Liberal media finds its new Che Guevara in dead Iranian terror chief Qassem Soleimani
NY Times reporter posts video of Soleimani reciting poetry, while The New Yorker descibes him as “a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair, a dapper beard, and arching salt-and-pepper eyebrows…”

Things required to be a liberal media revolutionary icon:
1. Hate America.
2. Be A Brutal Murderer and Terrorist
3. Have a Beard and “Dreamy” Eyes
4. Be Photogenic
5. Be Killed by America or Its Allies
Che Guevara had it all. He was anything but liberal, but posters of that murderous, racist monster hang in dorm rooms and faculty offices throughout the country, and he is treated as a revolutionary hero in the media, because he checked all those boxes.
So too, apparently, does Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, killed by a U.S. drone strike in Iraq. Soleimani was the man responsible for sowing mayhem throughout the Middle East and beyond:
A 2013 New Yorker profile quoted John Maguire, a former CIA officer in Iraq, describing him as “the single most powerful operative in the Middle East today.” The piece said that since he took over the Quds Force, whose numbers it put at 10,000-20,000, Soleimani “has sought to reshape the Middle East in Iran’s favor, working as a power broker and as a military force: assassinating rivals, arming allies, and, for most of a decade, directing a network of militant groups that killed hundreds of Americans in Iraq.”
Soleimani’s legacy is the gruesome, advanced IEDs that haunted U.S. troops in Iraq:
Soleimani’s Quds Force provided EFP training and logistics to militants in Iraq, along with far-reaching supply routes and factories inside the country, … where knowledge and tips on their construction filled CD-ROMs circulated among bombmakers….
Iran was responsible for at least 603 U.S. deaths in Iraq, defense officials have said, or about a sixth of all fatalities.
Soleimani particularly hated Jews and Israel:
He was behind the arming of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Islamic Jihad in Gaza, and the bombing of an Israeli tour bus in Bulgaria in 2012. Plots over the years against Israeli embassies and synagogues around the world all came from him.
This monster, though, checks all the boxes:
1. Hate America √
2. Be A Brutal Murderer and Terrorist √
3. Have a Beard and “Dreamy” Eyes √
4. Be Photogenic √
5. Be Killed by America or Its Allies √
Solemeini represents a repressive anti-liberal regime, but he checks every box, so of course WaPo described him as a “revered” military figure.
Breaking news: Airstrike at Baghdad airport kills Iran’s most revered military leader, Qasem Soleimani, Iraqi state television reports
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 3, 2020
A New York Times reporter posted a video of Solemeini reciting poetry. Those eyes, and soft voice. He’s so much more cultured than Orange Man Bad.
Rare personal video of Gen. Suleimani reciting poetry shared by a source in #Iran. About friends departing & him being left behind.#قاسم_سليماني
— Farnaz Fassihi (@farnazfassihi) January 3, 2020
(If video doesn’t load, click here)
This is not reporting. Reporting would be writing of his murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians. His starving of Syrian cities and towns. His proxy terrorists and militia spreading wars and terror in Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. The millions of Iraqis rising up against him.
— Rashad Ali (@rashadzali1) January 3, 2020
And then there’s this, from the New Yorker describing Soleimani as:
“a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair, a dapper beard, and arching salt-and-pepper eyebrows…”
How is The New Yorker eulogizing Qasem Suleimani?
"Suleimani, a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair, a dapper beard, and arching salt-and-pepper eyebrows…"
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) January 3, 2020
Qassem — may we call him that? — has not reached Che status yet. Give it time. He’s well on his way.
It’s hard to know which will be the iconic image on posters, there are so many of them.
This one, using an image from the website of the Ayatollah, seems to be the likely choice:
It’s happening. It’s really happening.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Che was a mass murderer and child molester also……
Is that what the media is trying to tell us about themselves?
The “shrunken” media (never mainstream) is going to be sorely disappointed in their attempt.
Here’s some antidote for that.
Trump speaks to supporters after US kills Iran’s Soleimani
The Total Liar Media think “We the People” don’t see the Iranian citizens dancing and celebrating this vile terrorist, child molester’s removable?
Take that you Stupid and Lying Media.
Normal Iranians are Dancing in the Streets with Joy!
Che has nothing on obama and biden.
Obama,as most of us here have discovered, was the greatest traitor in history of the world (but we will also discover with finality, that he was also soros’ organ grinder monkey).
The treason trickled all the way down, as US cash was disributed in one way or another to every corrupt hack in the DNC, our government, our media and our educational system. Even our military got infested. Money, money, money, money.
Biden, as we have discovered, has his own special brand of child-groping.
This will get worse before it gets better.
They have always been “traitors” for the most part.
Now they’re brazenly open about being traitors.
There’s treason for idealogical purposes (a nazi who betrayed hitler in WW2) versus treason for money. The obama scam is the latter.
A media meme and eulogy-for-a-tyrant generator would be easy to create.
Can we send a peace contingent to iran to plead the case for American freedom and ask for some tolerance? I nominate alyssa milano, bette midler, rose mcgowan, anderson cooper, michael moore and hunter biden.
Only if Anderson Cooper wears a mini skirt.
For those of you who subscribe to the WSJ, please go read their article today from the Editorial Board. Excellent piece. Further, read the comments. Also brilliant.
This is the article title. I can’t link because the WSJ has a paywall. One of the best articles I’ve read in a long time!!!
Justice Arrives for Soleimani
Trump acted against a terrorist who killed hundreds of Americans.
By The Editorial Board
You can often find the entire articles reprinted just by searching for the title, such as “Justice Arrives for Soleimani.”
I did that just yesterday and found the Barrons article “Your Parents’ Financial Advice Is (Kind Of) Wrong” – behind their paywall – had been reprinted many places.
This is the one, right?
” Justice Arrives for Soleimani”
The Wall Street Journal. – The Editorial Board
“For a generation, Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani bestrode the Middle East spreading terror and death. President Trump’s decision to order the general’s death via drone attack in Baghdad Thursday night is a great boon for the region. It is also belated justice for the hundreds of Americans …”
Yes that’s it. I’m a huge WSJ fan and they can fish it out to Trump sometimes but this editorial is incredibly spot on. It should be required reading for every NYT/CNN/MSNBC “journalist”.
The most liked comment is also spot-on:
“The democrats have joined Iran in criticizing President Trump’s actions to protect American lives by taking out a known terrorist leader. That is ALL you really need to know.”
And, here’s a copy of it, because no archive was available.
For a generation, Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani bestrode the Middle East spreading terror and death. President Trump’s decision to order the general’s death via drone attack in Baghdad Thursday night is a great boon for the region. It is also belated justice for the hundreds of Americans whom Soleimani had a hand in killing.
One reason the U.S. could track and kill Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport was the impunity he had cultivated. The general often appeared in public, especially in Syria and Iraq, as he sought to build Shiite militias and spread Iranian influence. He was killed with Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, an Iraqi-Iranian militia leader who had met Soleimani at the airport and was outside the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad this week during an assault that Soleimani had approved.
Soleimani arrived in Baghdad with “plans to attack American diplomats and service members,” the Pentagon said in a statement. Mr. Trump’s critics are demanding to see the evidence of such plans. But why does it matter? Soleimani has killed enough Americans over the years to justify the strike as a defensive act to deter other attacks and send a message that killing Americans won’t be tolerated.
That message will reverberate around the Middle East, not least in Iran, where Soleimani reported directly to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and was its most powerful military figure. Mr. Khamenei had taunted Mr. Trump with a tweet this week after the assault on the Embassy that “you can’t do anything.” Turns out he could.
Few are more deserving of his fate than Soleimani, who since 1998 had commanded the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). He had a mandate to export Iran’s revolution across the Middle East. The State Department, which labeled the IRGC a foreign terrorist organization last year, says the group was responsible for killing 608 American soldiers during the Iraq war as it supplied deadly roadside bombs.
American veterans will toast his death, and they’ll be joined by millions in the Middle East. Soleimani abetted genocide in Syria to keep Bashar Assad in power, and he armed Hezbollah in Lebanon with rockets to attack innocent Israelis. Plenty of Iranians also are rejoicing given his role in suppressing popular protests.
Iran is promising retribution, and perhaps it will strike somewhere. But now Iran will have to consider that Mr. Trump will strike back. The U.S. President had shown great restraint—more than we thought he should—in not retaliating after Iran or its proxies shot down an American drone, attacked Saudi oil facilities, and attacked bases in Iraq with U.S. troops 10 times in the last two months.
Mr. Trump finally drew a line at the death of an American contractor and the storming of the Embassy. Perhaps he heard echoes of Barack Obama’s failure in Benghazi. Whatever Mr. Trump’s calculation, Mr. Khamenei now has to consider that even targets inside Iran are not safe.
The death of Soleimani should also reassure U.S. allies spooked by Barack Obama’s many capitulations and Mr. Trump’s partial withdrawal from Syria last year. This assumes Mr. Trump will be resolute if Iran escalates and doesn’t withdraw remaining U.S. forces from Iraq or Syria.
Iraq’s caretaker Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, condemned the Soleimani strike, but he hasn’t spoken for his countrymen since promising to resign in November amid popular unrest.
Iranian-backed forces helped slaughter hundreds of Iraqi protesters, and many Iraqis took to the streets to celebrate Soleimani’s death. The Iraqi Parliament still may vote to push U.S. troops out of the country, but it would be a mistake. The U.S. goal in Iraq is to help ensure Iraqi independence from a revival of Islamic State and Iranian meddling.
The least credible criticism is coming from American Democrats, especially those who worked for the Obama Administration. Their policy was to appease Tehran with a nuclear deal that would supposedly induce its leaders to join the civilized world. Instead the deal’s cash windfall empowered Soleimani to export revolution.
Now they’re fretting that responding to Soleimani’s mayhem is too risky. Joe Biden said Thursday Soleimani “supported terror and sowed chaos,” but that doesn’t negate “the fact that this is a hugely escalatory move in an already dangerous region.” In other words, Soleimani was a deadly menace, but the U.S. should have done nothing about his depredations because Iran could hit back. That is appeasement, not leadership.
Earlier this week Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy tweeted that “Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East” and “no one fears us.” But now he is upset that Iran might retaliate and Mr. Trump struck “without any congressional authorization.” In our view Mr. Trump had the power to act as Commander in Chief (see nearby). But Mr. Murphy’s logical whiplash shows that loathing for Mr. Trump has so blinded Democrats that they can’t even praise the demise of a murderous enemy.
In brief but useful remarks Friday, Mr. Trump said he ordered the drone strike “to stop a war,” not to start one. That should help to calm down those on the isolationist right fretting that any military action means a ground war in Iran. As Ronald Reagan showed with his 1986 bombing of Libya, a show of force can deter terrorism against Americans. Soleimani’s demise may even make an impression on North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
The U.S. challenge from a revolutionary Iran will continue. But Mr. Trump’s decisive action has struck a blow against terror in the cause of justice and American interests.
Thank you for the post of the editorial.
“Their policy was to appease Tehran with a nuclear deal that would supposedly induce its leaders to join the civilized world. Instead the deal’s cash windfall empowered Soleimani to export revolution.”
On Red State Streiff posits a different theory of the Obamanaut’s objective for the “Iran deal”:
“But the strategy of the Obama administration in the region was predicated upon creating a regional superpower out of Iran as, I believe, a counterweight to Israel and to the United States, itself, under future administrations.”
Between the two, I think Streiff’s belief is the one grounded in reality.
The idiot kids who promote Che have no idea who he was, he just has that iconic look and is thought of as a rebel. The young tend to like that bad boy, rebel type image. Funny how they pick one picture out of so many which show him looking young, and is probably the most flattering picture of that thug that was ever taken.
It’s far too much about image, never mind the actual person, they project some James Dean type rebel without a cause persona on him and they are good to go.
The media is increasingly younger, and even the older ones are immature morons who wouldn’t know news if it bit them, unless their DNC masters told them it was.
But hey, why let a mass murder spree mess with the narrative they are pushing? He apparently just got up in a bad mood those days, so mass murdering people shouldn’t be held against those evil eyes or dapper beard.
Know who else had “that iconic look?”
Ted Bundy.
Charles Manson had a full head of hair and a thick beard. Another qualifier!!!
Fortunately Bundy’s body count didn’t come close to that of Ernesto Guevara.
Kids do what their idols do. When their idols are out of their minds, the kids do what their stupid idols do:
Carlos Santana showing off his Che shirt at the Oscars:
Sums it up better than I could.
This entire book is genius, and that is coming from someone who owns a Subaru and lives in Portland.
The media is increasingly younger
Yes, there was one thing Ben Rhodes was right about.
don’t forget the distasteful admiration for the surviving Boston Bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Sooo dreamy.
Rolling Stone magazine is a vile a propaganda rag as the ny times. But at least the ny times aims its propaganda at adults.
In the end, they’re both on the side of genocidal maniacs.
Never liked how the founder of that was so chicken as to live almost his entire adult life in the closet – instead of living honestly….
“Liberal media” is a nonsensical label. There is a worldwide swamp/left/islamic axis, and it is all about money (and power, which really equates to money: just look at how luxuriosly castro, Pope Dope, stalin, mao, bernie sanders, clinton, kerry, obama, pelosi, biden and other fascist bastards lived and live after they get in power and loot the nations they govern.
Obama shipped pallets of billions in US cash to iran. Anyone who doens’t believe BILLIONS of that cash made its way back to obama, pelosi, clinton, kerry, biden and the rest of the gang (that gang includes the government/media/education complex as well) has their head up their ass, or was educated with Pete Butthead at harvard.
This is about money. Where else will a loser like the writers of these ny times articles work if not at the likes of the most corrupt swamp/left/islamic axis publication in the free world?
FOOTNOTE to ” Anyone who doens’t believe BILLIONS of that cash made its way back to obama, pelosi, clinton, kerry, biden and the rest of the gang (that gang includes the government/media/education complex as well) has their head up their ass, or was educated with Pete Butthead at harvard….”
The deniers will obviously include people or reps of organizations who got their taste of the illicit cash.
SPOT ON 100 Percent!
He just so cuddly.
not anymore….unless you like cuddling a trash bag full of parts LOL
best use of a hefty bag ever….
and I have had to use hefty bags for US Army pedestrians on the autobahn.
5 per body.
Take that, liberal media.
So now Soleimani has joined the Dead Poets Society.
Dead child molester’s society…….
For a while after the assassination, commenters here were joking about how the media will be sanitizing Soleimani’s history and describing him as a hero. And here we are, two days later, and that is exactly what is happening.
In my mind, I can see Dem/Rep divisions evaporating as the horrible truth about the “liberal” establishment continues to slither out from under its rocks and hiss in our faces right out in the open.
I’ll bet there are already a lot of Dem voters who can’t wait for November to vote for Trump. Four years ago at this time, how many of us Trumpsters never would have believed that we would end up voting for Trump in 11 months? There will be an echo of that this year.
We the People
know the Media’s
There’s already a tee shirt. And my apology for the down vote, I just missed reply and gave you an unearned downvote. I think this isn’t the first time that has happened and it won’t be the last.
Gotta admit one thing about Soleimani-
He’s smokin’!!!
Great pun.
Wow. With a resume like that he will be the toast of the Jewish American cocktail set.
Liberal Jews are responsible for other Jews being massacred.
There is no cultural phenomenon like it in the world.
I rest my case:
Democrat Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin has admitted being part of a network that kept Al Quds force leader Qassem Soleimani alive:
No, he won’t. Even liberal Jews are happy he’s gone, though they may doubt the wisdom of getting rid of him, and dread the inevitable retaliation.
House Intelligence Committee member Elise Stefanik
reacts to Soleimani’s death on ‘Fox and Friends.’
and Colin Kaepernick Blasts Racist ‘American Terrorist Attacks’ – Weazelzippers
kapernick is as stupid as le bron james. The only difference is that kapernick has a lunatic girlfriend operating him like a puppet.
We’ll find out Soleimani was a cross-dresser. You’ll see.
And that he jumped up and down with Barrack and Hilary on Russian hotel room beds while doing number…….
I’m not kidding.
“…a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair, a dapper beard, and arching salt-and-pepper eyebrows…”
What’s next, the ny times’ soleamani beefcake calendar?
Qasem Soleimani,Great poet, brilliant general,next Time of the year man, dead of drone strike.
Rumor has it he was sharing a guest room at the obama’s with valerie jarrett.
Maybe his Sean Connery looks is what has the media loving him
I fully expect the despicable and feckless Nike corporation to produce a new series of advertisements, featuring Soleimani’s image (perhaps with a Photoshopped Colin Kaepernick inserted, somewhere), and, the smug, revolting tagline, “Stand for something — even if it means sacrificing everything.”
An ode to supremacist and totalitarian Muslim terrorists would dovetail nicely with Nike’s new hijab swimwear line.
It’ll have a ‘burned’ distress look.
“a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair, a dapper beard, and arching salt-and-pepper eyebrows…”
sociopaths are often charismatic
I posted this elsewhere on LI
“He is [was] the Napoleon of crime, Watson. He is the organizer of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in this great city, He is a genius, a philosopher, an abstract thinker. He has a brain of the first order. He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them. He does little himself. He only plans.”
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Classic REMF in my book. I bet he has lots of pics with his gold-plated AK.
I suggest everyone visit the Power Line blog. At the top of the page above the first article authored by the resident bloggers are links to articles on other sites. Follow the link “Obama liked Suleimani.” Quite enlightening. Infuriating but enlightening. It really helps the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
The whole JCPOA was based upon one fundamental, brazen lie. The IAEA always requires a nation to establish a baseline if it is going to monitor a nuclear agreement. Otherwise how would they know if the country they are monitoring is cheating? So when the IAEA regulators sat down with the Iranians they denied having a nuclear program at all. Gobsmacked they didn’t push back at the negotiating table but instead they reported back. This abortion never should have seen the light of day but Obama wanted it to go through.
As an aside when the P5+1 (5 permanent members of the UNSC + Germany) were theoretically negotiating together with Iran on the other side of the table, our “partners” often commented it felt more like the P4+1. Like the US had switched sides and was negotiating with Iran against them.
Because that’s exactly what was going on.
Obama never intended this steaming pile of crap to detect cheating (so who needs a baseline) or even put speed bumps in the way of Iran’s drive to get nuclear weapons.
Instead he wanted to stabilize the regime economically and make sure the hardliners had all the resources the needed to protect the nuclear arsenal he had no interest in preventing them getting.
His favorite hardliner was Suleimani. He wasn’t just Obama’s Che. He was his dreamy Dzhokar Tsarnaev Rolling Stone cover boy.
Obama greatly admired Suleimani and his work. Including his work killing and maiming American troops.
My read on him from even before the nomination was that he only wanted to become President over his despised enemies the American people was so he could help his true friends. His fellow anti-American abroad.
This is a massive betrayal that is almost beyond imagination. This is why the house Democrats, the deep state, and much of the media are in a full blown panic. The deep state isn’t so much leaking as peddling malicious lies to the media and the media is doing there best to spin it. And the Dems are losing their minds trying to find a way to impeach this President for the crime of defending this country they have done their damndest to betray. They’ll squeal like stuck pigs about Trump putting us on the brink of WWIII and this danger has to go. But Iran can do nothing especially without Suleimani. It’s a house of cards and any breeze will cause it to collapse.
Look at everything Iran/impeachment related through this prism and it all makes sense.
TheFineReport, I don’t believe one thin dime came back. It all remains abroad where it can do the most good when it comes to betraying the country. And speaker of the House Judas Iscariot and Senate minority leader Benedict Arnold are cool with that. There are still lots of opportunities for squeezing $$ out of other targets of opportunity. And they have their own bodies they want to keep buried.