Recommendation comes after assessment it is "high-risk" to privacy and security....
Trump has time to appeal since the court stated its "judgment would not [be] issued for seven days."...
"For example, one whistleblower explained that because agents are not finding enough DVE [domestic violent extremist] cases, they are encouraged and incentivized to reclassify cases as DVE cases even though there is minimal, circumstantial evidence to support the reclassification."...
Constitution anyone?...
Progressives: "Hey, Bill de Blasio - just no."...
The bill only mentions white supremacy and neo-Nazis because obviously, those are the only people who terrorize others....
It's so weird how the science changes with polling numbers....
It's a combination of bluster, giving hope to Democrats, and planning to drain Republican coffers, but the lack of likelihood of success won't deter the Clinton campaign lawyer whose firm was the driving force behind the discredited "Steele Dossier"....
In 2018, Pelosi promised seven House Democrats she would back "term limits for the top three Democratic leaders" so she could get the votes to make her Speaker of the House. The promise meant Pelosi could not remain Speaker after 2022. Oh, look. Pelosi is likely breaking...
Trump:m“Devin understands that we must stop the liberal media and Big Tech from destroying the freedoms that make America great."...
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