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Fox News Tag

The list of people completely broken by Trump just gained an addition -- Fox News's John Roberts. Despite the fact that Trump denounced white supremacy during the first presidential debate (and the media ran with the narrative that he refused to do so), John Roberts asked if Trump would denounce white supremacy during Thursday's White House press briefing. Watch:

President Donald Trump and Joe Biden faceoff tonight at 9 PM ET in the first debate moderated by Chris Wallace. This should be delicious, especially since Biden cannot evade Wallace.

In recent weeks, Tucker Carlson of FOX News has been a lone voice in the media wilderness. No one on television has been more brutally honest about what is happening in America right now. Carlson has even had the guts to criticize Black Lives Matter. For this, he must be punished.

Brooklyn bar owner Joe Joyce passed away on April 9 of the Wuhan coronavirus. Ginia Bellafonte at The New York Times tried so hard to blame Fox News (specifically Sean Hannity) for Joyce's death because he went on a cruise on March 1. Supposedly Joyce decided to go ahead with his plans because Hannity downplayed the virus. The hatred for Fox News blinded Bellafonte because she made two basic mistakes, which caused her editors to fix her piece. Oh, they did not add an "editor's note" at the bottom. The two problems: Joyce went on his cruise on March 1, but Bellafonte quoted remarks from Hannity on March 8. Bellafonte forgot she didn't take the virus seriously around the same time.

Hundreds of Native Americans recently demanded Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) renounce any claim to Native American ancestry and admit that her family lore stories were false. This led Fox News anchor Bret Baier to ask 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (MN), during her town hall appearance on Fox News, if Warren should do drop those claims.