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Gaza Tag

The war of terror against Israel could be entering a new phase as Gaza-based terrorist groups prepare for a joint campaign against the Jewish state, news reports from the region suggest. "The military wings of terror organizations in the Gaza Strip are preparing for a long-term joint campaign against Israel," the Times of Israel reported citing pro-Hezbollah Lebenase newspaper Al-Akhbar

Gaza-Based terrorist group Hamas is stepping up its campaign of ecological terrorism against Israel, launching explosives-laden balloons across the border. At least 45 fires were sparked by the incendiary balloons set off from Hamas-controlled territory, Israeli media reported on Wednesday.

A (now former) Gaza-based "consultant" with the 'human rights' behemoth Amnesty International has suddenly found herself in hot water after she allegedly sold out out fellow Palestinians in Gaza to the terrorist group Hamas. Self-styled "journalist" Hind Khoudary took to Facebook last week to alert three Hamas officials that a group of her fellow Gazans had had held an online chat with Israelis about the coronavirus crisis.