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Media Bias Tag

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse for Lanny Davis, the lawyer for President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, it has and yes it includes CNN. It all goes back to that explosive CNN report in July when "sources" told the network that Cohen claimed Trump knew about the "dirt" meeting at Trump Tower with Russians. BuzzFeed reported on Monday night that source was Davis himself. Here's the buried lede: Davis came out as the source of the story, but CNN's report stated that Davis declined to comment on the story.

ESPN has been struggling recently, and one of the problems it is facing is its political partisanship.  ESPN's president, Jimmy Pitaro, has been at the helm of ESPN for five months, and one of his goals is to refocus ESPN on *gasp* sports.  To that end, outspoken leftist Jemele Hill has been bought out of her contract. Hill, you may recall, was quietly moved off of Sports Center for tweeting that President Trump is a "white supremacist."

Yesterday, ICE arrested an illegal alien who was in the process of driving his pregnant wife to the hospital; ICE later stated that the man was picked up on an outstanding warrant for murder in his native Mexico. The media ran with the story, focusing on the "outrage" of arresting him while his wife was left to drive herself to the hospital.

In the wake of the controversy surrounding New York Times hire Sarah Jeong, Vox writers busily composed articles defending Jeong's racist rants.  Apparently, there's a whole other "social justice" language that makes her racist tweets not only acceptable but not racist at all. There was so much twisting of logic and SJW semantic gymnastics that Cal State sociology professor Bradley Campbell put together a nifty chart to help us understand the finer points of microagressions versus Orwellian SJW babble.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos comes from a wealthy family and was independently affluent prior to joining the Trump administration, so clearly, she's probably a terrible human being. Or so thinks Vox contributor Kate Wagner.

Robert Mueller did not start Trump Derangement Syndrome. That started before the 2016 election, but went ballistic when Trump won. #TheResistance movement immediately went into crisis attack mode, trying to intimidate Electors and to delegitimize the election result.

Could our political media be any more narcissistic? Actually, don't answer that. Tuesday night, CNN's Jim Acosta (the guy who loves to make himself the story) was greeted by attendees at a Trump rally in Tampa, though certainly not in the way he probably hoped. Rally-goers flipped him the bird, yelled "CNN sucks!" called him a "traitor" in between the chorus of loud boooos.

Are you getting tired of this yet? I know I am. The media obsession with non-stories is tiresome, but because the he-said, she-said is what's passing for serious news these days (regardless of veracity) we can't ignore it. So, here we are. Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen recently claimed that President Trump was aware of Don Jr.'s Trump Tower meeting. Left-leaning media is obsessed with the Trump Tower meeting. They're completely, wholly convinced it was during this meeting that Russia collision occurred.

On Monday, the Department of Justice charged Russian national Maria Butina with conspiring to defraud the United States and acting as an unregistered foreign agent.  The focus of the media's attention has been on Butina's ties to the NRA and to Republican politicians. We are now learning, however, that Butina met with top officials from the Federal Reserve and from the U. S. Treasury Department during the Obama administration.

Recently, members of the American press were quickly trying to tie the horrendous shooting by Jarrod Ramos at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, MD, to President Trump's declaration that the press is the "enemy of the people". President Trump has been on record that #FakeNews is the enemy of the people, which is true. However, one intrepid Massachusetts journalist decided to create some alternative facts to blame trump for Ramos' attack on the newspaper.