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Media Bias Tag

Okay, yeah, the mainstream media totally sticks to the nonpartisan position they should all have. I blogged about how Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ruined the bipartisan stimulus bill in the Senate. The New York Times used a correct headline the first time but changed it two more times to move the blame away from the Democrats.

The media seems intent on proving over and over again that they cannot be trusted.  Having botched their sky-is-falling Russia, Ukraine, and the infamous "two scoops" scandal, they are now all-in proclaiming—completely incorrectly—that President Trump called the coronavirus a hoax. He did not.  In fact, their response to what Trump actually said demonstrates perfectly the point he was making.

The Trump impeachment circus has packed up and left town. Wednesday, Trump was acquitted of both impeachment charges. Thursday, Trump gave a public announcement to discuss the trial and acquittal. In true Trump form, it was a victory lap. And who can blame him? He was the subject of a political witch hunt, if ever there was one, and came out on the other end unscathed. This could not be worse for Democrats.

We've all seen how the mainstream media lives in NY and DC bubbles. Regardless of where they came from, they often embody the shock at how people outside the coastal and liberal bubbles live. They *literally* didn't know anyone who voted for Trump, so they were shocked that 60 million people did so. On campuses, which are feeding grounds for journo bubbles, there were crying circles on election night 2016.

Tuesday, Professor Jacobson blogged about one of THE most tone-deaf cable news segments I've ever seen. A CNN panel hosted by Don Lemon, billing Rick Wilson, (a former Republican political consultant who sold his soul to the NeverTrump brigade and now poses as a token "Republican" on CNN and MSNBC to trash actual Republicans and right-leaning folk) were overcome with fits of laughter while mocking Trump and Trump supporters as bassackwards hillbillies, ignoramuses, and simpletons.