the full exchange: