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Israel Tag

Another in my ongoing posts from Israel: We previously covered the failed Palestinian attempt to get a French court to stop the Jerusalem light rail project which was being constructed in part by French contractors.  It's a part of the continuing lawfare against Israel. Commenter Vince suggested that I check out the light rail project, and bemoaned the fact that he had not yet been on it:
If you get a chance when you’re in Jerusalem take a ride on their light rail system.  It’s a relatively modern overhead line system with 23 stops that runs approximately 14 km long. I have all of the stops geocoded if you would like that? I’m a bit of a light rail buff.. my goal is to ride all of them!  Haven’t made it to Israel yet :(
I can't make your wish come true, Vince, so here's the best I can do: [caption id="attachment_59896" align="alignnone" width="512"]Jerusalem Light Rail (Jerusalem Light Rail)[/caption] I also had the pleasure of meeting the famous Carl in Jerusalem, of Israel Matzav, with whom my wife and I shared a (soft) drink around noon today: [caption id="attachment_59892" align="alignnone" width="491"]William A. Jacobson and Carl in Jerusalem (Me and Carl in Jerusalem, in Jerusalem)[/caption]

Today, I had the great pleasure to meet three of the Israeli bloggers we link to and write about, on my road to Jerusalem. We took the ride from Tel Aviv to Petah Tikva, one of the earliest Jewish towns, where we met Anne from ... (take a guess).  Anne lives on a nice, quiet street. [caption id="attachment_59868" align="alignnone" width="491"]Petah Tikva Israel (Petah Tikva, Israel)[/caption] We lunched at a nice restaurant near the Intel center in Petah Tikva: [caption id="attachment_59824" align="alignnone" width="493"]William A Jacobson and Anne In Petah Tikva (Me and Anne in Petah Tikva)[/caption] We then headed on the road to Jerusalem, stopping in to see Adam Levick of CiF Watch, a blog devoted to taking The Guardian newspaper to task for its frequently distorted coverage of Israel.

We landed late on Saturday in a very uneventful overnight trip non-stop from JFK. The first day or two are going to be time adjustment days, since Israel is 7 hours ahead now. We walked around Tel Aviv from the central area (near the Hadima Theater) where we are staying past the Carmel market.  Some vendor told me that he had the best dates and figs in all of Israel, and I believed him! [caption id="attachment_59646" align="alignnone" width="422"](Carmel Market Tel Aviv) (Carmel Market Tel Aviv)[/caption] We then walked through some of the older sections, but you can't escape the contrast with old and new, as skyscrapers are in the distance and construction (both new skyscrapers and renovations of older sections) are everywhere. [caption id="attachment_59647" align="alignnone" width="466"](Old section of Tel Aviv with skyscraper construction in background) (Old section of Tel Aviv with skyscraper construction in background)[/caption]

Off to Israel late tonight. My itinerary is something along the lines of Tel Aviv-Jerusalem-Tiberias-Golan Heights/TheNorth. I'm scheduled to meet some really interesting people, so there likely will be some posts from me while I'm away.  (In addition to some prescheduled posts, and well, I do have...

Good thing John Kerry is in Israel pressuring Israel to accept as a precondition to negotiations a return to the 1949 armistice lines with minor modifications. That precondition is being held firmly by Mahmoud Abbas, who weekly receives encouragement, including the recent decision by the EU...

Mideast Media Sampler 7-18-2013...

We noted several days ago the latest "who bombed it?" mystery, Did Israel just destroy Syrian depot holding Russian missiles? While answers remain sketchy, unnamed U.S. sources reportedly are pointing to Israel, via CNN: A series of explosions on July 5 at a critical Syrian port was...

We've made this point time and again, the Palestinian culture of incitement is the core problem You will not see western boycotts, divestments or sanctions for the type of incitement against Jews routinely put out by Palestinian media and institutions. Anti-Jewish incitement is an accepted part of...

1) When all else fails focus on Israel I'm not sure that the editors of the New York Times realized how absurd the title of this recent article on the Middle East sounded, Chaos in Middle East Grows as the U.S. Focuses on Israel. Surely everything...

At least we can be comfortable how it will be answered. From Danelle: 5:30 am Harper, Texas Came across this handpainted wall while dodging deer early this morning 20 miles south of Fredericksberg, Texas. Left El Paso at 9pm last night, still have a couple more hours before we...

46 years ago today using the Christian calendar. We celebrated the event on May 8 using the Hebrew calendar,  46 Hebrew calendar years ago Jerusalem was reunited: The abuse of Jewish historical and religious sites ended: “It felt like Messiah had come,” says Avigail Shlesinger, 81, of the...