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Hollywood Tag

A Disappointing Sequel It Chapter 1 was released just two years ago in 2017 and at the time the movie had a certain novelty to it. It was fresh off the success of Stranger Things and it carried the same E.T/Stand by Me/Goonies/Monster Squad style that made so many of what RedLetterMedia once described as "kids on bikes movies" popular.

New York Times reporters Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey dropped the bombshell on Harvey Weinstein two years ago with a scathing article filled with accusations from actresses. They described horrific alleged sexual misconduct by the once-powerful movie producer, which led to the #MeToo movement. Kantor and Twohey detailed their investigation in a new book called She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement. One shocking detail came to light in the book. Victim rights attorney Lisa Bloom, the daughter of Gloria Allred, sided with Weinstein. She offered to help him ruin the reputations of the women who accused him of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape.

Actor Isaiah Washington spoke to Fox Nation's Tyrus about his decision to leave the Democratic Party. Washington noted that Democratic politicians have not done enough for America or the black community. He praised President Donald Trump's support for the First Step Act, which provides "deserving prisoners the opportunity to get a shortened sentence for positive behavior and job training, and giving judges and juries the power that the Constitution intended to grant them in sentencing."

This past week, Netflix released Dave Chapelle's newest stand up special, Sticks and Stones. The special immediately became controversial given Chapelle's crassness and indifference towards the left's sacred cows. He mocks the LGBTQ movement, castigates the #MeToo movement, called women b****es, mocked rape victims, used the homophobic slur f****t and dressed Jussie Smollett down.

Disney Announces It's First Muslim Superhero Disney's soon to be released streaming service Disney+ is ramping up quickly. When the service goes live this November it's already going to be stocked with dozens of movies, the entire series backlog of The Simpsons and the newly premiere Star Wars show The Mandalorian.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini hit back at Richard Gere for criticizing the country's immigration policy. He told the U.S. celebrity to take illegal migrants with him to Hollywood. "Given this generous millionaire is voicing concern for the fate of the Open Arms migrants, we thank him," the Italian politician responded sarcastically. "He can take all the people aboard back to Hollywood, on his private plane, and support them in his villas. Thank you, Richard!"

Liberal comedian Sarah Silverman said on "The Bill Simmons Podcast" she recently lost a role in a movie after the filmmakers discovered a picture of her in blackface from 2007. From The Hollywood Reporter:
"I recently was going to do a movie, a sweet part, then at 11 p.m. the night before they fired me because they saw a picture of me in blackface from that episode. I didn't fight it," Silverman shared with Simmons. She said that though she understood, she's not that person anymore: "They hired someone else who is wonderful but who has never stuck their neck out. It was so disheartening. It just made me real real sad, because I really kind of devoted my life to making it right."

Clint Eastwood remains the most daring conservative in Hollywood. The now 89-year-old star of cinema classics like The Good, The Bad and the Ugly and Dirty Harry is still going strong as he's preparing to film his latest feature Richard Jewell. In an unsurprising buck against Hollywood's current hissy fit over the recent anti-abortion laws passed in Georgia, the legendary director has decided to shoot his new film there.

I felt nothing going into the newest Pixar film Toy Story 4. Truthfully my reaction to Pixar films has been exceptionally cold since Toy Story 3 was released nearly a decade ago. Other than the exceptionally well done Inside Out and the beautifully well made if somewhat forgettable Coco their output just hasn't been up to snuff. Brave was basically fine for an alternative take on the Disney princess archetype a la Pixar's brand of progressivism. Monster's U, Finding Dory and Cars 3 are irrelevant and regrettably, even The Incredibles 2 is barely memorable after only a year.

Today in History Clouds hung low over the cold summer beaches of Normandy on the morning of June 6th, 1944. The French countryside had been subjected to a night of heavy bombing by the Army Airforce and the US Navy but the vital bunkers and artillery emplacements protecting the beaches had hardly been scratched. The clouds had protected them. This would become quite unfortunate for the first waves of soldiers who would find themselves walking right into them.

One of the final lines in 2016's Godzilla: Resurgence is a quiet and somber reflection that Godzilla is "something we'll have to learn to live with." In the final images of the film, we see the figure of Godzilla standing above the Tokyo skyline, a stone creature having been defeated but now made immobile via the coagulants floating in his bloodstream having shut down his nuclear core.

The 8th Army Airforce

Of all the branches of the military, the Army Airforce had an especially dangerous job. Leaving aside even the common flight risks of mid-air collisions and frostbite from flying in non-pressurized aircraft five miles in the air, the 8th Army Airforce dealt with unique horrors. Over Germany, B-17 bombers couldn't be accompanied by escort fighters due to a lack of fuel range, leaving them particularly vulnerable to Luftwaffe raids during their bombing runs near the targets. Even when they weren't being raided they were subject to constant anti-aircraft bombardment from 88mm howitzers that shredded the planes.