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Nancy Pelosi Tag

As the intricate web of foreign business interest ties to American politicians becomes more clear, it turns out that the progeny of the Speaker of the House may be entangled in its threads.

After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave her public blessing last week for House Democrats to launch a formal impeachment inquiry of President Trump, members of the GOP House leadership read her the riot act. Not only did she announce her support of an inquiry before reading the transcript of the Trump/Zelensky call (which hadn't even been released at the time), but she also didn't name the specific alleged impeachable offense Trump committed.

Congress has long had an abysmal approval rating, and that has long included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).  We've written here at LI about the poor approval rating carried by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).  In March, Kemberlee blogged that even in New York, President Trump's approval rating is higher than Ocasio-Cortez's. It's little wonder that President Trump wants the AOC plus three "Squad" to be the face of the Democrat party.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee announced on Friday they will begin a formal "impeachment investigation" against President Donald Trump due to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony. Chairman Jerry Nadler said the Democrats will ask for grand jury information related to Mueller's investigation. From Fox News:
Nadler called the grand jury materials “critically important” for their investigation. In the petition, Democrats on the committee noted that because Justice Department policies do not allow the prosecution of a sitting president, the House of Representatives is “the only institution of the federal government” that can hold Trump accountable.

If you thought the Mueller Report would cause Democrats to move on from trying to impeach Trump, you were severely mistaken. The Democrat Impeachment Train merely switched tracks. The first track, consuming two-and-one-half years, was Russia collusion. The Mueller report did derail that impeachment track, by finding no conspiracy with or coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians. In short, Mueller found no collusion, a non-legal term that comports to conspiracy or coordination.

There has been a lot of anger at Rep. Rashida Tlaib's statement about the Holocaust. Unfortunately, much of it has focused on her use of the term "calming feeling," which has enabled defenders to claim the term was taken out of context. But those defenders ignore the rest of the context, which was far worse than the term "calming feeling."

There is no constitutional crisis regarding the House Intelligence Committee's unsuccessful attempt to get the unredacted Mueller report, including secret grand jury information, and the documents underlying the investigation. Disregard what Jerrold Nadler says about there being a constitutional crisis.

Okay, it's hard to think of a more ridiculous argument than this, yet the Democrats have concocted it for public consumption. Their point goes something like this:  Republicans are forcing them to pursue impeachment, against their (the Dems') better judgment, and . . . um, it's not good.  Unless it is.  (But it's not.)