Elizabeth Warren’s Current Claim She Lost Teacher Job Over Pregnancy Contradicts Her Prior Statements
“recalled leaving her teaching job because she did not have requisite qualifications — a far cry from claiming to be have been canned by a male principal for being with child”

Elizabeth Warren recently told an audience that she was not invited back to a teaching job years ago because she was visibly pregnant. She told a very different version of the same story back in 2007, however. Embellishing the past seems to come so easily to her.
Tommy Christopher of Mediaite has the story:
WATCH: Elizabeth Warren Lied About Losing Public School Teaching Job Because She Was ‘Visibly Pregnant’
Massachusetts Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren claims she lost a public school teaching job because she was “visibly pregnant,” but that’s not true according to Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, who told a very different story in 2007.
Over the past several days, people have been circulating the claim that Warren lied about being fired over a pregnancy, and while that’s not quite right, it does demonstrate how the lie that has become a regular part of Warren’s stump speech has evolved. The central idea has always been that she was living her dream of being a public school special ed teacher until some villainous Mad Med-era principal put the kibosh on the whole thing because of her baby bump.
Amanda Prestigiacomo of the Daily Wire has more:
Warren Said She Was Once Fired For Being Pregnant. That’s Not What She Said Before.
Presidential contender Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has highlighted the supposed hardships of women in the workplace by claiming she was fired from a teaching job after she became “visibly pregnant.” But the senator, who has been plagued by her own wildly overstated claims of Native American heritage, told a different story about how she lost her teaching job in the past.
“I loved it, and I would probably still be doing it today but back in the day, before unions, the principal, by the time we got to the end of the first year, I was visibly pregnant,” Warren said while on the campaign trail in May, as reported by Jeryl Bier on Wednesday. “And the principal did what principals did in those days: they wished you luck, showed you the door, and hired someone else for the job. And there went my dream.”…
However, as highlighted by Bier, during an interview in 2007, Warren recalled leaving her teaching job because she did not have requisite qualifications — a far cry from claiming to be have been canned by a male principal for being with child.
“At UC Berkeley in 2007 as part of a series called ‘Conversations with History,’ Warren was asked about her pursuit of a career helping special needs children,” Bier reported. “Her answer at the time made no mention of losing her job due to her pregnancy. Instead, she spoke of trying to further her education because she lacked some education courses that had required her to rely on an ‘emergency certificate’ to teach that first year. While pursuing those courses, she said she realized, ‘I don’t think this is going to work out for me.’ She and her husband then decided she would stay at home for the time being.”
This video shows Warren’s comments from now and back in 2007:
Are you noticing a pattern?
Elizabeth Warren lied about not planning on running for president.
Elizabeth Warren lied about being Native American.
Elizabeth Warren lied about getting fired for being pregnant.
Voters can’t trust her. https://t.co/9PFXinaX8a
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) October 5, 2019
Featured image via YouTube.

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The truth and Elizabeth Warren are only passingly acquainted.
Warren, as successor to Hillary Clinton has many of her characteristics including a loose connection to the truth. I saw her grab a beer in one of her campaign ads. I wonder if she drinks as much as Hillary?
Wow, you’d never know that Lizzie hatched anything from resources on the web.
From Wikipedia…..
Children 2, including Amelia
Business Talent Group
Amelia Tyagi is the current president of the Business Talent Group (BTG) which she founded in 2007 along with Jody Greenstone Miller who is BTG’s current Chairman of the Board of Directors.[5][6] BTG works with “40% of Fortune 100 companies” to provide independently contracted talent for business projects.”
BTG sounds as though it would be a great tool for extortion……Just sayin’…… SNARK!
It’s confounding and hilarious that the Dhimmi-crats will choose crone Warren as their standard-bearer, she being yet another odious, self-entitled, self-serving, self-reverential and mendacious nag/scold/harridan/shrew/demagogue/apparatchik cast from the exact same mold as vile crone Hillary; all while these Dhimmis expect to produce a different electoral outcome.
To paraphrase the old leftist chant — “Liz lies kids die” has a bit of a ring to it.
The truth is still in Warren, it has yet to emerge.
You must mean like in the movie “Alien.”
Would Harvard have ever hired Warren if not for the Native American claims? With degrees from Houston and Rutgers (state university of New Jersey), it’s very doubtful.
By that time her degrees were irrelevant. She was a famous “scholar” and a tenured professor at Penn. That made her hireable regardless of where her degrees were from.
The committee that hired her claims they were unaware she was claiming to be an Indian, so the claim could not have influenced their decision. How could you possibly prove they’re lying?
Do you believe that?
Yes, I believe that they claim that, because they were directly quoted in every news outlet saying exactly that. Now tell me how you could possibly prove they’re lying.
“believe” sound religious.
They could be self-delusional. Maybe they really believe that, and there is some other reason she was hired.
But we get to believe Harvard hired her because they needed to pad their token boxes, and the people on the committee are foolish enough to be self-delusional. You get to believe what you want, unless Elizabeth becomes President, and then, I believe, she will tell you what to care about and what to believe.
That’s my belief. She lies with the same effort you put into breathing.
The only problem with that view is why would Harvard promote her as the first minority (Native American) law professor immediately after she was hired? Do you really think that the race-conscience Harvard just got lucky to hire someone who (they claimed) was minority status?
Thanks. That nails little Milhouse.
You’re still a nasty piece of garbage.
1. The university didn’t promote her that way immediately. It was some time later, after she was hired.
2. The selection committee never promoted her in any way, since that is not their job. So it’s impossible to prove that its members knew about the claim.
All communists lie all the time. If and when they tell the truth, it’s an accident.
Like a broken clock?
To paraphrase a Latin aphorism: Lying about one thing, lying about everything.
Cherokee Liz’s talk is as slippery as a Green Nude Eel. But hold on Fauxcahontas can wiggle out of anything.
A key characteristic possessed by a sociopath is the lack of a conscience. A key indicator of a missing conscience is the capability to repeated lie without ever showing any sign of guilt or remorse even when caught.
Further, she craves power “by any means necessary.” She would be very dangerous and destructive as POTUS.
I loved it, and I would probably still be doing it today but back in the day, before unions,
That would be the 1970’s? There pleny of strong teachers unions in the 70s.
I seem to recall Unions for school teachers were particularly strong back then. But as she said in 2007 (such a long time ago, and in her best Blasey Ford voice) she wasn’t credentialed.
She used her lie of being an Indian (no native American labels were prevalent back then either) to get hired in numerous jobs. With Harvard using her as a means of showing how enlightened they were by hiring a Cherokee Indian Woman, they used it for Federal purposes as well as promotional purposes.
If she did that today she would be fired for falsifying her application to work there.
It makes you wonder what else she is lying about. I know politicians push the truth, usually by omission rather than blatant lies that are easily debunked. Yet the left had Obama who lied even when truth wouldn’t have hurt him a bit. Same with Bubba Clinton. Pelosi lies all the time. Schiff lies all the time. It’s not being mistaken about something, nor is it interpretation of something, it is out and out lies. Why do these people get power? None of them are particularly good liars either. You can see they are lying by how they express themselves. It’s pathological.
Numerous jobs? What evidence is there of this?
Lefties get to tailor their stories to fit their audience with question or fact checking. Meeeechelle Obama told a funny story about a short woman in a Target asking her to help her reach something on a top shelf because she was so tall, never realizing she was the first lady. Later the story involve a white woman ordering a black woman to do something. Both are true because she’s part of the protected class like Warren
Clearly, this is not lying. It is ” life experience enhancement”. Regardless, it will not be reported by the dinosaur media. Never to see the light of day. You sexist, racist SOB’s!
“Fauxahontas” waxes old. Let’s now call her Big-Chief-Pimple-on-Her-Tongue.
Michael LaChance.
Elizabeth Warren caught in a lie is right up there next to “water is wet”.
Why not explore why her followers tolerate this?
Maybe also, the leftist socialist media cries “liar” over Donald’s “lies”, which be differ in character and degree from her. Why?
Why do you assume that voters are willing to tolerate Warren’s lies? This article is merely pointing out what she has said and done, which does not fit with her story.
If nobody points out the difference, then voters aren’t “tolerating” her behavior, they are ignorant of it.
People on the left are very religious in their beliefs, and objective truth isn’t a problem for them, as everybody on the left has their own truth. Facts which disrupt their personal truth and narrative are ignored. “lying eyes” and everything. They believe what makes them feel good. There is enough inconsistency in Elizabeth’s past to observe she is a liar and an opportunist.
Aren’t those on the left who gave us “false but accurate”?
Any attempts to point out differences between what she said and actual facts is more than likely going to brushed off.
. . . “[S]he said she realized, ‘I don’t think this is going to work out for me.’ She and her husband then decided she would stay at home for the time being.”
So, what’d she do? Stay home and bake cookies?
Right, that’ll get the Feminista Vote all hot.
She’s just not very good at this game.
Having taught Special Education, an emergency certification has to be renewed on a periodic basis. It’s done because there isn’t a qualified teacher with special education certification.
As for the pregnancy version, Warren’s daughter was born September 2, 1971. That would mean that when the school year ended, Warren would be “visibly pregnant. It is much more likely that Warren was on a year contact that wasn’t renewed because the school had found a qualified teacher for the class.
About Special Education teachers. They are always in high demand. You don’t fire one just because they are pregnant.