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Joe Biden Tag

When it comes to Joe Biden's eventual running mate, Kamala Harris has drawn the most speculation from pundits, but former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice is a very real possibility. With two former members of the Obama administration on the ticket, this would definitely be like a third term for Obama.

The Great Debate is whether Joe Biden will debate Donald Trump in the series of three debates currently suggested. While insisting that Biden "looks forward" to debating, you can see the seeds of an excuse being planted, centered around Trump allegedly abusing the debate process AND the coronavirus making travel and appearances risky to health.

So maybe as early as next week Joe Biden will announce who he is picking to be his vice presidential nominee. Or more precisely, the vice president nominee will be picked, Biden will be informed, will come to believe he made the choice, and will appear in front of a camera with a note written in large crayon with the person's name.

Joe Biden said today that he would announce his choice of running mate next week. Politico appears to have jumped the gun, explaining in an article why Biden chose Kamala Harris, a detail they quickly deleted and then updated. Luckily, some people on Twitter caught the detail before it was changed.

There are few people who have contributed to the Trump Derangement Syndrome gripping half the nation than Joe Scarborough of MSNBC. Along with this co-host, guests, and other hosts at MSNBC, Scarborough fed the anti-Trump movement an almost four-year diet of paranoia and conspiracy theories.

Anyone who remembers the 2016 Republican primary knows that former Ohio Governor John Kasich loves nothing more than the sound of his own voice. So it should come as no surprise that he is ditching his allegiance to the Republicans in order to speak at the Democratic National Convention in support of Joe Biden. Do you think he'll mention that his father was a mailman?

Apparently, the lily white left is so desperate to prove it's not racist and that it's well and truly woke, the wokiest!, that it's hunting for things to rename in the name of looking like they care about anything remotely related to black people.  Like a two-runway airport no one's ever heard of named for an actor the majority of the rioter youth have probably never heard of.