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Gaza Tag

The Palestinian rocket barrage on Israeli civilian communities continues unabated today. In all, over 500 rockets have been fired on Israeli cities and towns, causing at least four Israeli civilian deaths. Homes and the maternity ward of a hospital have been hit, among other civilian locations in Israel. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are threatening to expand the rocket fire to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and even further north.

The so-called "Great March of Return" are the weekly riots at the Gaza-Israel border in which Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups mount operations to breach the border fence and attack Israelis under cover of civilians, including women and children. As we have documented extensively, the "children" involved often are teenage military members of terrorist groups. The terrorist groups cynically use these teenagers and also civilian "protesters" for propaganda purposes when they are injured or killed.

We have extensively documented how the supposedly "peaceful protests" at the Gaza-Israel border fence are, in reality, Hamas and Islamic Jihad military terror operations using some civilians as cover, including women and children. The so-called ‘Great March of Return’ is turned on and off by Hamas as its needs require. See our prior posts for images and video:

On February 23rd, 2019, a 15 year-old Palestinian, Yusef al-Daya, was shot in the chest at a weekly event called the March of Return. The event is held every Friday at the Gaza border. Al-Daya was rushed to a local hospital where he was resuscitated but a short time later, succumbed to his wound. Prominent media outlets such as Reuters stated; "Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian teen." The article makes no mention of important facts about al-Daya and what he was doing at the security fence.

[WAJ Note: Joe Truzman has become for me a must-follow on Twitter and through his GroundBrief newsletter for events happening in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon. I wanted to introduce him to readers, so I asked him to write a post about who he is and how he does what he does.] I am fascinated with the Middle East – particularly the security of the State of Israel in relation to its neighboring countries. There is always something happening of interest, whether it’s the militant groups in Gaza and West Bank, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iranian proxy militias in Syria or the Islamic State in northern Egypt. Israel is surrounded by enemies putting it in a unique situation where security-related events are constant. This is where I provide material and analysis that you don’t see covered by international news organizations and most news related sources.

Rouzan al-Najjar was a female Palestinian medic who died of a bullet wound during violent protests near the Gaza-Israel border. As we have documented dozens of times, those protests are organized and manipulated by Hamas and other terror groups, who plant their military members in the crowds under cover of burning tires. Dozens of Hamas and other terror members have been killed in the attempts to breach the border with the intent to attack Israeli soldiers and civilians.

Every year, at Christmas, Palestinian officials, activists, and a host of virulently anti-Israel groups exploit the holiday season for political purposes. As we’ve documented in several prior posts, for years Christmas holiday themes, symbols, and rituals have been continuously appropriated and put into service for anti-Israel propaganda:

The ethnic cleansing of Christians in areas of the Middle East controlled by Islamists continues. The Gaza strip, under the control of Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad, has seen its Christian population dwindle under relentless discrimination. We wrote about the plight of Gaza Christians in August 2014, Gaza ethnic cleansing of Christians:

When news first broke that Nur Barake, a senior Hamas operative responsible for attack tunnel construction, was killed in an Israeli commando operation in Gaza, it was assumed that the operative was the target. In the ensuing firefight, six more Hamas operatives were killed, as well as an Israeli special forces soldier. That soldier, along with a wounded comrade and others in the raid, were extracted from Gaza in a rescue mission under heavy Israeli air cover.