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Kamala Harris Tag

As the Democratic Party lurches leftward and adopts a distinctly socialist stance, its political center has also shifted left.  Amazingly, this new Democratic Party considers among its centrists those figures we tend to think of as radical leftists:  Obama, Hillary, and to a lesser extent Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). Figures once considered fringe even among the left are now hailed as the voice of the party; these figures include self-proclaimed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and radical progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).  Sanders and more recently Warren have been strong proponents of single-payer and "free" college.  Thanks in large part to Bernie, much of the left, the Democrat base, thinks of itself as "Democratic Socialist."

Immigration has come to the forefront again as the government faces another possible shutdown this week. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has already stated she will vote no against a funding bill if it does not include language for DACA members, also known as Dreamers. Another option, though, is temporary protection after President Donald Trump's March 5 deadline passes.

Glad I was in the car much of the day, while all the theatrics were going on with unshutting down the government, which never really had been shut to begin with. The overwhelming after-assessment among the punditry is that Schumer was humiliated, had little to show for either the fight or the capitulation, and that Trump won. I think that assessment is generally correct.

Today is an embarrassing day to be a Democrat. Senate Democrats wasted an entire grandstanding-filled weekend for a whole lotta nuthin. Rather than coming to an agreement with Senate Republicans and President Trump Friday, Democrats ended up accepting the deal (with nothing new in return) Monday.

Year One of President Trump's much-vaunted "judge story" was far more successful than anyone could have expected. Trump nominated and confirmed more appellate circuit court judges in his first year than any modern president. His judges were, on average, just 50 years old and all of them were well-credentialed conservatives. Several are potential SCOTUS nominees.

It appears that the elite media is figuring out what has been transparently clear to me: After a full year of California's politicians waging a #WarOnTrump, the White House is now countering with its own policy blasts.
It's Washington versus California on marijuana, climate change, offshore oil drilling and immigration this week as bubbling disagreements between President Donald Trump's administration and California all seemed to spill over at once.

There are a few Democrats who think that since President Donald Trump won in November 2016 then maybe they can, too. After all, how did a man with no political experience beat the all mighty Hillary Clinton?! So a handful of politicians that not a lot of people have heard of believe they have a chance to take on Trump in 2020, including mayors and congressmen "low on the seniority totem pole."

They can get you now, or get you later . . . Fifteen senators, including 2020 hopefuls like Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, are co-sponsoring Bernie Sanders' single-payer health care bill. But even some of those not signing on have plans to eventually convert the country to single payer. On today's Morning Joe, Dem Senator Chris Murphy [CT] described his plan, which Politico has called "stealthy single-payer." Under it, people would be given the option of buying into Medicare or remaining with private insurance. Murphy expressed the belief that:

California's primaries are currently held in June; however, legislation is expected to be signed by Governor Jerry Brown (D) next week that would move them to March. This move would place California's primaries right after Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.  Further, the move would tilt the donor and electoral tables heavily in Senator Kamala Harris' (D-CA) favor. Politico reports:
California is pushing forward with a plan to change the state’s primary date from June to March, a move that could scramble the 2020 presidential nominating contest and swing the early weight of the campaign to the west.

Doug Schoen, a political consultant on Bill Clinton's 1996 and Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaigns, gained notice in conservative circles when he co-penned the 2010 WaPo op-ed, "One and Done:  To be a great president, Obama should not seek reelection in 2012."  An outspoken and vehement critic of Obama, Schoen is now positing former First Lady Michelle Obama as the 2020 cure for all that ails Democrats. Schoen remains a Democrat and stalwartly #NeverObama, but he says that he recommends Michelle as the last best hope for Democrats in 2020 in his role as an "analyst."

Democrats are still reeling from their historic electoral losses during the Obama era, particularly the loss of the White House in 2016.  They now appear to be increasingly coalescing behind single-payer as part of their "get back in power" strategy. Socialist senator and failed Democrat presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) peddled his inconceivably expensive "Medicare for all" throughout the 2016 presidential primaries.  Sanders himself refuses to address pesky questions about the cost or real-world viability of his socialist pipe-dream, but that hasn't stopped Democrats from seizing on the idea.

Of all California's national-level politicians, I consider Senator Dianne Feinstein the cream-of-the-crop. Since our crops now include marijuana, you can gauge the quality level for yourself. For example, her reply about President Donald Trump to a constituent's ill-conceived question was as sane and diplomatic as one could reasonably achieve in San Fransisco.