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Impeachment Crazy CNN Already Measuring White House Drapes for President Pelosi

Impeachment Crazy CNN Already Measuring White House Drapes for President Pelosi

“What might follow could be a double impeachment scenario that would make heads spin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the president of the United States.”

It’s not an exaggeration to say that CNN is excited about the prospect of impeaching Trump. Their programming is beyond biased, it’s all anti-Trump, all the time.

But a recently published piece on their site was over the top even for them.

At CNN, Trump’s impeachment and removal from office is already such a foregone conclusion that they’re openly fantasizing about a Nancy Pelosi presidency.

Paul Callan writes:

How a Trump impeachment could lead to a Pelosi presidency

House Democrats will press forward on Thursday with a House vote to officially greenlight impeachment proceedings into President Donald Trump’s handling of aid to Ukraine while he was seeking an investigation of his political rival, Joe Biden.

In defending his actions, Trump has suggested that reporters should look into Vice President Mike Pence’s conversations with the Ukrainian president. And the White House has been evaluating whether to release notes of Pence’s talks with President Volodymyr Zelensky.

All of these developments raise the question of whether Pence could be drawn into the impeachment maelstrom.

Should Democratic efforts to remove Trump from office succeed, Pence would succeed to the presidency — under normal circumstances.

More importantly, presidential succession, in this case, depends on (to paraphrase former Sen. Howard Baker in reference to the Watergate Investigation) what the Vice President knew and when he knew it…

If Pence’s September trip was intentionally designed to reinforce Trump’s demand for a “favor” with an intimidating follow-up message from the vice president, Pence may have a serious problem.

This is the line which really makes this nothing more than resistance fan fiction:

What might follow could be a double impeachment scenario that would make heads spin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the president of the United States. After Pence, she’s next in the line of succession.

I talk about this very kind of media insanity in my latest column at Townhall:

Anti-Trump Media Is Waging Psychological Warfare Against the American People

For years, conservatives have pointed out the liberal biases of the media, but the Trump era has brought the subject into focus never seen before now. The media’s reaction to the death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi may have been a turning point.

Progressives in media are so dedicated to opposing Trump, that the Washington Post eulogized the terrorist with more warmth than they have ever afforded President Trump, or even certain high school students caught on camera wearing MAGA hats.

CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and the other usual suspects also had spectacularly bad takes on the death of al-Baghdadi, all of which were framed to discredit Trump or downplay his role in the situation.

In years past, the media tried to remain subtle in their bias but that all changed on election night in 2016. Anyone who was paying attention that night saw the media completely transform in real time. Many of the same cable and network news hosts who played palace guards for the Obama administration for eight years, became members of the angry mob at the palace gate, overnight.

Read the whole thing.


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Can we admit the left is delusional yet?

What’s the current status of Ft. Sumpter?

Nope. Not happening, period. End of discussion.

These people really are nuts.

At some point, I suspect that the Democratic coup attempt will trigger a program of assassinations. Not by “lone wolves” (and certainly not by me or anyone I know) but by personnel in one government agency or another. Not all of The Swamp is likely to want a President Senile Dementia Pelosi.

Recall that the Spanish Civil War began after one too many atrocities committed by partisans of the government (what was called the Republicans in those days, and would be called the Communists now). Another part of the government—the Army in Morocco—responded. That war was not started by Middlesex farmers with their trusty flintlocks; it was big-league right from the get-go.

I’m not saying this is good or bad; I’m saying that, historically, we know it happens. The American version will be more subtle than the Spanish one; my purely speculative guess would be a couple of mysterious airplane crashes.

Of course none of this will happen with this imaginary crisis. A “House vote to officially greenlight impeachment proceedings” is nowhere near a vote for impeachment despite the fruitiest rhapsodies of CNN.

    alaskabob in reply to tom_swift. | November 1, 2019 at 10:54 am

    With CGI and advanced image creation, a “Wag the Dog” or “Rising Sun” scenario is likely. False facts, false video, smoothly created. That plane crash….video and audio shows Trump ordering it…certainly loyal members of Hollywood could produce such… “For the Country”.

    TX-rifraph in reply to tom_swift. | November 1, 2019 at 11:07 am

    “mysterious airplane crashes” like Commerce Secretary Ron Brown in 1996? Actually, the crash was to cover up the assassination (assassin and target).

      tom_swift in reply to TX-rifraph. | November 1, 2019 at 11:14 am

      Uh-huh, something like that.

      But things are looking up—before airplanes, they had to arrange train crashes.

        Saddam Hussein was notorious for the number of helicopter crashes that involved troublesome subordinates, so much that when the UN weapons inspectors were touring his nuclear sites, they were smart enough to use their own.

    Tom Servo in reply to tom_swift. | November 1, 2019 at 12:06 pm

    That war was not started by Middlesex farmers with their trusty flintlocks; it was big-league right from the get-go.”

    Almost all civil wars start that way – the 1776 Revolution was a true anomaly. The 1861 Civil War was so bad because the US Army split right at the start, with a majority of the West Point officers siding with Virginia.

      drednicolson in reply to Tom Servo. | November 2, 2019 at 1:32 am

      A majority of the competent West Point officers, I might add.

      The Union lineup was largely a gang of “politicians in uniform” with little-to-no battlefield experience and/or just lacking the grit to effectively lead. The war lasted at least 2 years longer than it needed to as a result.

      It wasn’t until field-promoted junior officers like Grant and Sherman came to the fore that real progress started to be made.

What world are they living in? One, Trump isn’t impeached yet. Two, even if he was, that wouldn’t prevent him from running another term. Three, it’ll be harder to impeach Pence, as all there energy was to find or make up the “goods” to get rid of Trump.

    alaskabob in reply to pmb88. | November 1, 2019 at 10:56 am

    Maxine Waters already said they would long time ago. Some secrets are too good not to be shared.

    clintack in reply to pmb88. | November 1, 2019 at 7:02 pm

    Depends on the result in the Senate. One of the penalties they can impose on conviction is barring the convict from ever again serving in the federal government.

    Obviously, this penalty isn’t always imposed — see Congressman Hastings.

Lucifer Morningstar | November 1, 2019 at 10:58 am

What might follow could be a double impeachment scenario that would make heads spin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the president of the United States.

And what might follow a “double impeachment” coup and the installation of Pelosi as President of the United States is a Civil War that will make the last one look like a little spat on the playground. And it won’t go well for the traitor democrats. Guaranteed.

In their fantasy, Trump is impeached, the swamp is never drained, and feminists, male and female alike, are considered sexually attractive.

But fantasy is only necessary because reality says otherwise. Dream on, Dems.

It’s all nonsense. Even in a scenario in which 2/3 of the senate voted to remove Trump, there is no way they would also remove Pence. At the very least, even if some bombshell evidence of some horrible crime were to emerge, so that they had no real choice but to remove him, the senate majority would still hold out until Congress had confirmed a new VP who was a conservative Republican. The only way we get a President Pelosi is if Trump is removed and Pence is assassinated. Or they’re both assassinated. In which case that talk of civil war would suddenly not seem so fantastic.

    stablesort in reply to Milhouse. | November 1, 2019 at 1:21 pm

    Just detail: Conviction by the senate does not require two-thirds of the senate, it does require two-thirds of the senators who actually participate in the trial.

    Similarly to the House, the Senate makes it own rules and it’s entirely possible for the senate to impanel a committee to hold the trial and the makeup of that committee could consist of whatever the senate decides. Ten Dems, eleven Repubs (including Romney, Murkowski, Collins, etc.).

    This a very dangerous situation — we need to be aware of the possibilities and the passions of all involved.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to stablesort. | November 1, 2019 at 6:02 pm

      . . . the Senate makes it own rules and it’s entirely possible for the senate to impanel a committee to hold the trial and the makeup of that committee could consist of whatever the senate decides.

      No, they cannot do that. To do so would be a violation of Article 1; Section 3 which states:

      The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

      The Senate has sole power to try impeachments. And the President is tried the Chief Justice presides at the trial. The Senate cannot delegate that authority to a committee or other outside agency.

    I agree that a President Pelosi is unlikely at this point. But to me the real danger is the mainstreaming of the idea that only a Democrat is allowed to be president, and that all others are neo-Nazi white supremacists, illegitimate and dangerous, who should be removed by force if necessary.

    You may disagree, but I am convinced that a scenario similar to what we are presently witnessing would be playing itself out if we had a President Jeb Bush or John Kasich instead of Trump.

      the real danger is the mainstreaming of the idea that only a Democrat is allowed to be president

      Funny, they had exactly the same delusion in 1860. And we all know how well that worked out.

    Barry in reply to Milhouse. | November 2, 2019 at 12:43 am

    Just as a reminder, Milhouse called for Trump to be impeached and removed early, leaving Pence as president.

Republicans ought float the idea of VP Ted Cruz to replace Pence when he moves up – put a contingency plan in place – just to watch the cranial eruptions …

    txvet2 in reply to MrE. | November 1, 2019 at 1:00 pm

    Most of the cranial eruptions in that scenario would be Trumpbots.

    fast182 in reply to MrE. | November 1, 2019 at 5:24 pm

    To replace a VP, the President nominates a candidate for VP and he/she must be approved by a simple majority in the House and Senate. So if Trump is impeached and removed from office then Pelosi could block any candidate nominated by President Pence, until such time as they can impeach him too, or buy him off (he was a senator, after all). But it won’t get to that. If they illegitimately remove Trump from office then the civil war starts that day. If this be treason then let’s make the most of it.

Delusional, Sisyphean Overton Window rolling.

Read Unintended Consequences by John Ross. That is my belief how the next civil war in the USA will happen.

Eventually Satan is going to call her to task. It will be a day for rejoicing as are many days when enemies of America come to term.

A coup by double impeachment of Trump and Pence making Pelosi president would result in her spending much more time lying in state than living in the White House.

Wow, 3 and a half yrs of Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach !

If the left was a BAND…they’d only know one song…and they would play that song…over and over and over again…

The Left: OK, we got a request to play the song we just played!
Crowd: Groan……Sure Ya Did…!!!!!
The Left: No…really….We did….!
The Left: Thank You Very Much…!!!!!

JackinSilverSpring | November 1, 2019 at 4:38 pm

CNN: Counterfeit News Network.

Maybe she will be defeated in her re-election bid. I can dream as crazy as they can but if I lived in CA I would never vote Democrat again.

Antifundamentalist | November 2, 2019 at 5:12 pm

So, they are beginning to see that they may not have a candidate who can legitimately beat Trump in 2020, so they are setting up this political Coup to take control anyway. This never ends well.

seems like cnn is forgetting about a little thing called the senate.
it’s maybe a slim (less than 1%) chance trump might be convicted.
but, i can’t see any chance the senate would also convict pence.
should this fantasy become reality, i will personally march on the WH and occupy the oval office. i sense that i wouldn’t be alone.